Postmodernism and the Transformation of America


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Postmodernism, in a nutshell, is a radical left ideology, a means of interpreting the world and human nature from a fundamental belief no absolute truth exists; every aspect of existence is relative to a given moment and changeable. Postmodernism also asserts all previously held modernist (traditional beliefs) are social constructs or institutions/truths which were constructed by societies, namely oppressive ones, and thus can be redefined at will. This belief in redefining reality also applies to human biology and the proven findings of all other sciences. Finally, in this brief introduction, Postmodernism seeks the assimilation of all cultures and nations, with a survival of the fittest expectation for which of them continues to exist after mass final integration has occurred.

With a rough definition of Postmodernism out of the way, we can begin to examine how this ideology, a dominant one in higher academia across our country, has through its influence in all aspects of pop culture, the media and left leaning politics, has and is changing the fundamental fabric of our American civilization—in effect tearing it down from the inside out.

When combined with or adopted by a powerful and influential political movement, Postmodernism becomes a nearly unstoppable ideological weapon. In our America of today, Postmodernism has been folded into the official epistemology and ethos of the Democratic Party. In fact, it has become the underlying philosophy du jour of the American left and nearly all its core and signature political platforms and proposed policies.

Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.

Further important examples include the prevailing ideological, extremely politically purposed, influential belief that men can become women and vice versa. For thousands and thousands of years common everyday people have known this is not the case. And yet, the proselytizers of Postmodernism embedded in the Democratic Party and academia would insist all those people down through the ages have somehow missed this unseen "truth" of interchangeable sexes.

A question then comes to mind. If the philosophies of Postmodernism are so obviously false, so blatantly destructive to the foundations of our civilization upon which we all depend on for our freedoms, liberties and the rule of law and order, then why have so many Americans become religious believers in Postmodernism? We have thousands of expectant mothers murdering their unborn children every month. Mothers and fathers allowing their small children's minds and bodies to be twisted and mutilated into gruesome simulations of their opposite sex at birth, and parents who take their children to be indoctrinated at local libraries by demonic looking men dressed as women.

One likely answer is Postmodernism, as disseminated and sold to the American people through academia, the media and entertainment industries, delivers a message assuring its believers they are empowered to break any and all cultural, logical, healthy taboos without concern for punishment of any kind or well deserved persecution. In a functioning society citizens cannot simply do whatever they want to themselves or others whenever they feel like it. If they did, chaos would spread and engulf civilization and no order could be had. The order we Americans depend on for our freedom, safety, ability to better ourselves and provide for our families would cease to be possible. Postmodernism tells people the exact opposite. That because no absolute truth or morality exists, any form of behavior is acceptable, even encouraged.

I will end this piece on Postmodernism by speaking to the basic survival requirements of both individual human beings like you or I, and to the continuation of our entire species. As individuals we require food, shelter, clothing yes but also the freedom and perception of individuality and a day to day grasp on a reality which is the never changing, fundamental reference point for existing without going insane. As a species, we must reproduce, co-exist within civilization, trust each other at large in order to maintain and better civilization, and protect our children so they can inherit our world after we pass into history. Postmodernism truly, evidently is the antithesis to all of the aforementioned requirements for our survival. If we allow ourselves to be convinced on race of mankind is out to mass murder the other, we will not be capable of maintaining society or keep it together for long. If we allow a majority of expectant mothers to abort their unborn children, our species will decline and die off. If we allow a majority of children to have their reproductive capabilities mutilated for ideological purposes, our species will go extinct. And if we teach our children no absolute truth or morality exists, then when our civilization soon after crumbles, they will not have the basis mental tools to repair or restore or rebuild it.

Postmodernism, the politicized ideology weaponized by the American left as political correctness, intersectionality and moral relativism, which they have married to Marxism, will swallow our America unless the damage it has already wrought is reversed and its continued creep is halted for all of time.
Postmodernism, in a nutshell, is a radical left ideology, a means of interpreting the world and human nature from a fundamental belief no absolute truth exists; every aspect of existence is relative to a given moment and changeable. Postmodernism also asserts all previously held modernist (traditional beliefs) are social constructs or institutions/truths which were constructed by societies, namely oppressive ones, and thus can be redefined at will. This belief in redefining reality also applies to human biology and the proven findings of all other sciences. Finally, in this brief introduction, Postmodernism seeks the assimilation of all cultures and nations, with a survival of the fittest expectation for which of them continues to exist after mass final integration has occurred.

With a rough definition of Postmodernism out of the way, we can begin to examine how this ideology, a dominant one in higher academia across our country, has through its influence in all aspects of pop culture, the media and left leaning politics, has and is changing the fundamental fabric of our American civilization—in effect tearing it down from the inside out.

When combined with or adopted by a powerful and influential political movement, Postmodernism becomes a nearly unstoppable ideological weapon. In our America of today, Postmodernism has been folded into the official epistemology and ethos of the Democratic Party. In fact, it has become the underlying philosophy du jour of the American left and nearly all its core and signature political platforms and proposed policies.

Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.

Further important examples include the prevailing ideological, extremely politically purposed, influential belief that men can become women and vice versa. For thousands and thousands of years common everyday people have known this is not the case. And yet, the proselytizers of Postmodernism embedded in the Democratic Party and academia would insist all those people down through the ages have somehow missed this unseen "truth" of interchangeable sexes.

A question then comes to mind. If the philosophies of Postmodernism are so obviously false, so blatantly destructive to the foundations of our civilization upon which we all depend on for our freedoms, liberties and the rule of law and order, then why have so many Americans become religious believers in Postmodernism? We have thousands of expectant mothers murdering their unborn children every month. Mothers and fathers allowing their small children's minds and bodies to be twisted and mutilated into gruesome simulations of their opposite sex at birth, and parents who take their children to be indoctrinated at local libraries by demonic looking men dressed as women.

One likely answer is Postmodernism, as disseminated and sold to the American people through academia, the media and entertainment industries, delivers a message assuring its believers they are empowered to break any and all cultural, logical, healthy taboos without concern for punishment of any kind or well deserved persecution. In a functioning society citizens cannot simply do whatever they want to themselves or others whenever they feel like it. If they did, chaos would spread and engulf civilization and no order could be had. The order we Americans depend on for our freedom, safety, ability to better ourselves and provide for our families would cease to be possible. Postmodernism tells people the exact opposite. That because no absolute truth or morality exists, any form of behavior is acceptable, even encouraged.

I will end this piece on Postmodernism by speaking to the basic survival requirements of both individual human beings like you or I, and to the continuation of our entire species. As individuals we require food, shelter, clothing yes but also the freedom and perception of individuality and a day to day grasp on a reality which is the never changing, fundamental reference point for existing without going insane. As a species, we must reproduce, co-exist within civilization, trust each other at large in order to maintain and better civilization, and protect our children so they can inherit our world after we pass into history. Postmodernism truly, evidently is the antithesis to all of the aforementioned requirements for our survival. If we allow ourselves to be convinced on race of mankind is out to mass murder the other, we will not be capable of maintaining society or keep it together for long. If we allow a majority of expectant mothers to abort their unborn children, our species will decline and die off. If we allow a majority of children to have their reproductive capabilities mutilated for ideological purposes, our species will go extinct. And if we teach our children no absolute truth or morality exists, then when our civilization soon after crumbles, they will not have the basis mental tools to repair or restore or rebuild it.

Postmodernism, the politicized ideology weaponized by the American left as political correctness, intersectionality and moral relativism, which they have married to Marxism, will swallow our America unless the damage it has already wrought is reversed and its continued creep is halted for all of time.
And where is this postmodernism being taught - in our colleges or does it start earlier than that ??? How is our youth being indoctronated, and at what exact point is it being done ???
Postmodernism, in a nutshell, is a radical left ideology, a means of interpreting the world and human nature from a fundamental belief no absolute truth exists; every aspect of existence is relative to a given moment and changeable. Postmodernism also asserts all previously held modernist (traditional beliefs) are social constructs or institutions/truths which were constructed by societies, namely oppressive ones, and thus can be redefined at will. This belief in redefining reality also applies to human biology and the proven findings of all other sciences. Finally, in this brief introduction, Postmodernism seeks the assimilation of all cultures and nations, with a survival of the fittest expectation for which of them continues to exist after mass final integration has occurred.

With a rough definition of Postmodernism out of the way, we can begin to examine how this ideology, a dominant one in higher academia across our country, has through its influence in all aspects of pop culture, the media and left leaning politics, has and is changing the fundamental fabric of our American civilization—in effect tearing it down from the inside out.

When combined with or adopted by a powerful and influential political movement, Postmodernism becomes a nearly unstoppable ideological weapon. In our America of today, Postmodernism has been folded into the official epistemology and ethos of the Democratic Party. In fact, it has become the underlying philosophy du jour of the American left and nearly all its core and signature political platforms and proposed policies.

Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.

Further important examples include the prevailing ideological, extremely politically purposed, influential belief that men can become women and vice versa. For thousands and thousands of years common everyday people have known this is not the case. And yet, the proselytizers of Postmodernism embedded in the Democratic Party and academia would insist all those people down through the ages have somehow missed this unseen "truth" of interchangeable sexes.

A question then comes to mind. If the philosophies of Postmodernism are so obviously false, so blatantly destructive to the foundations of our civilization upon which we all depend on for our freedoms, liberties and the rule of law and order, then why have so many Americans become religious believers in Postmodernism? We have thousands of expectant mothers murdering their unborn children every month. Mothers and fathers allowing their small children's minds and bodies to be twisted and mutilated into gruesome simulations of their opposite sex at birth, and parents who take their children to be indoctrinated at local libraries by demonic looking men dressed as women.

One likely answer is Postmodernism, as disseminated and sold to the American people through academia, the media and entertainment industries, delivers a message assuring its believers they are empowered to break any and all cultural, logical, healthy taboos without concern for punishment of any kind or well deserved persecution. In a functioning society citizens cannot simply do whatever they want to themselves or others whenever they feel like it. If they did, chaos would spread and engulf civilization and no order could be had. The order we Americans depend on for our freedom, safety, ability to better ourselves and provide for our families would cease to be possible. Postmodernism tells people the exact opposite. That because no absolute truth or morality exists, any form of behavior is acceptable, even encouraged.

I will end this piece on Postmodernism by speaking to the basic survival requirements of both individual human beings like you or I, and to the continuation of our entire species. As individuals we require food, shelter, clothing yes but also the freedom and perception of individuality and a day to day grasp on a reality which is the never changing, fundamental reference point for existing without going insane. As a species, we must reproduce, co-exist within civilization, trust each other at large in order to maintain and better civilization, and protect our children so they can inherit our world after we pass into history. Postmodernism truly, evidently is the antithesis to all of the aforementioned requirements for our survival. If we allow ourselves to be convinced on race of mankind is out to mass murder the other, we will not be capable of maintaining society or keep it together for long. If we allow a majority of expectant mothers to abort their unborn children, our species will decline and die off. If we allow a majority of children to have their reproductive capabilities mutilated for ideological purposes, our species will go extinct. And if we teach our children no absolute truth or morality exists, then when our civilization soon after crumbles, they will not have the basis mental tools to repair or restore or rebuild it.

Postmodernism, the politicized ideology weaponized by the American left as political correctness, intersectionality and moral relativism, which they have married to Marxism, will swallow our America unless the damage it has already wrought is reversed and its continued creep is halted for all of time.
And where is this postmodernism being taught - in our colleges or does it start earlier than that ??? How is our youth being indoctronated, and at what exact point is it being done ???
A better question would be, where was the OP indoctrinated? His is no casual observation. He was taught to think it, for sure.
That all human words, constructs and actions are relative is absolutely true.
That they are subject to revision and reformation is true.
That all should be necessarily torn apart and made different is not true.
That evaluation be made of present systems and genuine improvement made would be desirable.
Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.
That is your interpretation. I see no attempt to inspire mass hysteria related to white supremacy being an ever present danger.

The simple fact of the matter is that we are living in a moment of time when some white men have chosen to display in public their fears that they are being eradicated, or some crazy shit. Of course it is going to be a point of public discussion. That it is being done to induce hysteria is your subjective interpretation of things based on your prejudices clearly expressed in the OP.
Postmodernism, in a nutshell, is a radical left ideology, a means of interpreting the world and human nature from a fundamental belief no absolute truth exists; every aspect of existence is relative to a given moment and changeable. Postmodernism also asserts all previously held modernist (traditional beliefs) are social constructs or institutions/truths which were constructed by societies, namely oppressive ones, and thus can be redefined at will. This belief in redefining reality also applies to human biology and the proven findings of all other sciences. Finally, in this brief introduction, Postmodernism seeks the assimilation of all cultures and nations, with a survival of the fittest expectation for which of them continues to exist after mass final integration has occurred.

With a rough definition of Postmodernism out of the way, we can begin to examine how this ideology, a dominant one in higher academia across our country, has through its influence in all aspects of pop culture, the media and left leaning politics, has and is changing the fundamental fabric of our American civilization—in effect tearing it down from the inside out.

When combined with or adopted by a powerful and influential political movement, Postmodernism becomes a nearly unstoppable ideological weapon. In our America of today, Postmodernism has been folded into the official epistemology and ethos of the Democratic Party. In fact, it has become the underlying philosophy du jour of the American left and nearly all its core and signature political platforms and proposed policies.

Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.

Further important examples include the prevailing ideological, extremely politically purposed, influential belief that men can become women and vice versa. For thousands and thousands of years common everyday people have known this is not the case. And yet, the proselytizers of Postmodernism embedded in the Democratic Party and academia would insist all those people down through the ages have somehow missed this unseen "truth" of interchangeable sexes.

A question then comes to mind. If the philosophies of Postmodernism are so obviously false, so blatantly destructive to the foundations of our civilization upon which we all depend on for our freedoms, liberties and the rule of law and order, then why have so many Americans become religious believers in Postmodernism? We have thousands of expectant mothers murdering their unborn children every month. Mothers and fathers allowing their small children's minds and bodies to be twisted and mutilated into gruesome simulations of their opposite sex at birth, and parents who take their children to be indoctrinated at local libraries by demonic looking men dressed as women.

One likely answer is Postmodernism, as disseminated and sold to the American people through academia, the media and entertainment industries, delivers a message assuring its believers they are empowered to break any and all cultural, logical, healthy taboos without concern for punishment of any kind or well deserved persecution. In a functioning society citizens cannot simply do whatever they want to themselves or others whenever they feel like it. If they did, chaos would spread and engulf civilization and no order could be had. The order we Americans depend on for our freedom, safety, ability to better ourselves and provide for our families would cease to be possible. Postmodernism tells people the exact opposite. That because no absolute truth or morality exists, any form of behavior is acceptable, even encouraged.

I will end this piece on Postmodernism by speaking to the basic survival requirements of both individual human beings like you or I, and to the continuation of our entire species. As individuals we require food, shelter, clothing yes but also the freedom and perception of individuality and a day to day grasp on a reality which is the never changing, fundamental reference point for existing without going insane. As a species, we must reproduce, co-exist within civilization, trust each other at large in order to maintain and better civilization, and protect our children so they can inherit our world after we pass into history. Postmodernism truly, evidently is the antithesis to all of the aforementioned requirements for our survival. If we allow ourselves to be convinced on race of mankind is out to mass murder the other, we will not be capable of maintaining society or keep it together for long. If we allow a majority of expectant mothers to abort their unborn children, our species will decline and die off. If we allow a majority of children to have their reproductive capabilities mutilated for ideological purposes, our species will go extinct. And if we teach our children no absolute truth or morality exists, then when our civilization soon after crumbles, they will not have the basis mental tools to repair or restore or rebuild it.

Postmodernism, the politicized ideology weaponized by the American left as political correctness, intersectionality and moral relativism, which they have married to Marxism, will swallow our America unless the damage it has already wrought is reversed and its continued creep is halted for all of time.

"You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." --John 8:32

True when Jesus said it 2,000 years ago. True now. The non-truth of post-modernism needs obfuscation, explanation, and context--and even after all that, is knocked down by truth.

The truth--then, now and always--stands on its own. It cannot be easily knocked down by feelings, wailing, or obfuscation. People may not LIKE it. But there it is.

I believe the Left, at least culturally, pushed their post-modernism too far and is now in retreat. No one really buys the many-genders thing. Oh sure, transgenders are on the rise. If anything people are more skeptical than every and most especially when it comes to children. We finally accepted gay marriage but of course that wasn't good enough--we knew it would not be. So the radical Left tried to push the truth that what's in our pants it not REALLY the truth. (See how bizarre this is? I'm ever blunt.) That gender is a "contruct" and it's all invented.

Most people recognize this as ridiculous.

You cannot overthrow ingrained biology and physiology to make 1% of people feel better. I mean you can try. But you will fail.

And they are failing.
Postmodernism, in a nutshell, is a radical left ideology, a means of interpreting the world and human nature from a fundamental belief no absolute truth exists; every aspect of existence is relative to a given moment and changeable. Postmodernism also asserts all previously held modernist (traditional beliefs) are social constructs or institutions/truths which were constructed by societies, namely oppressive ones, and thus can be redefined at will. This belief in redefining reality also applies to human biology and the proven findings of all other sciences. Finally, in this brief introduction, Postmodernism seeks the assimilation of all cultures and nations, with a survival of the fittest expectation for which of them continues to exist after mass final integration has occurred.

With a rough definition of Postmodernism out of the way, we can begin to examine how this ideology, a dominant one in higher academia across our country, has through its influence in all aspects of pop culture, the media and left leaning politics, has and is changing the fundamental fabric of our American civilization—in effect tearing it down from the inside out.

When combined with or adopted by a powerful and influential political movement, Postmodernism becomes a nearly unstoppable ideological weapon. In our America of today, Postmodernism has been folded into the official epistemology and ethos of the Democratic Party. In fact, it has become the underlying philosophy du jour of the American left and nearly all its core and signature political platforms and proposed policies.

Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.

Further important examples include the prevailing ideological, extremely politically purposed, influential belief that men can become women and vice versa. For thousands and thousands of years common everyday people have known this is not the case. And yet, the proselytizers of Postmodernism embedded in the Democratic Party and academia would insist all those people down through the ages have somehow missed this unseen "truth" of interchangeable sexes.

A question then comes to mind. If the philosophies of Postmodernism are so obviously false, so blatantly destructive to the foundations of our civilization upon which we all depend on for our freedoms, liberties and the rule of law and order, then why have so many Americans become religious believers in Postmodernism? We have thousands of expectant mothers murdering their unborn children every month. Mothers and fathers allowing their small children's minds and bodies to be twisted and mutilated into gruesome simulations of their opposite sex at birth, and parents who take their children to be indoctrinated at local libraries by demonic looking men dressed as women.

One likely answer is Postmodernism, as disseminated and sold to the American people through academia, the media and entertainment industries, delivers a message assuring its believers they are empowered to break any and all cultural, logical, healthy taboos without concern for punishment of any kind or well deserved persecution. In a functioning society citizens cannot simply do whatever they want to themselves or others whenever they feel like it. If they did, chaos would spread and engulf civilization and no order could be had. The order we Americans depend on for our freedom, safety, ability to better ourselves and provide for our families would cease to be possible. Postmodernism tells people the exact opposite. That because no absolute truth or morality exists, any form of behavior is acceptable, even encouraged.

I will end this piece on Postmodernism by speaking to the basic survival requirements of both individual human beings like you or I, and to the continuation of our entire species. As individuals we require food, shelter, clothing yes but also the freedom and perception of individuality and a day to day grasp on a reality which is the never changing, fundamental reference point for existing without going insane. As a species, we must reproduce, co-exist within civilization, trust each other at large in order to maintain and better civilization, and protect our children so they can inherit our world after we pass into history. Postmodernism truly, evidently is the antithesis to all of the aforementioned requirements for our survival. If we allow ourselves to be convinced on race of mankind is out to mass murder the other, we will not be capable of maintaining society or keep it together for long. If we allow a majority of expectant mothers to abort their unborn children, our species will decline and die off. If we allow a majority of children to have their reproductive capabilities mutilated for ideological purposes, our species will go extinct. And if we teach our children no absolute truth or morality exists, then when our civilization soon after crumbles, they will not have the basis mental tools to repair or restore or rebuild it.

Postmodernism, the politicized ideology weaponized by the American left as political correctness, intersectionality and moral relativism, which they have married to Marxism, will swallow our America unless the damage it has already wrought is reversed and its continued creep is halted for all of time.

"You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." --John 8:32

True when Jesus said it 2,000 years ago. True now. The non-truth of post-modernism needs obfuscation, explanation, and context--and even after all that, is knocked down by truth.

The truth--then, now and always--stands on its own. It cannot be easily knocked down by feelings, wailing, or obfuscation. People may not LIKE it. But there it is.

I believe the Left, at least culturally, pushed their post-modernism too far and is now in retreat. No one really buys the many-genders thing. Oh sure, transgenders are on the rise. If anything people are more skeptical than every and most especially when it comes to children. We finally accepted gay marriage but of course that wasn't good enough--we knew it would not be. So the radical Left tried to push the truth that what's in our pants it not REALLY the truth. (See how bizarre this is? I'm ever blunt.) That gender is a "contruct" and it's all invented.

Most people recognize this as ridiculous.

You cannot overthrow ingrained biology and physiology to make 1% of people feel better. I mean you can try. But you will fail.

And they are failing.

Thank you for your response. Postmodernism itself, as an ideology and dialectic of anti-truth depends on long established modernist absolute truths to exist at all, hence the inherent irony and hypocrisy of the movement. Its influence began in America as a cultural movement blended with Cultural Marxism but has since embedded itself deeply in the politics of the modern Democratic Party. While I'd like to believe as you do it is on the decline, last I checked it's nearly impossible to determine whether its tide of madness is incoming or outgoing. As with most everything else, time will tell.
Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.
That is your interpretation. I see no attempt to inspire mass hysteria related to white supremacy being an ever present danger.

The simple fact of the matter is that we are living in a moment of time when some white men have chosen to display in public their fears that they are being eradicated, or some crazy shit. Of course it is going to be a point of public discussion. That it is being done to induce hysteria is your subjective interpretation of things based on your prejudices clearly expressed in the OP.

In order to claim your own capability to identify my supposed prejudices, you must draw from your own subjective, prejudicial perceptions of the way things are or are not going down in the world around us. Your criticism of my observations depends on those observations to form your own assertive reaction. You do not accept misrepresentation of one demographic through obvious 24/7 media hysteria disseminated to millions of addict viewers, and yet you turn round to cast your own set of subjective accusations: white men are bad; white men are phobic. Next time, do try to cover your own backside with an autonomous position capable of withstanding without my own position as a crutch to hold it upright.
That all human words, constructs and actions are relative is absolutely true.
That they are subject to revision and reformation is true.
That all should be necessarily torn apart and made different is not true.
That evaluation be made of present systems and genuine improvement made would be desirable.

That being the case, your first statement is false.
That all human words, constructs and actions are relative is absolutely true.
That they are subject to revision and reformation is true.
That all should be necessarily torn apart and made different is not true.
That evaluation be made of present systems and genuine improvement made would be desirable.

That being the case, your first statement is false.
Not at all.
Postmodernism, in a nutshell, is a radical left ideology, a means of interpreting the world and human nature from a fundamental belief no absolute truth exists; every aspect of existence is relative to a given moment and changeable. Postmodernism also asserts all previously held modernist (traditional beliefs) are social constructs or institutions/truths which were constructed by societies, namely oppressive ones, and thus can be redefined at will. This belief in redefining reality also applies to human biology and the proven findings of all other sciences. Finally, in this brief introduction, Postmodernism seeks the assimilation of all cultures and nations, with a survival of the fittest expectation for which of them continues to exist after mass final integration has occurred.

With a rough definition of Postmodernism out of the way, we can begin to examine how this ideology, a dominant one in higher academia across our country, has through its influence in all aspects of pop culture, the media and left leaning politics, has and is changing the fundamental fabric of our American civilization—in effect tearing it down from the inside out.

When combined with or adopted by a powerful and influential political movement, Postmodernism becomes a nearly unstoppable ideological weapon. In our America of today, Postmodernism has been folded into the official epistemology and ethos of the Democratic Party. In fact, it has become the underlying philosophy du jour of the American left and nearly all its core and signature political platforms and proposed policies.

Perhaps the most poignant example of the hard American left's use of Postmodernism as a weapon against our nation in recent times is in the redefinition of everyday reality pertaining specifically to the Democratic Party talking point and attempt to inspire mass hysteria that White Supremacy or Terrorism is a rampant and present danger to all non-white American Citizens everywhere across the nation, even to non-white visiting tourists. The easiest way to disprove this deceptive flipping of reality upside down is to simply visit a few towns or cities and speak to people and observe them interacting with each other—without fear of people of any skin color and without sight of white lynch mobs cruising down the avenue. People in America, by and large, are happy to get along with and interact with each other, hold doors for each other, sit in patient waiting rooms together, shop together, etc. without attacking each other on sight, as the 24/7 Postmodernist fueled media would have us believe is really the case.

Further important examples include the prevailing ideological, extremely politically purposed, influential belief that men can become women and vice versa. For thousands and thousands of years common everyday people have known this is not the case. And yet, the proselytizers of Postmodernism embedded in the Democratic Party and academia would insist all those people down through the ages have somehow missed this unseen "truth" of interchangeable sexes.

A question then comes to mind. If the philosophies of Postmodernism are so obviously false, so blatantly destructive to the foundations of our civilization upon which we all depend on for our freedoms, liberties and the rule of law and order, then why have so many Americans become religious believers in Postmodernism? We have thousands of expectant mothers murdering their unborn children every month. Mothers and fathers allowing their small children's minds and bodies to be twisted and mutilated into gruesome simulations of their opposite sex at birth, and parents who take their children to be indoctrinated at local libraries by demonic looking men dressed as women.

One likely answer is Postmodernism, as disseminated and sold to the American people through academia, the media and entertainment industries, delivers a message assuring its believers they are empowered to break any and all cultural, logical, healthy taboos without concern for punishment of any kind or well deserved persecution. In a functioning society citizens cannot simply do whatever they want to themselves or others whenever they feel like it. If they did, chaos would spread and engulf civilization and no order could be had. The order we Americans depend on for our freedom, safety, ability to better ourselves and provide for our families would cease to be possible. Postmodernism tells people the exact opposite. That because no absolute truth or morality exists, any form of behavior is acceptable, even encouraged.

I will end this piece on Postmodernism by speaking to the basic survival requirements of both individual human beings like you or I, and to the continuation of our entire species. As individuals we require food, shelter, clothing yes but also the freedom and perception of individuality and a day to day grasp on a reality which is the never changing, fundamental reference point for existing without going insane. As a species, we must reproduce, co-exist within civilization, trust each other at large in order to maintain and better civilization, and protect our children so they can inherit our world after we pass into history. Postmodernism truly, evidently is the antithesis to all of the aforementioned requirements for our survival. If we allow ourselves to be convinced on race of mankind is out to mass murder the other, we will not be capable of maintaining society or keep it together for long. If we allow a majority of expectant mothers to abort their unborn children, our species will decline and die off. If we allow a majority of children to have their reproductive capabilities mutilated for ideological purposes, our species will go extinct. And if we teach our children no absolute truth or morality exists, then when our civilization soon after crumbles, they will not have the basis mental tools to repair or restore or rebuild it.

Postmodernism, the politicized ideology weaponized by the American left as political correctness, intersectionality and moral relativism, which they have married to Marxism, will swallow our America unless the damage it has already wrought is reversed and its continued creep is halted for all of time.
And where is this postmodernism being taught - in our colleges or does it start earlier than that ??? How is our youth being indoctronated, and at what exact point is it being done ???

An offshoot of Postmodernism, Critical Theory, is very influential in Educational Psychology. Critical Pedagogy heavily influences the educational system. It starts in grade school.

Critical theory - Wikipedia

"Advocates of critical pedagogy view teaching as an inherently political act, reject the neutrality of knowledge, and insist that issues of social justice and democracy itself are not distinct from acts of teaching and learning. The goal of critical pedagogy is emancipation from oppression through an awakening of the critical consciousness, based on the Portuguese term conscientização. When achieved, critical consciousness encourages individuals to effect change in their world through social critique and political action."

You see, it's all about indoctrinating kids that traditional education was racist, sexist, homophobic and that the ideas that prevailed during the Enlightenment period only did so because of white, male dominance. Also, turning out angry political activists is what the educational system is really all about.

"As teachers relinquish the authority of truth providers, they assume the mature authority of facilitators of student inquiry and problem-solving. In relation to such teacher authority, students gain their freedom--they gain the ability to become self-directed human beings capable of producing their own knowledge."

Critical Pedagogy is also one of the reasons teachers struggle to maintain discipline over their classrooms. It's big on areas of study like Ethnomathematics, EthnoPhysics, and various other subfields. It was first implemented in progressive areas, starting a few decades ago. It has been instrumental in producing the screaming mobs of SJW retards that storm around college campuses shouting down speakers.

It started to gain prominence in academia with the Frankfurt School. Later, the counter-culture movement of the hippy era flooded it with eager converts attending college to avoid the Vietnam War. Many who were only attending college to avoid the war, not being serious students, were attracted to the fluff fields in the humainties and social sciences where they can never be proven wrong. Fueled by the anti-establishment attitude of the times, they embraced the teachings of the subversive communists in the Frankfurt School and the whole thing really took off. It has been undermining our educational system and mainstream media for decades, rotting our culture from the inside out.

By the way, I'm not being critical, I'm being objective.
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