Post your Trump/CNN memes/GIF's/Videos here!


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
CNN asked for, and they got it!







Like that avatar there of the falcons superbowl.:thup:. That was the second most obviously rigged superbowl ever since the cheats and the seahawks when carrol took a payoff to throw the superbowl at the very end of the game.:D

These superbowls are rigged as hell especially when the cheats are in them.the thinking person KNEW that when they were down by that huge margin,it was scripted for them to come back and win Get serious that this game was not rigged same as the seahawks game that carrol threw. the NFL would NEVER want a a superbowl with them getting blown out because of the magic name PATRIOTS the fact it is a description of americans.wakey wakey.

Like a bunch of players are all of a sudden going to come out in the second half and play nothing like they did in the first half when they were just blowing them away and could do no wrong.yeah right.:rolleyes:

ever since I got wise to how these games are rigged going in,just as phony as pro wrestling a couple years ago when it was so obvious caroll threw the game against them,I now dont watch the game because i always know what the outcome will be.Its so easy to know in advance ESPECIALLY with the cheats involved,that the games are fixed.:rolleyes:

people laugh at me for suggesting it but I am the one laughing all the way to the bank.People laughed at me when i said the cheats would come back and win.everybody knows NFL commissioner roger goddel has his head up patriots owner Robert Krafts ass thats WHY it was a no brainer they would come back and win.:lmao:
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Trump experiments how godlike the Coerced News Network is:
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Trump kicks fake news out of the Matrix:

Darth Trump forces CNN adopt a journalistic standard:

This thread deseves 5 Flounders!

After Donald Trump tweeted a video meme of himself body-slamming someone with a CNN logo in place of a head, the news network whose coverage of him has been 93% negative cried foul and accused him of creating a climate of violence toward the American press.

Despite endlessly desperate and hysterically flailing attempts over the past seven months, CNN has failed to provide one pubic hair’s worth of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to hack the election. However, it took them only a few hours to find the anonymous contributor on who came up with the video meme in the first place.

Last Tuesday, the user, one HanAssholeSolo, issued an apology on Reddit that might set a new world record for groveling:

I would…like to apologize for the posts made that were racist, bigoted, and anti-semitic. I am in no way this kind of person, I love and accept people of all walks of life and have done so for my entire life. I am not the person that the media portrays me to be in real life, I was trolling and posting things to get a reaction from the subs on reddit and never meant any of the hateful things I said in those posts….I love people of all races, creeds and origins. One of my best friends is a homosexual and one of my best friends is Jewish and one of my best friends is Muslim.

While denying that it coerced HanAssholeSolo into an apology with a threat to reveal his identity and thus ruin his life, CNN added that it “reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”

Some have speculated that what irked CNN’s top brass was not the Trump video, but a graphic that HanAssholeSolo had posted which revealed that the network was disproportionately staffed by members of a very tiny but very influential American minority. In 2010, CNN reporter Rick Sanchez was fired for noticing the exact same thing.

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