Post Solutions Here


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I have gone back pages and pages and pages on the Politics section, and do not see a single topic which proposes a solution for any of the issues facing our country.

All the topics are partisan hackery bullshit. They can all be boiled down to three topics:

1. Liberals suck!

2. Conservatives suck!

3. Fags suck!

Seriously. Look at the topic titles on the front page. I defy you to find one that puts a solution to any problem on the table.

So. Put a solution to any problem facing America on the table right now. Any issue. ISIS, unemployment, immigration, the debt, race relations, etc.

Demonstrate some intelligence.

You like the FAIR Tax? Explain it.

You want boots on the ground in the Middle East to fight ISIS? Have the balls to say so and explain why.

Stop whining, start fixing.
defense spending; close all foreign ports and bases unless the locals pay for costs.
ISIS is not our problem, leave the ME and never return unless directly attacked.
immigration is not a problem, the lies that illegal aliens are immigrants is. fine any outlet that pushes clear and provable lies
UE; well the government dicking with the market caused all major issues, so getting it to stop would be helpful. like not pushing banks to give loans they wouldn't give, not forcing states to take the lowest bid on roads to get aide.
race relations; keep the mic out of the obamas hands, they are intentionally making things worse.
taxes, do away with taxes coming out of pay checks and create a Fed sales tax. this will lower Fed spending as it would eliminate the need of an irs, and black market money will now be taxed.

I've post all or most of this before, so try looking harder
Basically, go with the pre tea party gop HC plan.
End allowing private employers to get tax deductions for employee health care. "Give" every privately employed worker or dependent a tax credit sufficient to access preventative care and regular office visits for stuff like illness and broken arms. Require they buy a minimum plan. If at the end of the year, they have not spent out of pocket for the plan and co-pays, just let them keep half of that to lower the tax they owe the fed govt.
The Middle East is about 100 years behind the West, and it must go through a transition similar to what the West went through, which was extremely destructive and bloody (WWI and WWII). I just don't see any way around that.

So our best policy would probably be to stay as much out of the way of that transition as possible, and wait for the Arabs to come out the other side.
Basically, go with the pre tea party gop HC plan.
End allowing private employers to get tax deductions for employee health care. "Give" every privately employed worker or dependent a tax credit sufficient to access preventative care and regular office visits for stuff like illness and broken arms. Require they buy a minimum plan. If at the end of the year, they have not spent out of pocket for the plan and co-pays, just let them keep half of that to lower the tax they owe the fed govt.
this is the same shit dems do.

do as we say and you get money

bribery, is what it is
The Middle East is about 100 years behind the West, and it must go through a transition similar to what the West went through, which was extremely destructive and bloody (WWI and WWII). I just don't see any way around that.

So our best policy would probably be to stay as much out of the way of that transition as possible, and wait for the Arabs to come out the other side.

they are killing each other for not being the right kind of muslim.

the west hasn't killed over religion since the Dark Ages.

except for some occasional "burn the witch" stuff
The solutions have been mentioned many times, you must filter it all out. Voting for liberals gives them power and opportunity to fuck up everything they touch, and they do. Voting for conservatives is the answer you're groping for. Spend less than you make, don't fix what isn't broke, change what you need to, not what you can.

Lower taxes, especially corporate taxes. Let's adopt a business friendly atmosphere instead of running them off, thinking we can all just shit more money for the government. I could go on but you need to read the posts instead of pretending they don't exist.
Raise incomes across the board by at least $10/hr for everyone making under $200k p.a. (Yes, that sounds like a lot but in some parts of this nation that is barely enough for a family of four.)

The resulting economic cash influx will improve the economy and create jobs which in turn creates more taxpayers which increases revenues which eliminates the whining about government spending.

Once we have the economy going again we can raise taxes to the levels they were in the 1990's when we could lower the national debt.

For those who ask where will the additional $10/hr come from it will come out of profits that would otherwise go into the offshore accounts of wealthy shareholders and the Wall Street Casino Bosses. Yes, they will see a short term drop in their earnings but they will recoup their losses and make it all up again once the economy gets back up and running. They can afford to invest in the future for America so it's time they actually put their money to some practical good for We the People.
Basically, go with the pre tea party gop HC plan.
End allowing private employers to get tax deductions for employee health care. "Give" every privately employed worker or dependent a tax credit sufficient to access preventative care and regular office visits for stuff like illness and broken arms. Require they buy a minimum plan. If at the end of the year, they have not spent out of pocket for the plan and co-pays, just let them keep half of that to lower the tax they owe the fed govt.
this is the same shit dems do.

do as we say and you get money

bribery, is what it is
No it's not. You're still not tracking what g5000 is saying about tax expenditures. Now we give the tax expenditure to employers. The pre-tea party thought was take it from them and give it to employees. First, it gives more power to individuals. Second, if an individual holds down costs by not consuming as much, the individual is rewarded. And telling someone to buy insurance or pay the rest of us back for their freeloading is not tyranny.
The Middle East is about 100 years behind the West, and it must go through a transition similar to what the West went through, which was extremely destructive and bloody (WWI and WWII). I just don't see any way around that.

So our best policy would probably be to stay as much out of the way of that transition as possible, and wait for the Arabs to come out the other side.

they are killing each other for not being the right kind of muslim.

the west hasn't killed over religion since the Dark Ages.

except for some occasional "burn the witch" stuff

They were killing each other over religion in Ireland through most of the last century.
You missed my solution to the Isis problem. Pray some. Kill all.


do we go to war b/c people in the ME are killing people in the ME?

how many Americans die so you can get fake revenge?
Their ultimate and primary goal is to attack us...if they don't they will never be able to achieve their Caliphate. Oreill's proposal makes sense to me. 10000 troops each from obabble's unprecedented coalition....equals 600000. We lead, we train. Isis is annihilated.
Raise incomes across the board by at least $10/hr for everyone making under $200k p.a. (Yes, that sounds like a lot but in some parts of this nation that is barely enough for a family of four.)

The resulting economic cash influx will improve the economy and create jobs which in turn creates more taxpayers which increases revenues which eliminates the whining about government spending.

Once we have the economy going again we can raise taxes to the levels they were in the 1990's when we could lower the national debt.

For those who ask where will the additional $10/hr come from it will come out of profits that would otherwise go into the offshore accounts of wealthy shareholders and the Wall Street Casino Bosses. Yes, they will see a short term drop in their earnings but they will recoup their losses and make it all up again once the economy gets back up and running. They can afford to invest in the future for America so it's time they actually put their money to some practical good for We the People.
wow, this proves how ignorant leftist are.

we demand more tyranny b/c we can't live on 200k a year!

Basically, go with the pre tea party gop HC plan.
End allowing private employers to get tax deductions for employee health care. "Give" every privately employed worker or dependent a tax credit sufficient to access preventative care and regular office visits for stuff like illness and broken arms. Require they buy a minimum plan. If at the end of the year, they have not spent out of pocket for the plan and co-pays, just let them keep half of that to lower the tax they owe the fed govt.
this is the same shit dems do.

do as we say and you get money

bribery, is what it is
No it's not. You're still not tracking what g5000 is saying about tax expenditures. Now we give the tax expenditure to employers. The pre-tea party thought was take it from them and give it to employees. First, it gives more power to individuals. Second, if an individual holds down costs by not consuming as much, the individual is rewarded. And telling someone to buy insurance or pay the rest of us back for their freeloading is not tyranny.
telling someone they have to buy ins is tyranny.

if you don't like the system as is, tyranny will not make it better.
Raise incomes across the board by at least $10/hr for everyone making under $200k p.a. (Yes, that sounds like a lot but in some parts of this nation that is barely enough for a family of four.)

The resulting economic cash influx will improve the economy and create jobs which in turn creates more taxpayers which increases revenues which eliminates the whining about government spending.

Once we have the economy going again we can raise taxes to the levels they were in the 1990's when we could lower the national debt.

For those who ask where will the additional $10/hr come from it will come out of profits that would otherwise go into the offshore accounts of wealthy shareholders and the Wall Street Casino Bosses. Yes, they will see a short term drop in their earnings but they will recoup their losses and make it all up again once the economy gets back up and running. They can afford to invest in the future for America so it's time they actually put their money to some practical good for We the People.
wow, this proves how ignorant leftist are.

we demand more tyranny b/c we can't live on 200k a year!


I never expected the home schooled to comprehend how the economy works.
The Middle East is about 100 years behind the West, and it must go through a transition similar to what the West went through, which was extremely destructive and bloody (WWI and WWII). I just don't see any way around that.

So our best policy would probably be to stay as much out of the way of that transition as possible, and wait for the Arabs to come out the other side.

they are killing each other for not being the right kind of muslim.

the west hasn't killed over religion since the Dark Ages.

except for some occasional "burn the witch" stuff

They were killing each other over religion in Ireland through most of the last century.

True, yet not even comparable to what is going on in the ME today. The jihadists have been at it since the 7th century.
You missed my solution to the Isis problem. Pray some. Kill all.


do we go to war b/c people in the ME are killing people in the ME?

how many Americans die so you can get fake revenge?
Their ultimate and primary goal is to attack us...if they don't they will never be able to achieve their Caliphate. Oreill's proposal makes sense to me. 10000 troops each from obabble's unprecedented coalition....equals 600000. We lead, we train. Isis is annihilated.
It's been their goal since inception.

they are still stuck in the ME, killing each other, so I'm thinking we have a few centuries before they can mount an actual attack

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