Post debate polls look good for Obama!

Aug 7, 2012
Real Clear Politics


Am I reading that wrong or is only one of the averaged polls post the debate??
That's not what the image looks like on RCP. The image by the OP leaves out Rasmussen and Gallup.

Romney's debate performance helped him by the end of this week. In the next three days we will see the full effect of the Romney bump and we'll know if it was blunted at all by the 7.8% unemployment number that came out on Friday.

The race is tightening, however, the trend over the last 4 months has been that in the RCP average, Obama is either tied with or ahead of Romney nationally by up to 3-4 points. It's just been swinging in those two directions, which is good for the President.

But the enthusiasm gap is higher among Republicans now and they need to translate that into real momentum from one news cycle to the next. The 7.8% number hinders that momentum somewhat, but they can get back on the horse if Ryan is shown to have held his own up there against Biden, in a debate I feel will be reminiscent to Cheney vs. Edwards, where the Veep goes out as an attack dog for his party and his boss.

If Biden successfully puts the hammer down and makes Ryan wear the voucherizing of Medicare around his head like a crown of thorns, it will also hinder Romney/Ryan's momentum.

Romney must attain a convincing lead in VA, NC, OH and FL if he wants to have any shot at getting into striking distance of the presidency.
President Obama 251 Governor Romney 181

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

President Obama needs 19 electorial votes, Governor Romney needs 89 electorial votes.

Colorado tie.........9 ev

Florida tie.............29 ev

Iowa President Obama 3.5.............6 ev

Missouri Governor Romney 5.2..........10 ev

Nevada President Obama 4.6...........6 ev

North Coralina Governor Romney 0.8........15 ev

Ohio President Obama 3.0.............18 ev

Virginia President Obama 0.3.............13 ev

The President still clearly ahead, but Governor Romney is closing the gap.

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