Possible Good news for The Kurds!

You did not answer, captain. Have the HUPA sought secession? Has anyone
killed them for speaking and teaching their own language? I know lots and lots
of DIFFERENT communities in the USA------with their own languages. So far ----
I did study Spanish-----and even USED it whilst working in my own profession and
over here the hospitals and courts and other public venues have LONG LISTS
of languages for which there are available translators. In the medical clinic in which I worked long ago---there was an URDU translator. ---how well are the
kurds accommodated? The HUPA----most likely do speak English. As for the
URDU---it is mostly the women from Pakistan and India who do not know English.
I do admit----that there is some scarcity of Arabic translators in SOME of the
places in which I worked (not in the courts or hospitals----just small clinics) ---
are there KURDISH translators in the hospitals of Iran------or Turkey?
I like the Hupa. They should have their own language, Hupa, and nation, Hupa likewise.

they do have they sought secession?
Bolton unloads some truckloads of Aks at those new MEK trainees.

But they are Hupa in reality.

the MEK is HUPA?------try again Captain
Of course not. But Bolton believes it.

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