Portland 'Sanctuary' Releases Felony Illegal -- Who Then Rapes Elderly Woman...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
My God, how can Democrats continue to advocate and defend these 'Sanctuaries?' It is time to arrest and prosecute Officials who create them. They need to be held accountable for atrocities like this.

ICE not alerted when sex assault suspect released from jail in 2016, official says

A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman's home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police.

Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.

According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times.

Martinez has at least five probation violations for re-entering the United States...

Sex assault suspect tied up woman, threatened to kill her, court docs say
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Deported twenty fucking times. After the first time, they should get life in prison. We should throw them in the institutions we are going to build for the mentally ill lefties who are the reason we're dealing with this.

What a shame we can't wave a wand so these guys will only attack those who think we shouldn't deport or protect our borders.
For all the area beauty I would never voluntarily go back to Portland. The homeless are worse than roaches, they run the city, and are in your face no matter where you go. If the citizens of Portland don't care, I don't care either.

Now the Columbia river gorge. Bucket list material.
House passes 'Kate's Law' and bill targeting sanctuary cities


thing is , put them in prison only costs Americans money and creates a Club in prison .
mostly agree EXCEPT no assimilation for muslims allowed because muslims are not allowed in the USA if i had my way . Whens the last time you went looking in your yellow pages for a 'muslim' . Then I politely ask , WHY are and for what reasons are 'muslims' NEEDED in the USA BBOB ??
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thing is , put them in prison only costs Americans money and creates a Club in prison .
I don't give a shit, if they never come out. Let them be a club, let them kill each other, i don' t care what they do as long as I don't have to see them.
Deportation is nothing more than a Reset and Try Again Button for criminals..

It's insane to continue pressing it. We've allowed the Left to push this Politically Correct horse-shit on America until it's become lethal.

Is there NO common sense left in America? Is there no will to survive?

2nd time a criminal deportee returns to America......end of the line....quick and cheap. We cannot afford to keep allowing this if we want to survive and we cannot afford due process for millions of illegal criminals pouring into our nation.

The ONLY positive note in this story is that the victims are most likely the same ones supporting Sanctuary cities, illegal immigration and are anti-Trump

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