Pork Busters Are Needed


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Nov 22, 2003

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Oct 31 2005 12:20 PM

By TimChapman

Capitol Report has learned about a provision tucked away in the Senate Budget Reconciliation Bill that would direct Medicaid money intended for Katrina affected states (Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana) to Alaska.

The Budget Reconciliation package (PDF) contains $71.4 billion in new savings but it also spends $32.4 billion. Portions of that new spending were intended to be Katrina relief funds, but it seems Alaskan interests have once again succeeded in redirecting funds (PDF) to the state which has become famous for its "Bridge to Nowhere."

In addition to providing money for Katrina states, the provision also changes the way Alaska receives federal assistance for its Medicaid services. By changing the federal funding matching percentage for Medicaid in Alaska, the provision will provide an additional $130 million in federal Medicaid funding for Alaska. This additional $130 million is a direct result of tampering with federal matching percentages that results in Alaska being relieved of Medicaid related fiscal burdens that all the other 50 states face.

So, even though dozens of other states will face the same fiscal pressures as Alaska over the next few years, only Alaska is set to receive additional money.

Last week when the Senate debated Senator Coburn's amendment to defund the Alaskan "Bridge to Nowhere" and give the money to Katrina efforts in the Gulf Coast, Alaskan Senator Stevens took the Senate floor to denounce the effort. In his speech he threatened to resign should the amendment pass.

"This is the first time I have seen any attempt by any Senator to treat my State in a way differently from any other State. It will not happen, it will not happen," shouted an angry Stevens.

Apparently this week will mark the second time that such an attempt has been made.

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