Pope Francis: God made you, your WAY. And LOVES you LIKE THIS! We are ALL made in the lords Images.

Pope Francis speaks directly for God and is infallible

Your disrespect is offending God

Not only is God not offended, He is the one who disperses discernment. This Pope speaks for the UN. and is what God refers to as a dog.

Your offense is being noted. You will have to answer to God for denigrating his chosen Pope

I see a long term in Hell for you

Then you see wrong. I belong to Christ, not the Pope. But don't take my word for it, take Christ's:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Paying homage to a Pope isn't a requirement.

In fact, Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation about the churches that will join Him upon His return. The church of Rome doesn't even get honorable mention.

"Jesus speaks very clearly in Revelation...." SHEEESH-----you on mushrooms too?

irosie, who do you think was talking to John in Rev.? He identified Himself right off the bat. Who do you think said this to John in Rev.1:8:
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
^ Who is that?

john said it to john-----ie the anonymous person who is called John wrote a description of "GOD" which had
existed in Jewish ethos by that time for more than 1000 years---(well --make that more than 2000)-----
that is the "who is .....and who was......and who will
be" part-------the "alpha and omega" ---is poetic license for the sake of the gentiles
There is NOTHING MORALLY WRONG WITH BEING GAY! No rational person ever said there was.

That's fallible human subjective moral values speaking.

Objective moral values says that there is.

Let's say I used electroconvulsive therapy to convert a LGBT into their natural gender. Then I am doing nothing objectively morally wrong. Maybe giggling while doing it is wrong.

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