Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right.

Seen this way, and when you realize that *everything* else may be questioned, it becomes easy to see two things. The first is that religions have something suspicious about them for being so impervious to questioning, and second, that actually questioning the religions doesn't really bring forth the horror and doom the theists claim it will. It used to be said that plagues and earthquakes came about from god's anger-- now that we know that such claims are nonsense, the theists have had to roll back where god's anger is displayed, which is a place where we can never examine to see if their claims are true-- now god's anger happens after we die. This is *very* convenient for people who wish to make a claim that cannot be investigated for its veracity.

My love for my daughter and my acknowledgement of that love is not based on scientific evidence. It hasn't been proven to me in a lab, or in a court of law. It is based on direct subjective experience.
Kierkegaard also said that truth is `subjective`. By this he did not mean it doesn't matter what we think or believe. He meant that the really important truths are personal. Only these truths are `true for me`.” -Gaarder

Treeshepherd's 2nd Law states that in any message board discussion about religion, it is both the atheists and fundamentalist theists who insist on a literal interpretation of scripture, and the 'immutable' word found therein.

Treeshepherd's Model of Truth;

Truth is not absolute (but for the non-manifested first principles of the universe). Neither is truth relative, as in Aristotle's Golden Mean (truth is the mean between the two extremes and if everyone is thieving than it's okay for me also to steal). Truth is relational, as within an ecosystem. Is it right and proper for a treesnake to behave like a shrew, or a jaguar to behave like a monkey? No. Each component of the rainforest has its role for which it was cast. Together, taken collectively, they form an ever-evolving balance. Likewise, for each man and woman, he was born with certain gifts and if allowed to reach his potential will contribute to the betterment of mankind.

Truth is relational, and given the circumstances, I think most of us would say that it was understandable for Jean Valjean (Hugo's Les Mis, one of the most intelligent and passionate treatises on Christianity) to steal a loaf of bread. Perhaps you might even be able to say that absolute truth appears to us at every instant when we face a choice, and vanishes just as quickly.

In light of that, and the shrinking world we live in, we must ask how each religion relates to the ecosystem of religions in its entirety. And also, how do these religions live beside our present understanding of science? Is there a destructive conflict necessitating an extinction, or a creative tension that serves to improve understanding?
Pope Francis Attacks Christian Fundamentalism Again, Says It’s ‘Not Healthy’

"On Friday, La Civiltà Cattolica published remarks that Pope Francis made in November during a meeting with the leaders of men’s religious orders. The pontiff once again blasted those who stick to extreme ideology and attacked fundamentalism for being blind to reality."
I would like to know how this Roman Catholic Pope would react to the statements that Mary was not immaculately conceived, that transubstantiation is totally unbiblical heretical nonsense, and that Peter who was married was not the first Pope of Rome (even if he was ever actually there). Of course there are other "FUNDAMENTALS" of ROMAN Catholicism that Christian Fundamentalists not only find unbiblical but offensively pagan in origin. I'm sure that many scientists would find them "unscientific" as well. Maybe this Pope should pull the mast out of his own Roman eye before he takes issue with the splinters of Protestant Christian Fundamentalism.
The pope sez this? I think this new pope is sounding like a heretic. Do they burn him at the stake or just put him under house arrest till he dies? I bet nothing happens.
Pope Francis Attacks Christian Fundamentalism Again, Says It’s ‘Not Healthy’

"On Friday, La Civiltà Cattolica published remarks that Pope Francis made in November during a meeting with the leaders of men’s religious orders. The pontiff once again blasted those who stick to extreme ideology and attacked fundamentalism for being blind to reality."
I would like to know how this Roman Catholic Pope would react to the statements that Mary was not immaculately conceived, that transubstantiation is totally unbiblical heretical nonsense, and that Peter who was married was not the first Pope of Rome (even if he was ever actually there). Of course there are other "FUNDAMENTALS" of ROMAN Catholicism that Christian Fundamentalists not only find unbiblical but offensively pagan in origin. I'm sure that many scientists would find them "unscientific" as well. Maybe this Pope should pull the mast out of his own Roman eye before he takes issue with the splinters of Protestant Christian Fundamentalism.

When Pope Francis speaks out against religious fundamentalism, he is speaking not of various fundamental theology, but the fundamentalism that promotes violence. I know of few Christian fundamentalists whose teachings are anchored in violence.
shouldn't amaze you.....its the only argument they have, that's why they keep playing it......

Aww. You're just throwing a lot of sour grapes because you can't reconcile your YEC'ist views against the global conspiracy of science.
Hollie: YEC, YEC, YEC, yap, yap, yap......
We can always count on your posts being an assembly of jibberish, pointless babble and a total lack of punctuation.
actually, both a comma and an ellipsis ARE punctuation marks.....
Don't any of the bibles instruct you on their use?
if you had any familiarity with scripture you wouldn't have to ask......
Aww. You're just throwing a lot of sour grapes because you can't reconcile your YEC'ist views against the global conspiracy of science.
Hollie: YEC, YEC, YEC, yap, yap, yap......
We can always count on your posts being an assembly of jibberish, pointless babble and a total lack of punctuation.
actually, both a comma and an ellipsis ARE punctuation marks.....
Don't any of the bibles instruct you on their use?
if you had any familiarity with scripture you wouldn't have to ask......
You should consider becoming familiar the various bibles. The all-knowing, all-seeing bibles teach soothsaying, predict the future and teach punctuation.
Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."

Who cares what he says? He is not a Christian, he's a satanist Jessuit who has a bench warrant for his arrest for the paedophile rape of two girls in Argentina - now women who are demanding for his arrest! The man is a criminal and half of Europe must know it by now! You must be kidding! As if this man had a shred of credibility left! Not on your life! He gives new meaning to the term "FALSE PROPHET"!

The Roman Catholic Church is Declared a Transnational Criminal Organization Scanned Retina Resource

By these remarks and policies, Bergoglio has not only ordered his followers to break the law but to commit treason in their own countries by violating child protection laws and undermining police agencies. The Pope, in short, is not simply facilitating international child abuse and human trafficking, but is heading a criminal conspiracy against the sovereignty of other states and the law of nations.

Under international law, such actions amount to an act of war; and those responsible are justifiably declared to be an enemy of peace-loving humanity.
Let it be known to the world, therefore, that Jorge Bergoglio, the head of the Church of Rome, is indeed such an enemy of humanity. Accordingly, on Thursday, August 1, 2013, a Bench Warrant Order was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for the immediate arrest and trial of Jorge Bergoglio for these crimes.
They still to this date have yet to be able to arrest him as he hides behind the Vatican for cover!
You'll get to spend a lot of time in hell regretting your lies. :thup:
Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."
So then how can the bible be the word of god?
Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."

What did your rabbinical students tell you about this?
Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."
So then how can the bible be the word of god?

Yeah. Pope Francis makes about as much sense as FranCoWtF

"GOd is a PubDuppe!"
Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."
So then how can the bible be the word of god?

Yeah. Pope Francis makes about as much sense as FranCoWtF

"GOd is a PubDuppe!"

Thanks for your opinion little Frankie the retard, now go look at your picture bible
Hollie: YEC, YEC, YEC, yap, yap, yap......
We can always count on your posts being an assembly of jibberish, pointless babble and a total lack of punctuation.
actually, both a comma and an ellipsis ARE punctuation marks.....
Don't any of the bibles instruct you on their use?
if you had any familiarity with scripture you wouldn't have to ask......
You should consider becoming familiar the various bibles. The all-knowing, all-seeing bibles teach soothsaying, predict the future and teach punctuation.
accepting your ignorance is not "becoming familiar".......its simply becoming ignorant.....
We can always count on your posts being an assembly of jibberish, pointless babble and a total lack of punctuation.
actually, both a comma and an ellipsis ARE punctuation marks.....
Don't any of the bibles instruct you on their use?
if you had any familiarity with scripture you wouldn't have to ask......
You should consider becoming familiar the various bibles. The all-knowing, all-seeing bibles teach soothsaying, predict the future and teach punctuation.
accepting your ignorance is not "becoming familiar".......its simply becoming ignorant.....
"becoming familiar"....... suggests you learn something about the various bibles.............becoming ignorant............ well........... You already mastered that..............
Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."
So then how can the bible be the word of god?

Yeah. Pope Francis makes about as much sense as FranCoWtF

"GOd is a PubDuppe!"

Thanks for your opinion little Frankie the retard, now go look at your picture bible

How are your Torah studies coming along you Little Fake Jew Sock?

Thanks Captain Obvious.

Kinda irrelevant, but saw this and had to share :)

Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."
So then how can the bible be the word of god?

Yeah. Pope Francis makes about as much sense as FranCoWtF

"GOd is a PubDuppe!"

Thanks for your opinion little Frankie the retard, now go look at your picture bible

How are your Torah studies coming along you Little Fake Jew Sock?

Thanks for you contribution little Frankie the retard :itsok:
Speaking to a roman catholic friend who is a priest yesterday, and this is what he said

"Many people were surprised that pope Francis had recently said evolutionary and big bang theories were not in error and in keeping with Catholic theology. As some of you know I studied Theology for years as a young man. What the pope said on evolution and the big bang is not new, it is accepted Catholic doctrine. Catholicism teaches the Garden of Eden is a literary Myth but one that contains a metaphor about the true nature of human alienation."

"But observant listeners to the pope also noted he said "God is not a divine being". People have asked me what this means. In Catholic philosophical theology, God is not a man or even "a being", and is not the greatest being among other beings. For the Catholic philosophical theology God is "the sheer act of be-ing itself" (Thomas Aquinas). . God in Catholic Theology is not an existent thing in the universe, but the presupposition of all Being, "Ipsum esse subsistens" (Subsistent Act of Existing Itself). God is in fact beyond both "existence" and "non-existence" in Catholic Theology."

Exactly right.

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