*Pope Confirms My Views: Evolution Is Not Where Humans Come From*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1, In another thread I said that the Catholics do not believe in evolution.
2. Seems the Pope just came out today and agreed with me.
3, Any questions?
4. LINK:Pope: Humanity isn't random product of evolution - Yahoo! News

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI marked the holiest night of the year for Christians by stressing that humanity isn't a random product of evolution.

Benedict emphasized the Biblical account of creation in his Easter Vigil homily Saturday, saying it was wrong to think at some point "in some tiny corner of the cosmos there evolved randomly some species of living being capable of reasoning and of trying to find rationality within creation, or to bring rationality into it."

"If man were merely a random product of evolution in some place on the margins of the universe, then his life would make no sense or might even be a chance of nature," he said. "But no, reason is there at the beginning: creative, divine reason."

Church teaching holds that Roman Catholicism and evolutionary theory are not necessarily at odds: A Christian can, for example, accept the theory of evolution to help explain developments, but is taught to believe that God, not random chance, is the origin of the world. The Vatican, however, warns against creationism, or the overly literal interpretation of the Bibilical account of creation.

Benedict's voice was hoarse and he coughed several times during the three-hour service, which ended after midnight. It was the second late night in a row for the 84-year-old pontiff following his participation in the Good Friday Way of the Cross procession at Rome's Colosseum, which commemorates Jesus' death.

On Sunday, he celebrates Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square and gives his traditional Easter greetings in dozens of languages — his last major celebration before next week's beatification of Pope John Paul II.

The Easter Vigil is the most important liturgy on the church's calendar, when the faithful mark the passage from Christ's death to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is rich with symbols: fire and light signifying Jesus' resurrection, and the water used to baptize people into the faith."


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Sorry bout that,

1, In another thread I said that the Catholics do not believe in evolution.
2. Seems the Pope just came out today and agreed with me.
3, Any questions?
4. LINK:Pope: Humanity isn't random product of evolution - Yahoo! News

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI marked the holiest night of the year for Christians by stressing that humanity isn't a random product of evolution.

Benedict emphasized the Biblical account of creation in his Easter Vigil homily Saturday, saying it was wrong to think at some point "in some tiny corner of the cosmos there evolved randomly some species of living being capable of reasoning and of trying to find rationality within creation, or to bring rationality into it."

"If man were merely a random product of evolution in some place on the margins of the universe, then his life would make no sense or might even be a chance of nature," he said. "But no, reason is there at the beginning: creative, divine reason."

Church teaching holds that Roman Catholicism and evolutionary theory are not necessarily at odds: A Christian can, for example, accept the theory of evolution to help explain developments, but is taught to believe that God, not random chance, is the origin of the world. The Vatican, however, warns against creationism, or the overly literal interpretation of the Bibilical account of creation.

Benedict's voice was hoarse and he coughed several times during the three-hour service, which ended after midnight. It was the second late night in a row for the 84-year-old pontiff following his participation in the Good Friday Way of the Cross procession at Rome's Colosseum, which commemorates Jesus' death.

On Sunday, he celebrates Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square and gives his traditional Easter greetings in dozens of languages — his last major celebration before next week's beatification of Pope John Paul II.

The Easter Vigil is the most important liturgy on the church's calendar, when the faithful mark the passage from Christ's death to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is rich with symbols: fire and light signifying Jesus' resurrection, and the water used to baptize people into the faith."



the pope was to bussy hiding pedophile priest to notice .

just because you and a dress wearing old man in Italy say so does not make it so .
Catholics have believed in evolution for years. Even the two previous Popes.

It's American Christians that believe in "magical creation" and "irreducible complexity".

Despite all evidence to the contrary, they even believe conservative economic policies work. Those people are brainwashed.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1, In another thread I said that the Catholics do not believe in evolution.
2. Seems the Pope just came out today and agreed with me.
3, Any questions?
4. LINK:Pope: Humanity isn't random product of evolution - Yahoo! News

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI marked the holiest night of the year for Christians by stressing that humanity isn't a random product of evolution.

Benedict emphasized the Biblical account of creation in his Easter Vigil homily Saturday, saying it was wrong to think at some point "in some tiny corner of the cosmos there evolved randomly some species of living being capable of reasoning and of trying to find rationality within creation, or to bring rationality into it."

"If man were merely a random product of evolution in some place on the margins of the universe, then his life would make no sense or might even be a chance of nature," he said. "But no, reason is there at the beginning: creative, divine reason."

Church teaching holds that Roman Catholicism and evolutionary theory are not necessarily at odds: A Christian can, for example, accept the theory of evolution to help explain developments, but is taught to believe that God, not random chance, is the origin of the world. The Vatican, however, warns against creationism, or the overly literal interpretation of the Biblical account of creation.

Benedict's voice was hoarse and he coughed several times during the three-hour service, which ended after midnight. It was the second late night in a row for the 84-year-old pontiff following his participation in the Good Friday Way of the Cross procession at Rome's Colosseum, which commemorates Jesus' death.

On Sunday, he celebrates Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square and gives his traditional Easter greetings in dozens of languages — his last major celebration before next week's beatification of Pope John Paul II.

The Easter Vigil is the most important liturgy on the church's calendar, when the faithful mark the passage from Christ's death to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is rich with symbols: fire and light signifying Jesus' resurrection, and the water used to baptize people into the faith."



the pope was to bussy hiding pedophile priest to notice .

just because you and a dress wearing old man in Italy say so does not make it so .

1. In my other thread about this topic, I said that The Catholics are just playing along with evolutionists in order to win some to Jesus Christ.
2. You've been played, basically.
3. We have just been telling you its okay, its okay, don't hurt yourselves.
4. When in fact we don't actually believe a word of it.
5. God spoke, then wham, everything was.
6. Do try and keep up.
7. Each person will have to answer for his sins, be it a Priest or a Terrorist.

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Sorry bout that,

Chess needs help if he thinks this is any kind of news to anyone.

1. I see how a person racks up over 26 thousands posts, they never really have an original thought, they just shuffle into a thread with a blank stair, like a cat who ate too much, and criticize the only person able to think and post with reason and justice, great topics and great thoughts, as myself.
2. From the News Agency, *CWN*, that is all.:lol:

Sorry bout that,

Catholics have believed in evolution for years. Even the two previous Popes.

It's American Christians that believe in "magical creation" and "irreducible complexity".

Despite all evidence to the contrary, they even believe conservative economic policies work. Those people are brainwashed.

1. So you say, are you sure about what anyone truly believes?
2. Do you know what you believe, and can you express it here?
3. Thought not.

So we just popped up in the Garden of Eden?

Us and the talking snakes.

Whatever happened to them anyway?
Sorry bout that,

So we just popped up in the Garden of Eden?

Us and the talking snakes.

Whatever happened to them anyway?

1. A lot of the details how man and women came about are held secret.
2. Though, man was created first the women came after.
3. Thats been given.
4. I'm pretty sure God just spoke and man was.
5. Took a little extra work to make a women, I wonder why, but theres a reason, who knows?
6. The whole thing about making Satan into a snake is reality, so beware of huge snakes, that talk.
7. Oh he's around, but you don't want to meet him.

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We evolved from the dust of the Earth. We and all creatures here on Earth are related. As our Founding Fathers believed, there may be a Diety, but he created the universe as a self running entity and what we do with our life and species is entirely up to us. Were we to make this planet unlivable for our species, and we became extinct, not one pebble would deviate one millimeter in it's orbit anywhere in the universe.
Sorry bout that,

So we just popped up in the Garden of Eden?

Us and the talking snakes.

Whatever happened to them anyway?

1. A lot of the details how man and women came about are held secret.2. Though, man was created first the women came after.
3. Thats been given.
4. I'm pretty sure God just spoke and man was.
5. Took a little extra work to make a women, I wonder why, but theres a reason, who knows?
6. The whole thing about making Satan into a snake is reality, so beware of huge snakes, that talk.
7. Oh he's around, but you don't want to meet him.


My, my. Such a long time ago, when I was an adolescent, another adolescent, of the opposite sex, and I had a wonderfully good time exploring those secrets in detail.:eusa_angel:
Sorry bout that,

Chess needs help if he thinks this is any kind of news to anyone.

Chess is a product of evolution.

1. Yes, I evolved from Adam and Eve.
2. Thats when it all started.


thats funny sence humands in our persent form is 440,000 years agao and adam and evci are only 6 thousand .

hmm and who the hell say man came first then woman ?

me I think god carved woman out of willow tree and men out of chips .

the native Americans have a few different versions , on red clay the other trees .
So the Pope said he believed evolution did not happen randomly....

I do believe in evolution. Probably also in the Big Bang until a better theory comes along.

On my religious days I have no trouble believing God or a god set it all in motion. Or believing that same diety inserted some superior intellect in some upright monkey and made man.

Now on man's worst days I both feel no good diety could have been involved and we devolved from monkeys lol.
Sorry bout that,

So the Pope said he believed evolution did not happen randomly....

I do believe in evolution. Probably also in the Big Bang until a better theory comes along.

On my religious days I have no trouble believing God or a god set it all in motion. Or believing that same diety inserted some superior intellect in some upright monkey and made man.

Now on man's worst days I both feel no good diety could have been involved and we devolved from monkeys lol.

1. Stop believing in a lie.
2. Even Einstein believed there was a *Creator*, he didn't know who he is, but I do, he *IS*, Jesus Christ.
3. Stop being a monkeys uncle, you're far better than that, stop selling yourself short, look up my friend!
4. You are my brother, not a monkeys.

Catherine Faber is a Phd Biologist.

The Word of God
Lyrics and melody © 1994 by Catherine Faber

From desert cliff and mountaintop we trace the wide design,
Strike-slip fault and overthrust and syn and anticline. . .
We gaze upon creation where erosion makes it known,
And count the countless aeons in the banding of the stone.
Odd, long-vanished creatures and their tracks & shells are found;
Where truth has left its sketches on the slate below the ground.
The patient stone can speak, if we but listen when it talks.
Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote the rocks.

There are those who name the stars, who watch the sky by night,
Seeking out the darkest place, to better see the light.
Long ago, when torture broke the remnant of his will,
Galileo recanted, but the Earth is moving still.
High above the mountaintops, where only distance bars,
The truth has left its footprints in the dust between the stars.
We may watch and study or may shudder and deny,
Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote the sky.

By stem and root and branch we trace, by feather, fang and fur,
How the living things that are descend from things that were.
The moss, the kelp, the zebrafish, the very mice and flies,
These tiny, humble, wordless things---how shall they tell us lies?
We are kin to beasts; no other answer can we bring.
The truth has left its fingerprints on every living thing.
Remember, should you have to choose between them in the strife,
Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote life.

And we who listen to the stars, or walk the dusty grade,
Or break the very atoms down to see how they are made,
Or study cells, or living things, seek truth with open hand.
The profoundest act of worship is to try to understand.
Deep in flower and in flesh, in star and soil and seed,
The truth has left its living word for anyone to read.
So turn and look where best you think the story is unfurled.
Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote the world.

This song was inspired when a friend of mine complained to me about a run-in with some Creationists, and asked "what can you say to such people?" The first words that popped out of my mouth were "humans wrote the bible. God wrote the rocks."

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