Pope Broke Rules, Washed Women's Feet


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Francis first pope ever to do so

By Matt Cantor, Newser Staff

Posted Mar 29, 2013 2:34 AM CDT |Updated Mar 29, 2013 6:45 AM CDT
(Newser) – The new pope has already done something none of his predecessors ever did: Yesterday, as he washed the feet of youths in a detention center, he included two young women—thereby violating liturgical rules, the AP reports. One of the women, the Telegraph notes, was a Muslim. "The pope's washing the feet of women is hugely significant because including women in this part of the Holy Thursday Mass has been frowned on—and even banned—in some dioceses," says a Jesuit priest

Read more and see pix @ Pope Broke Rules, Washed Women's Feet - Francis first pope ever to do so

He makes new “rules” at every turn! :clap2:
The pope would have broke a greater rule had he rejected the woman because she was a woman. Jesus would not have done such a thing.

It reminds me of the time a holy Rabbi was visiting a synagogue and a woman came rushing up to greet him and took hold his hand - maybe gave him a hug not knowing she should not have done this - the other religious onlookers said to him you should not have allowed her that - was it not a sin? He said it would have been a greater sin had I rejected the woman. She was a visitor from another city and was very thankful to have the opportunity to meet the Rabbi. So there it is. Spirituality is NOT politically correct. How refreshing, eh? - Jeremiah
I must have broken every rule in the Catholic playbook over the years. 'Cept I never kilt nobody.
I was at the lowest of low in my life, spilled my guts to a Priest, and his only comment was "I won't reject you". I cried like a fucking baby.
He is starting to sound like a decent Pope. Apart from his backwards views on homosexuality and abortion, so far, I like what he's doing.
He is starting to sound like a decent Pope. Apart from his backwards views on homosexuality and abortion, so far, I like what he's doing.

What makes his views "backward?"

The church has long espoused that life begins at birth - in fact, many believe that it gives spirits the chance for a corporeal body. Thus, abortion slays the fetus, thus disobeying the Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill."

Does the church deny a homosexual the rite of baptism or communion? It only denies the religious right of marriage as part of Canon Law.
Francis first pope ever to do so

By Matt Cantor, Newser Staff

Posted Mar 29, 2013 2:34 AM CDT |Updated Mar 29, 2013 6:45 AM CDT
(Newser) – The new pope has already done something none of his predecessors ever did: Yesterday, as he washed the feet of youths in a detention center, he included two young women—thereby violating liturgical rules, the AP reports. One of the women, the Telegraph notes, was a Muslim. "The pope's washing the feet of women is hugely significant because including women in this part of the Holy Thursday Mass has been frowned on—and even banned—in some dioceses," says a Jesuit priest

Read more and see pix @ Pope Broke Rules, Washed Women's Feet - Francis first pope ever to do so

He makes new “rules” at every turn! :clap2:

By the very nature of the position the pope cannot break the rules, as he makes the rules.

He may break precedent, but considering he is the final authority on such precedent, he can pretty much do what he wants.

In the old days if a Pope went too far, he could be deposed. Nowadays I do not see that happening.
He is the

It will be interesting to see what this man does.
Nothing He Does Is Interesting

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