Polls vs Social Media


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Can we truly rely on the multitude of polls the media push at us? After, their samples are relatively minuscule. Well, how about the stuff flying across the net? Everywhere I turn, people have their noses in their iPhones, iPads, or whatever. What's going on there?


Trump: 10,174,358 Likes

Clinton: 5,385,959 Likes


Trump: 10.6 million followers

Hillary: 8.1 million followers

Trump has 30% more Twitter followers — and they translate into real votes. A recent study confirmed that 70% of his followers are real supporters, and 90% of those real followers have a voting history.

Hillary’s “twitter army” is likely made up of dead voters and illegals.

With more interesting stuff @ SPREAD THIS: Media RIGGING The Polls, Hiding New Evidence Proving Trump Is WINNING

Seems these represent REAL people who will actually vote!
Can we truly rely on the multitude of polls the media push at us? After, their samples are relatively minuscule. Well, how about the stuff flying across the net? Everywhere I turn, people have their noses in their iPhones, iPads, or whatever. What's going on there?


Trump: 10,174,358 Likes

Clinton: 5,385,959 Likes


Trump: 10.6 million followers

Hillary: 8.1 million followers

Trump has 30% more Twitter followers — and they translate into real votes. A recent study confirmed that 70% of his followers are real supporters, and 90% of those real followers have a voting history.

Hillary’s “twitter army” is likely made up of dead voters and illegals.

With more interesting stuff @ SPREAD THIS: Media RIGGING The Polls, Hiding New Evidence Proving Trump Is WINNING

Seems these represent REAL people who will actually vote!

Yeah baby you believe that one...

Polls are meaningless to me but only the dumbest person would use Twatter to suggest that Trump is leading because of the fact someone is following him does not mean they will vote for him!

Same goes for Clinton but you go for it and proclaim victory in November is yours!
Can we truly rely on the multitude of polls the media push at us? After, their samples are relatively minuscule. Well, how about the stuff flying across the net? Everywhere I turn, people have their noses in their iPhones, iPads, or whatever. What's going on there?


Trump: 10,174,358 Likes

Clinton: 5,385,959 Likes


Trump: 10.6 million followers

Hillary: 8.1 million followers

Trump has 30% more Twitter followers — and they translate into real votes. A recent study confirmed that 70% of his followers are real supporters, and 90% of those real followers have a voting history.

Hillary’s “twitter army” is likely made up of dead voters and illegals.

With more interesting stuff @ SPREAD THIS: Media RIGGING The Polls, Hiding New Evidence Proving Trump Is WINNING

Seems these represent REAL people who will actually vote!
That just tells you the Millennials like Trump more.

Being younger they are more gullible.

The under aged ones cannot even vote yet.

The best barometer so far is primary votes.

Hillary has gotten more primary votes than anyone else, including more than Donald did.
Can we truly rely on the multitude of polls the media push at us? After, their samples are relatively minuscule. Well, how about the stuff flying across the net? Everywhere I turn, people have their noses in their iPhones, iPads, or whatever. What's going on there?


Trump: 10,174,358 Likes

Clinton: 5,385,959 Likes


Trump: 10.6 million followers

Hillary: 8.1 million followers

Trump has 30% more Twitter followers — and they translate into real votes. A recent study confirmed that 70% of his followers are real supporters, and 90% of those real followers have a voting history.

Hillary’s “twitter army” is likely made up of dead voters and illegals.

With more interesting stuff @ SPREAD THIS: Media RIGGING The Polls, Hiding New Evidence Proving Trump Is WINNING

Seems these represent REAL people who will actually vote!
That just tells you the Millennials like Trump more.

Being younger they are more gullible.

The under aged ones cannot even vote yet.

The best barometer so far is primary votes.

Hillary has gotten more primary votes than anyone else, including more than Donald did.

Good points there.

Also the question should be ask if Trump will be burn by the Cruz voter and how much of Sanders voters will flock third party against Hillary this November?

Those attempting to use social media to show their candidate will win are foolish because as you pointed out some that might be clicking the like or follow could be underage people and not able to vote.

Also factor in the multiple accounts by trolls and then you can see the real issue by using Twatter and Farsebook to show someone leading...


This was brought to you by a defective North Korean Spambot...
Can we truly rely on the multitude of polls the media push at us? After, their samples are relatively minuscule. Well, how about the stuff flying across the net? Everywhere I turn, people have their noses in their iPhones, iPads, or whatever. What's going on there?


Trump: 10,174,358 Likes

Clinton: 5,385,959 Likes


Trump: 10.6 million followers

Hillary: 8.1 million followers

Trump has 30% more Twitter followers — and they translate into real votes. A recent study confirmed that 70%of his followers are real supporters, and 90% of those real followers have a voting history.

Hillary’s “twitter army” is likely made up of dead voters and illegals.

With more interesting stuff @ SPREAD THIS: Media RIGGING The Polls, Hiding New Evidence Proving Trump Is WINNING

Seems these represent REAL people who will actually vote!
That just tells you the Millennials like Trump more.

Being younger they are more gullible.

The under aged ones cannot even vote yet.

The best barometer so far is primary votes.

Hillary has gotten more primary votes than anyone else, including more than Donald did.
Wrong. The gullible vote Cankles not Trump.

The MSM, Hollywood, academia, and of course most of the federal government including the lying POTUS are promoting propaganda to hurt Trump and help Mrs. BJ. The gullible accept this propaganda.

That is not to say Trump is a good candidate. He is not. He is awful, but the pantsuit is a 1000 times worse.

See? That is what objectivity is.
Whose Poll do You Believe?




National Poll: Trump Leading 67% to Hillary’s 19% of 50,000 Voters @ National Poll: Trump Leading 67% to Hillary’s 19% of 50,000 Voters
I am more inclined to believe the phone poll where 100,000 people were poll across the states 67% Trump 19% Clinton than an online poll where people can vote more than once regardless of who they are, where they are from, etc.

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