Polls: Three-way tossup in Alabama, Mississippi


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Hold on to your hats because it looks like the Alabama and Mississippi primaries tomorrow are going to be close.

Newt Gingrich has a slight lead over Mitt Romney, 33% to 31%, among likely Republican voters in Mississippi, according to surveys by Public Policy Polling. The firm's results in Alabama are even closer: Romney has a 1-point lead over Gingrich and is 2 points ahead of Rick Santorum, who is also within striking distance in Mississippi.

"About all we know for sure about Tuesday's primaries is that Ron Paul will finish last in them," Dean Debnam, president of PPP, said in a statement. "Beyond that, it's plausible that any of the candidates could finish between first and third in both Alabama and Mississippi."

In Mississippi, 44% of voters describe themselves as "very conservative," and Gingrich leads Santorum by 3 points among this group. Conservative voters make up roughly the same share in Alabama with Santorum leading Gingrich, 37% to 31%, among the group.

Polls: Three-way tossup in Alabama, Mississippi

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