Polls Reflect Voter Reality, Not Pundits’ Preoccupations


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Scott Rasmussen @ Polls Reflect Voter Reality, Not Pundits’ Preoccupations | Right Wing News
According to Political Class pundits, the race for the White House was turned upside down by a single debate. The reality, however, is that a very close race shifted ever so slightly from narrowly favoring President Obama to narrowly favoring Mitt Romney. Either way, it remains too close to call.

The difference is that voters base their decisions on the substantive issues in the world around them. The Political Class is distracted by superficial imagery, an obsession with the game of politics and the sound of their own voices.

While it might to those in the Political Class, Election 2012 has been stable all year. Oh, sure, there have been occasional mini-surges where one candidate gained a little ground temporarily. But it’s been close all along.

That’s because elections are primarily about fundamentals. In January, the most important fundamental was that the president’s job approval rating had been stuck around 47 percent or 48 percent for two full years. That’s good enough to be competitive but not good enough to ensure victory. An Electoral College analysis in January showed that four states were likely to be decisive — Ohio, Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina.

Fast forward to the final month of the campaign, and nothing has really changed. The president’s job approval has barely moved because nothing in the real world has caused people to think differently of his performance. Voters are not better off than they were four years ago — but they’re not worse off, either.

[More @ link]
I don't trust polls
I don't trust ballot boxes
I don't trust ballot COUNTERS
I don't trust JUDGES who get involved in the election process

and I definitely do not trust voters who have been filling themselves up with the lies and fears of the right wing conservative propaganda machine

Convince enough voters that EVOLUTOIN IS EVIL FROM THE PITS OF HELL and next thing you know they'll VOTE to ban it!

Convince enough voters that LIBERALS are TREASONOUS TRAITORS and they'll vote to stuff them into gas chambers

Convince enough voters that capitalists DESERVE BILLIONS while BILLIONS go hungry and they'll vote to make it happen
and then blame Obama, liberals and democrats for all those starving people!
President Obama 294 Governor Romney 244

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

Present reality. President Obama still leading, but must show some spine in the next two debates to win it.

I don't think that's the problem. Obama's whole campaign was based on convincing voters that Romney was a right wing extremist they should be afraid of, and because the nation had only seen him during the primary debates, Obama's strategy was successful until the nation saw them stand shoulder to shoulder and realized that Romney was not the man Obama had been telling them he was.

In the first debate, Romney looked and sounded like a leader and Obama did not, Romney looked and sounded presidential and Obama did not. With the momentum in Romney's favor, Obama is now effectively the challenger, and his job is to try to look to voters as presidential as Romney does, but if you look back to 2008, on his best days, Obama was never more than a mediocre debater, so it may be that the Obama we saw in the first debate was the real Barack Obama instead of the Barack Obama David Axelrod invented.
The most amusing thing is the turnaround in the Republican mantra that the polls are all rigged to falsely show Obama in the lead and so can't be trusted.
Now they're excitedly pointing to them to show that their man is surging ahead.

Too funny.

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