Poll : The Nanny state...

Do you want more rules,regulations,monitoring your life, i.e Govt. "Nanny state"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 14 87.5%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?
I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?

Nice try troll. There is nothing I've noticed in your (too) many threads which suggests honest debate. Cutting taxes, cutting regulations, cutting government is not about solutions, it's all about ideology. Problems are not solved by clichés or rigid application of economic theories or wishes. Problems are solved by pragmatists, trial and error and learning from mistakes.

It obvious you and the GOP and the Libertarians lack the right stuff to solve problems.

Thanks for sharing
I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?

Nice try troll. There is nothing I've noticed in your (too) many threads which suggests honest debate. Cutting taxes, cutting regulations, cutting government is not about solutions, it's all about ideology. Problems are not solved by clichés or rigid application of economic theories or wishes. Problems are solved by pragmatists, trial and error and learning from mistakes.

It obvious you and the GOP and the Libertarians lack the right stuff to solve problems.

Thanks for sharing

So you "feel" not think by the way all problems are solved by more rules,regulations,laws?

Do you favor a cop on every corner?
Do you favor drones flying overhead watching you jay walk?
Do you favor a governor on your car that allows top speed of 70 mph?

At what point do you consider surrendering your entire way of life to the Nanny state"?

See I KNOW that the most efficient method of any society progressing is where that society has a fundamental intelligence to know that progress is made when the individual is responsible for following the laws of physics!

For example.. if half of all the money and energy spent on "global warming" in pre-schools,advertising etc. had been spent on the following simple but followed with practical examples: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you".. known as the "Golden Rule"!

Do you really understand that if more money/energy was spent at the home, in schools in advertising that individuals that depend on a cop on every corner mentality will not grow much less the society!

My point on writing this is my contribution to helping people comprehend that the simplest rule is do unto others as you would have others do to you...is THE most efficient method!
I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?

Nice try troll. There is nothing I've noticed in your (too) many threads which suggests honest debate. Cutting taxes, cutting regulations, cutting government is not about solutions, it's all about ideology. Problems are not solved by clichés or rigid application of economic theories or wishes. Problems are solved by pragmatists, trial and error and learning from mistakes.

It obvious you and the GOP and the Libertarians lack the right stuff to solve problems.

Thanks for sharing

So you "feel" not think by the way all problems are solved by more rules,regulations,laws?

Do you favor a cop on every corner?
Do you favor drones flying overhead watching you jay walk?
Do you favor a governor on your car that allows top speed of 70 mph?

At what point do you consider surrendering your entire way of life to the Nanny state"?

See I KNOW that the most efficient method of any society progressing is where that society has a fundamental intelligence to know that progress is made when the individual is responsible for following the laws of physics!

For example.. if half of all the money and energy spent on "global warming" in pre-schools,advertising etc. had been spent on the following simple but followed with practical examples: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you".. known as the "Golden Rule"!

Do you really understand that if more money/energy was spent at the home, in schools in advertising that individuals that depend on a cop on every corner mentality will not grow much less the society!

My point on writing this is my contribution to helping people comprehend that the simplest rule is do unto others as you would have others do to you...is THE most efficient method!

No, as most of the readers know I did not suggest more rules and regulations. Your entire response is hyperbole (a nice way to say bullshit). Sadly, I find you nearly as stupid and disengenuous as anyone who posts often on the message board, and that includess crusaderfrank and willow tree.
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I couldn't answer the poll for the simple and obvious reason that it's a piece of deceptive, propagandistic, misleading, false-dichotomy-employing, and utterly worthless garbage.

This is even worse than your usual. I suggest getting a good night's sleep and laying off the sauce before your next attempt.
I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?

Nice try troll. There is nothing I've noticed in your (too) many threads which suggests honest debate. Cutting taxes, cutting regulations, cutting government is not about solutions, it's all about ideology. Problems are not solved by clichés or rigid application of economic theories or wishes. Problems are solved by pragmatists, trial and error and learning from mistakes.

It obvious you and the GOP and the Libertarians lack the right stuff to solve problems.

Thanks for sharing

So you "feel" not think by the way all problems are solved by more rules,regulations,laws?

Do you favor a cop on every corner?
Do you favor drones flying overhead watching you jay walk?
Do you favor a governor on your car that allows top speed of 70 mph?

At what point do you consider surrendering your entire way of life to the Nanny state"?

See I KNOW that the most efficient method of any society progressing is where that society has a fundamental intelligence to know that progress is made when the individual is responsible for following the laws of physics!

For example.. if half of all the money and energy spent on "global warming" in pre-schools,advertising etc. had been spent on the following simple but followed with practical examples: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you".. known as the "Golden Rule"!

Do you really understand that if more money/energy was spent at the home, in schools in advertising that individuals that depend on a cop on every corner mentality will not grow much less the society!

My point on writing this is my contribution to helping people comprehend that the simplest rule is do unto others as you would have others do to you...is THE most efficient method!

My problem with your "poll" is that you didn't define it more clearly.

I find that the same ones who decry EPA and OSHA regulations as "government overreach" on corporations are the same ones who are just peachy with surrendering their personal freedoms with "government overreach" in our personal lives.

They WANT "big gubmint" telling us who can get married, what treatment a doctor and pregnant patient can decide, what a doctor can even ask his or her patient, whether or not someone can choose to end their life with dignity and even what a family can decide on unplugging their comatose family member.
I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?

You first. I don't generally care much for people who assume I'm going to be dishonest. Then you put up a dishonest poll, so who's really in need of admonishment here?

False dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you can't make a simple choice between you being responsible for yourself and the government taking complete womb to tomb care?
NUANCES aren't necessary here.
I did NOT SAY do away with all rules and regulations!

I asked a simple question do you want MORE laws,etc.. and govt. running your life completely?

I am in FAVOR of less rules and regulations and MORE education on the common sense of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you, i.e. Golden Rule!
If half what was spent on "global warming" evangelism in pre-school and up and now in advertising was spent pointing out how EFFICIENT it would be if WE ALL obeyed the rules of common sense like these for example..just an example but there are millions more:
1) WE NEED the govt for national defense.. BUT we don't need them monitoring the
food we eat! That's what parents are for and parents need more education it appears!
2) We DON"T need for example laws against "texting while driving"! DUH!!!!
COMMON SENSE... WE NEED more Education with our pre-schools and up as to
the laws of physics i.e. you can't stop a car in time if you aren't watching the road!!!

And these are just 2 simple examples!

We wouldn't need LAWS ORDERING "FREE contraceptives " if we explain at pre-school and up what responsibilities are in taking care of a baby for example!
AND THEN point out why all the sexual promotions of clothing movies,etc.. and understand that's lowering individuals ability to make choices!

These are just a few examples of why we wouldn't have had 39 million abortions since
1973 because MAYBE education would help reduce pregnancies!
Big Government Socialists/Progressives & Neocons love this Nanny State/Police State. They created it after all. :(
This is kind of a trick question. The Nanny State might make rdean wear a condom on his head, and that would be funny as hell.
I couldn't answer the poll for the simple and obvious reason that it's a piece of deceptive, propagandistic, misleading, false-dichotomy-employing, and utterly worthless garbage.

This is even worse than your usual. I suggest getting a good night's sleep and laying off the sauce before your next attempt.

No, you couldn't answer the poll for the simple and obvious reason that you're an ignorant little pussy. :)
Nanny State


I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?

Nice try troll. There is nothing I've noticed in your (too) many threads which suggests honest debate. Cutting taxes, cutting regulations, cutting government is not about solutions, it's all about ideology. Problems are not solved by clichés or rigid application of economic theories or wishes. Problems are solved by pragmatists, trial and error and learning from mistakes.

It obvious you and the GOP and the Libertarians lack the right stuff to solve problems.

Thanks for sharing

And that pragmatism should be the work of individuals not the work of experimental government social engineering schemes that do nothing but cost everyone money and only seem to fuck things up.
I really want an honest response here to this question:
Do you want more laws,regulations monitoring of your life i.e. Federal Government Nanny state"?

You first. I don't generally care much for people who assume I'm going to be dishonest. Then you put up a dishonest poll, so who's really in need of admonishment here?

False dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you can't make a simple choice between you being responsible for yourself and the government taking complete womb to tomb care?

Why are these the only two choices?

Did it never cross your mind that perhaps the solution is somewhere in the middle?
You first. I don't generally care much for people who assume I'm going to be dishonest. Then you put up a dishonest poll, so who's really in need of admonishment here?

False dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you can't make a simple choice between you being responsible for yourself and the government taking complete womb to tomb care?

Why are these the only two choices?

Did it never cross your mind that perhaps the solution is somewhere in the middle?

Not for fans o'.......

...The ReRon!!!!!

“There are no easy answers' but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.”


Whatta jerkoff.

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