Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%

1. 76% of the youth age, 18-29 plan to vote this year, up from 51% in 2008.

2. 51% declared their entertainment budget has been cut; 49% skipped a vacation 26% had to change living arrangement like taking in roommates or going back home.

3. 84% said the economy has made them change life altering life events like marriage or buying a home,

4. 76% said the failure of the economy to produce jobs is shrinking the middle class.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

This is an important base that put Obama over the top in 2008. Does this mean he’s in trouble?
Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%

1. 76% of the youth age, 18-29 plan to vote this year, up from 51% in 2008.

2. 51% declared their entertainment budget has been cut; 49% skipped a vacation 26% had to change living arrangement like taking in roommates or going back home.

3. 84% said the economy has made them change life altering life events like marriage or buying a home,

4. 76% said the failure of the economy to produce jobs is shrinking the middle class.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

This is an important base that put Obama over the top in 2008. Does this mean he’s in trouble?

One can only hope...
"While the group did not ask who younger voters prefer in the presidential race, they are inspired no more and are clearly driven by anger over the economy and the fact that they might not have lives as good as their parents. "
Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%

1. 76% of the youth age, 18-29 plan to vote this year, up from 51% in 2008.

2. 51% declared their entertainment budget has been cut; 49% skipped a vacation 26% had to change living arrangement like taking in roommates or going back home.

3. 84% said the economy has made them change life altering life events like marriage or buying a home,

4. 76% said the failure of the economy to produce jobs is shrinking the middle class.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

This is an important base that put Obama over the top in 2008. Does this mean he’s in trouble?

You have to understand what the "youth vote" was feeling back in 2008 to understand what they are feeling now. For someone that was 18 to 25, they had been bombarded with constant messages by the liberal media and liberal teachers for most of their adult lives that Republicans were the problem with things in this country and if we could only get the right Democrat into office then things would be wonderful. They bought into that concept hook, line and sinker...turning out to vote for Barack Obama in record numbers.

So fast forward four years later. Those same young voters who took for granted that Barack Obama was going to make their lot in life better have now graduated from college or are about to graduate and they can't find work...can't afford a place of their own...have huge student loan bills hanging over their heads...and to make matters worse they now own a huge amount of the debt that our country has been running up with these trillion dollar plus a year deficits.

There are a LOT of young voters out there that feel betrayed by this Administration. They feel like they got sold a bill of goods and that "their guy" was nothing more than another politician in a nice suit making promises that he had no intention of keeping. The very liberal young voters thought Barack Obama was going to be as liberal as they are and they're angry he's not...the more centrist young voters thought he had a plan to fix the economy and put people back to work and they're angry that he didn't in fact have a plan.

So what is going to happen this Fall? I think that a lot of the liberal young voters are going to stay home on this election. I also think that a lot of the more centrist young voters are going to vote for whoever they think can help THEM get a job...get their own place...and start to build a future. Neither of those scenarios bodes well for Barack Obama.
Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%

1. 76% of the youth age, 18-29 plan to vote this year, up from 51% in 2008.

2. 51% declared their entertainment budget has been cut; 49% skipped a vacation 26% had to change living arrangement like taking in roommates or going back home.

3. 84% said the economy has made them change life altering life events like marriage or buying a home,

4. 76% said the failure of the economy to produce jobs is shrinking the middle class.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

This is an important base that put Obama over the top in 2008. Does this mean he’s in trouble?

How many of these young voters will vote with a party that wants to end womens rights and spews hate on gays and minorities?
Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%

1. 76% of the youth age, 18-29 plan to vote this year, up from 51% in 2008.

2. 51% declared their entertainment budget has been cut; 49% skipped a vacation 26% had to change living arrangement like taking in roommates or going back home.

3. 84% said the economy has made them change life altering life events like marriage or buying a home,

4. 76% said the failure of the economy to produce jobs is shrinking the middle class.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

This is an important base that put Obama over the top in 2008. Does this mean he’s in trouble?

Sorry, but I don't buy into that poll at all. Not sure who was running it, but to say it is suspect is an understatement. Young people voted in record numbers in 2008. I don't suspect their enthusiasm is nearly as great this time around, for either candidate. As in most elections, I think the youth vote will be off some and definitely down from 2008. That in itself would hurt Obama, but to think 50% more will be voting and voting Republican, that's a real shot in the dark.
Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%

1. 76% of the youth age, 18-29 plan to vote this year, up from 51% in 2008.

2. 51% declared their entertainment budget has been cut; 49% skipped a vacation 26% had to change living arrangement like taking in roommates or going back home.

3. 84% said the economy has made them change life altering life events like marriage or buying a home,

4. 76% said the failure of the economy to produce jobs is shrinking the middle class.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

This is an important base that put Obama over the top in 2008. Does this mean he’s in trouble?

How many of these young voters will vote with a party that wants to end womens rights and spews hate on gays and minorities?

I'll vote for party that doesn't want to make us a third world country. If you do then damn. :eusa_shifty:
The Worse economy since the 1930's. All under Obama....

Good bye!

Just imagine how bad it would be right now without an extensive safety net, like the one the Republicans would love to remove. Here's the funny thing; investors lost their asses under Bush. Under Obama, they got back everything they lost and more if they played their cards right. Now they want to go back to the same policies that helped them lose their asses? Just goes to show people are not very logical or intelligent.
How many of these young voters will vote with a party that wants to end womens rights and spews hate on gays and minorities?

Probably none. But since there is no such party, i dont think we have much to worry about. Obama is going down.
Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50%

1. 76% of the youth age, 18-29 plan to vote this year, up from 51% in 2008.

2. 51% declared their entertainment budget has been cut; 49% skipped a vacation 26% had to change living arrangement like taking in roommates or going back home.

3. 84% said the economy has made them change life altering life events like marriage or buying a home,

4. 76% said the failure of the economy to produce jobs is shrinking the middle class.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

This is an important base that put Obama over the top in 2008. Does this mean he’s in trouble?

How many of these young voters will vote with a party that wants to end womens rights and spews hate on gays and minorities?

I'll vote for party that doesn't want to make us a third world country. If you do then damn. :eusa_shifty:

which is why the youth wont be voting for robmoney
They dont want to go back in time.

they will not be voting with the party that thinks we need to go back in time
How many of these young voters will vote with a party that wants to end womens rights and spews hate on gays and minorities?

I'll vote for party that doesn't want to make us a third world country. If you do then damn. :eusa_shifty:

which is why the youth wont be voting for robmoney

You do realize that capitalism and industrialization are what makes a country First world, right?

Im more worried about becoming a second world country. A communist industrialized nation.
the living standard of the people is what makes them third world or not.

Your party distroyed many families wealth.

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