Politifact backs up Sanders numbers on Single Payer. It would save families $5,800 each year


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Politifact backs up Sanders numbers on Single Payer. It would save families $5,800 each year

Snip> So, oddly, our calculation produced exactly the same amount of federal health spending -- $1.38 trillion a year -- as Sanders’ own estimate for his single-payer plan.

How expensive would a single-payer system be?

Snip: But, he argues, people would save money since they would no longer have to pay monthly premiums or deductibles. A family of four earning $50,000 would save more than $5,800 each year.

Bernie Sanders' last 'Medicare for all' plan cost nearly $1.4 trillion

Plus everyone would be able to be on it and not have to worry about being driven into extreme debt. Sounds like a great idea to me.
What a shame he wasn't the Democrat candidate.

You guys decided to run Hillary.
Wasn't that the same amount Obama Care was supposed to save us too?
I started a thread a month ago on the subject. My thoughts:

EVERYONE is covered, Congress, POTUS everyone. Everyone in the same pool making it cheaper for those who need it most.

The only way to buy healthcare insurance is through the Medicare for all. IF a person does not wish to purchase health care insurance then they would not have to, they would have NONE. thus they risk financial ruin.

It would work the same as Medicare, 80/20. Then people would be able to by supplemental/advantage plans.

Plans would then go with the person it would not depend on where a person worked.

That would seemingly make the most people happy. Those who don't want healthcare can roll the dice. The insurance companies can still sell policies. Companies would be freed of the responsibility of administration for their employees.
Fuck Bernie. Hes the fucking scumbag who wants to turn us into Venezuela, where Progressives took a vibrant economy, and in less than 2 decades they have people eating zoo aninals for food.
If anyone believes government run, single payer healthcare will meet projected costs, than I have a bridge for sale. It never happens and never will happen.

When is Bernie going to learn that America isn't a socialist country and every example of such countries have restrictive rights and government abuses. Never has a shill been such a hypocrite as he becomes quite wealthy for doing nothing but..well...nothing.
Problem with Medicare for all is in that 80/20, those of the lower income brackets will still fail in that 20% they'd have to pay. Those that are on Medicare now (elderly on fixed incomes), also fall into a 'donut hole' or gap of what & when Medicare pays vs patient pays. They can't afford most of their RX's & other costs at any time and especially during that gap before Medicare kicks back in, so there are still people not able to pay for care and I don't see it as any type of help for a large population.

Obamacare and/or private insurance is costing average Americans more every year and the drug companies are price gouging as well. This system doesn't work either for anyone on the receiving side of it.

Socialized medicine, similar to Canada........where costs are covered by taxes, regulated from price gouging & inefficiencies, may be the only way.
Politifact backs up Sanders numbers on Single Payer. It would save families $5,800 each year

Snip> So, oddly, our calculation produced exactly the same amount of federal health spending -- $1.38 trillion a year -- as Sanders’ own estimate for his single-payer plan.

How expensive would a single-payer system be?

Snip: But, he argues, people would save money since they would no longer have to pay monthly premiums or deductibles. A family of four earning $50,000 would save more than $5,800 each year.

Bernie Sanders' last 'Medicare for all' plan cost nearly $1.4 trillion

Plus everyone would be able to be on it and not have to worry about being driven into extreme debt. Sounds like a great idea to me.

Never mind that man, Obamacare is gonna save us $2500 a year, at least according to what Obama promised.

I'm so exited! Will it finally happen this year?
Fuck Bernie. Hes the fucking scumbag who wants to turn us into Venezuela, where Progressives took a vibrant economy, and in less than 2 decades they have people eating zoo aninals for food.
We eat farm animals for food. Whats the difference?

The difference is that the scumbag Socialists need a Pinochet helicopter ride because they think this is funny
The only way to buy healthcare insurance is through the Medicare for all.

Because monopolies ... particularly ones who have the power of law to make you use them ... are ALWAYS a good thing.
Do you agree or not agree that what we are doing isn't working for the majority or for sure a minority of people?

It would hardly be different then registering your car. Besides there would still be the open market for advantage type plans.
Problem with Medicare for all is in that 80/20, those of the lower income brackets will still fail in that 20% they'd have to pay. Those that are on Medicare now (elderly on fixed incomes), also fall into a 'donut hole' or gap of what & when Medicare pays vs patient pays. They can't afford most of their RX's & other costs at any time and especially during that gap before Medicare kicks back in, so there are still people not able to pay for care and I don't see it as any type of help for a large population.

Obamacare and/or private insurance is costing average Americans more every year and the drug companies are price gouging as well. This system doesn't work either for anyone on the receiving side of it.

Socialized medicine, similar to Canada........where costs are covered by taxes, regulated from price gouging & inefficiencies, may be the only way.
You have outlined problems we are having with the system of healthcare delivery TODAY. Yes, there will be people unable to pay whom will need addressed. Just like there are TODAY. Do those against a 80/20 plan have any solutions to offer, other then to say "socialized medicine? Let them die? Get a job that supplies heath care insurance? What? Never mind that the cost of what we are doing today is going out the roof and it is not totally because of Obamacare.
Politifact backs up Sanders numbers on Single Payer. It would save families $5,800 each year

Snip> So, oddly, our calculation produced exactly the same amount of federal health spending -- $1.38 trillion a year -- as Sanders’ own estimate for his single-payer plan.

How expensive would a single-payer system be?

Snip: But, he argues, people would save money since they would no longer have to pay monthly premiums or deductibles. A family of four earning $50,000 would save more than $5,800 each year.

Bernie Sanders' last 'Medicare for all' plan cost nearly $1.4 trillion

Plus everyone would be able to be on it and not have to worry about being driven into extreme debt. Sounds like a great idea to me.
Delete this thread. You associated a Politifact article from July with a bill introduced in September . Is there such thing as futuristic fact-checking?
What a shame he wasn't the Democrat candidate.

You guys decided to run Hillary.
The real shame is that you didn't realize the Politifact article is from July, and Berniecare was introduced 3 days ago or so.

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