Politics Test

Kagom said:
I try to stay moderate. I just think Republicans and Democrats are full of quatsch and are no good to us. But that's because I've been on both sides of the political spectrum and find that being a Moderate not only has more advantages, but it's more in lieu with what I'm like.

:poke: Tis called a "fence sitter" in my corner of the world.. :D
Accurate....I took the test...they were my answers:

<center><table style='border:1px solid black'><tr><td align=center> <font size="3"> You are a </font><center><font size="3"> <br> <font size="4"><b>Social Liberal</b></font> <br> <font shmolor="#a8a8a8" size="3">(68% permissive)</font><br> </font></center><font size="3"> <br> and an... </font><center><font size="3"><br> <font size="4"><b>Economic Conservative</b></font> <br> <font shmolor="#a8a8a8" size="3">(66% permissive)</font><br> </font></center><font size="3"> <br> You are best described as a:<br> <br><font size="+2"><u><center><b>Libertarian</b></center></u></font> </font><br> <table id="thetable" name="thetable" background="http://is0.okcupid.com/graphics/politics/chart_political.gif" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="375" width="375"> <tbody><tr height="106"> <td width="237"></td> <td width="137"></td> </tr> <tr height="268"><td width="237"></td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="137"><img src="http://is0.okcupid.com/graphics/politics_you.gif" border="0"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <br> <table id="thetable" name="thetable" background="http://is0.okcupid.com/graphics/politics/chart_basic.jpg" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="375" width="375"> <tbody><tr height="106"> <td width="237"></td> <td width="137"></td> </tr> <tr height="268"><td width="237"></td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="137"><img src="http://is0.okcupid.com/graphics/politics_you.gif" border="0"></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <br><br>Link: <a href='http://www.okcupid.com/politics'><b>The Politics Test</b></a> on <a href='http://www.okcupid.com'><b>Ok Cupid</b></a><br>Also: <a href='http://www.okcupid.com/oktest3'>The OkCupid Dating Persona Test</a></td></tr></table></center>
Kagom said:
Do not insult me so! *evil glare* >.> <.<

I don't really fence sit. I am very much set in what I believe.

Remind me to give a maidenly shriek, and run off in fright at such an evil glare.
Kagom said:
Beware! Grendel might come get you along the way before he heads to Herot!


I suppose I ought to make a list of things I should be frightened off... Right now, the top of my list would be Skittles actively stalking a bottlecap on my desk.
Shattered said:

I suppose I ought to make a list of things I should be frightened off... Right now, the top of my list would be Skittles actively stalking a bottlecap on my desk.
Have fun with that! And remember, fence sitters aren't true Moderates
You are a

Social Conservative
(26% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative
(66% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Pretty much...

<center><table style='border:1px solid black'><tr><td align=center><FONT size=3>You are a <CENTER><BR><FONT size=4><B>Social Moderate</B></FONT> <BR><FONT shmolor=#a8a8a8 size=3>(43% permissive)</FONT><BR></CENTER><BR>and an... <CENTER><BR><FONT size=4><B>Economic Conservative</B></FONT> <BR><FONT shmolor=#a8a8a8 size=3>(61% permissive)</FONT><BR></CENTER><BR>You are best described as a:<BR><BR><FONT size=+2><U> <CENTER><B>Centrist</B></CENTER></U></FONT><br><TABLE id=thetable height=375 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=375 background=http://is2.okcupid.com/graphics/politics/chart_political.gif border=0 name="thetable"> <TBODY> <TR height=125> <TD width=144></TD> <TD width=230></TD></TR> <TR height=249> <TD width=144></TD> <TD vAlign=top align=left width=230><IMG src="http://is2.okcupid.com/graphics/politics_you.gif" border=0></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><br><TABLE id=thetable height=375 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=375 background=http://is2.okcupid.com/graphics/politics/chart_basic.jpg border=0 name="thetable"> <TBODY> <TR height=125> <TD width=144></TD> <TD width=230></TD></TR> <TR height=249> <TD width=144></TD> <TD vAlign=top align=left width=230><IMG src="http://is2.okcupid.com/graphics/politics_you.gif" border=0></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><br><br>Link: <a href='http://www.okcupid.com/politics'><b>The Politics Test</b></a> on <a href='http://www.okcupid.com'><b>Ok Cupid</b></a><br>Also: <a href='http://www.okcupid.com/oktest3'>The OkCupid Dating Persona Test</a></td></tr></table></center>

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