Politically, how "crazy" are you?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%
None of the above, though I find it odd that we know no more of Obama's past than we knew in 2007, just shortly after his literary agent stopped listing him as a Kenyan.
Aw man. When I saw the thread title I thought the thread was about the craziest thing you've done politically.

That would have made for a better thread, Votto, wtf.
Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 30%
Russian collusion 10%
Space Aliens coming to earth 30%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming -1000%
Birthers -1000%
Truthers -1000%
Man on Moon was staged -1000%
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%
Russian collusion is not yet a conspiracy theory intil the investigation is complete. When it is we will know one way or the other and that will be fine. There will be those that will no accept the results and spin a conspiracy but that is still in the future.

Nice try though!
I guess I'll pick the moon landings while I'm here. The real conspiracy about it, though, is the conspiracy theory that we didn't. That's the conspiracy.

Remember, the lie is different at every level. Besides, read the Brookings Report, they already said they're not ever gonna tell us if they find anything. Something about disrupting civilization.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%
They are all bullshit.
Russian collusion is not yet a conspiracy theory intil the investigation is complete. When it is we will know one way or the other and that will be fine. There will be those that will no accept the results and spin a conspiracy but that is still in the future.

Nice try though!
It's a total conspiracy theory, because there's not one, single, solitary shred of evidence to support it....If there were, the media leaks would be ubiquitous...And there's zero doubt in my mind that the confirmed crook and democrat hack Andrew Weissman would be one of the primary leakers.

At least all the other conspiracy nutbars can point to a few scraps of conflicting events and happenstances to build their narratives around.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%
Russian collusion is not yet a conspiracy theory intil the investigation is complete. When it is we will know one way or the other and that will be fine. There will be those that will no accept the results and spin a conspiracy but that is still in the future.

Nice try though!
Yeah......vote for Pedro and all your dreams will come true.
Each of us probably believes one of these conspiracy theories, so which do you believe?

Believe that Oswald did not act alone in JFK assassination 70%
Russian collusion 49%
Space Aliens coming to earth 47%
Believe US government knew 9/11 attacks were coming 41%
Birthers 24%
Truthers 15%
Man on Moon was staged 14%

I know without doubt that Obama was not born in Hawaii. The evidence is absolutely overwhelming that his Hawaiian birth certificate was bogus. Produced on a modern computer using modern software.

However, I don't believe anything else on your list.

The only other conspiracy type thing that I believe is that Christine Ford was never sexually molested by Kavanaugh. She was either picked by the DNC or volunteered for the lie because she had some distant connection to him prior to a time of his stellar record as an adult.
Aw man. When I saw the thread title I thought the thread was about the craziest thing you've done politically.

That would have made for a better thread, Votto, wtf.
I voted for Obama...…..once.
Ouch.....Sorry to hear about that.
In my defense, I fell for the hope and change schtick and at the time we knew virtually nothing substantial about him. That and I thought it was time we elected a black president and move beyond all the race issues of the pass. Boy, have I ever regretted that vote.

My conspiracy is that Hillary was born without a soul.


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