Politically Correct Witch Hunts


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
"Every time a human sacrifice is made to appease the gods of political correctness, the Sane Community yells questions such as, “Wait! What exactly did the person do that was so wrong?” and “What parts were factually inaccurate?” and sometimes “Are you sure it wasn’t just a joke?”

To ask such questions is to miss the point. Political correctness isn’t a political belief where people want to stimulate a discussion and get to the truth. It’s a totalitarian religion dedicated to the exact opposite. They hate hatefacts and want all sinners to be burned at the stake no matter what the collateral damage. The unfortunate thing about their holy war is that it’s virtually nothing but collateral damage.

My colleague Chuck Ross just explained why Naomi Schaefer Riley shouldn’t have been fired. The same could be said for Brett Ratner, Juan Williams, Rick Sanchez, and the “Chink in the Armor” guy, but despite this barrage of well-publicized examples people keep saying political correctness is “sooo 90s.”

“The unfortunate thing about their holy war is that it’s virtually nothing but collateral damage.”
Sorry, but the witch hunts are alive and well and the PC guillotine has continued chopping off heads since the baby boomers traded their sense of humor for their sense of holiness somewhere around 1980.............."

The PC Gods Must Be Crazy - Taki's Magazine
A couple of weeks ago, a white male editor at a black women’s magazine was canned for making “racist” remarks on his private Facebook page. And by “racist” they meant that he thought Bill Ayers was a radical, Al Sharpton was a race-baiter, and townhall.com is a reputable news site. The fact that all of these are unequivocally true is a hatefact.

The PC Gods Must Be Crazy - Taki's Magazine

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