Political Reality of Slavery and Our 21st Century Political Landscape


May 23, 2014
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
Total nonsense

Slavery was nowhere near extinction. So much so that slave owners preferred treason and war to allowing their slaves a path to freedom.
Cost us 600,000 lives to get rid of slavery while most nations were willing to just let it go
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
Who even knows what you’re talking about.

I tried to follow along but it makes no sense. The way you skitter along with historical untruths and half truths and out right lies, it’s just bizarre.
Slavery was on the cusp of extinction no matter how anyone felt about it. Slavery was never going to withstand the industrial revolution. Just like today. Cheap human labor will not survive automation.
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
More white inbred bullshit trying to explain why non whites should hold tight and just wait for their equality that will come eventually. :rolleyes:
Slavery was on it's way out, that's just a fact but it was over 150 years ago. Waaaaay past time to let it go and get over it
Slavery was on the cusp of extinction no matter how anyone felt about it. Slavery was never going to withstand the industrial revolution. Just like today. Cheap human labor will not survive automation.

Automated cotton pickers did not become readily available until the 1930s and cotton was still picked by hand up till the 1950s
The south was in no hurry to end slavery and created the Confederacy to preserve it

Cotton picker - Wikipedia
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
/----/ Then how do you explain this? America boycotts South Africa over Apartheid. Now concentrate...
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
/----/ Then how do you explain this? America boycotts South Africa over Apartheid. Now concentrate...
Cold War. Mandela and the ANC were communist tools of the Soviet Union.
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
Total nonsense

Slavery was nowhere near extinction. So much so that slave owners preferred treason and war to allowing their slaves a path to freedom.
Cost us 600,000 lives to get rid of slavery while most nations were willing to just let it go
Our founders did exactly that. The great empires allowed it in the hinterlands but not in the homeland. We were the hinterlands so it got its start in our culture. Civil War had to happen because ratification of the Constitution was an imperative.
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
/----/ Then how do you explain this? America boycotts South Africa over Apartheid. Now concentrate...
How do I explain that the US isnt in Africa or the Middle East? How about a 3rd grade world map? :rolleyes:
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
Nope.it was the greatest nation on earth until 1960’ and 1990’s
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
/----/ Then how do you explain this? America boycotts South Africa over Apartheid. Now concentrate...
How do I explain that the US isnt in Africa or the Middle East? How about a 3rd grade world map? :rolleyes:
Why is Africa, as a continent, lagging behind the rest of the world...oh for the last...hmmmm....all of human history?
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
/----/ Then how do you explain this? America boycotts South Africa over Apartheid. Now concentrate...
How do I explain that the US isnt in Africa or the Middle East? How about a 3rd grade world map? :rolleyes:
Why is Africa...as a continent lagging behind the rest of the world...Oh for the last...hmmmm....all of human history?
Who told you that and why do you too think the US is in Africa? :rolleyes:
/---/ It has nothing to do with slavery. Libs don't give a wit about slavery today in Africa and the Middle East. Their goal is to tear down American culture and history the way the Nazi's tried to eradicate everything Polish right down to the birth and death records. If liberals can destroy our Founding Fathers then they can destroy the Constitution which stops them from seizing total power.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
/----/ Then how do you explain this? America boycotts South Africa over Apartheid. Now concentrate...
How do I explain that the US isnt in Africa or the Middle East? How about a 3rd grade world map? :rolleyes:
Why is Africa...as a continent lagging behind the rest of the world...Oh for the last...hmmmm....all of human history?
Who told you that and why do you too think the US is in Africa? :rolleyes:
We’ve been in Africa since the 1950’s with military and economic aid.
The US isnt in Africa or the Middle East dumbass. Concentrate. :rolleyes:
/----/ Then how do you explain this? America boycotts South Africa over Apartheid. Now concentrate...
How do I explain that the US isnt in Africa or the Middle East? How about a 3rd grade world map? :rolleyes:
Why is Africa...as a continent lagging behind the rest of the world...Oh for the last...hmmmm....all of human history?
Who told you that and why do you too think the US is in Africa? :rolleyes:
We’ve been in Africa since the 1950’s with military and economic aid.
The US has never been in Africa dummy. The US is on an entirely different continent. :rolleyes:
Hindsight is always 20/20. If we look back into the 18th and 19th centuries ...the world of the founders of our nation...we see and international battle ground between Spain, France, and Great Britain. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison were 5th generation slave owners. From a class of people that held all the economic and political power in the South. To a man they disagreed with slavery. But how were they going to end it? Screaming in the streets like today’s liberal historians think they should have? These men would have been hanged by their own class of people. Instead they put in place a system based on constitutional law that would allow for a gradual elimination of slavery. We can’t judge them based on OUR TIME...but we must judge them on their time. They moved as fast as speed could practically allow.
Thomas Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Now leftist (we have no Democratic Party anymore) want to destroy them, tear down plaques, statues, and rewrite history. Very dangerous.
Who even knows what you’re talking about.

I tried to follow along but it makes no sense. The way you skitter along with historical untruths and half truths and out right lies, it’s just bizarre.
Name them? Point them out? Everything posted was 100% truth. Probably not to your mind that has been made delusional with public education and the liberal media/campus culture.

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