Political Power is Fleeting...

Why are the democrats going to lose power this November?

  • Because Obama and the dems now have to deal with the financial mess that they created.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Because Obama and the dems are bankrupting the US

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Because Obama and the dems are no different than Republicans

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Because Obama and the dems have no clue how to fix the US economy and create jobs

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Because Obama and the dems can't blame Republicans for their legislative failures

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
The democrats had/have the entire Federal government under their direct control...for one complete 2-year election cycle.... eerily similar to the 1992-1994 Clinton cycle. Poor Chris Matthews simply can't understand how the voters are gagging on the politics of the left now in control, and how the Senate will probably go Republican, and even Congressional control may be in-play.

How can this happen? Are the voters this stupid? Why God oh why can't the voters see that progressivism is the answer?

Anyway. I've seen enough whiny leftist polls here about Tea-Baggers, and Sarah Palin, and the usual leftist issues.

So here is one more stupid partisan poll....quasi-trolling....pseudo-intellectual....just a good food fight with a poll.....
Sure Republicans gain seats in Congress but to believe either house has a potential to go majority Republican or even be close is denying reality. Also, remember only 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection so thats even more of a stretch.

I have no faith in the Republican Party to actually nominate candidates worth voting for or to attract moderate voters, especially in the 2012 presidential election. I honestly believe whoever they nominate will be the Rebuplican version of John Kerry (an outright horrible candidate).
Sure Republicans gain seats in Congress but to believe either house has a potential to go majority Republican or even be close is denying reality. Also, remember only 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection so thats even more of a stretch.

I have no faith in the Republican Party to actually nominate candidates worth voting for or to attract moderate voters, especially in the 2012 presidential election. I honestly believe whoever they nominate will be the Rebuplican version of John Kerry (an outright horrible candidate).

I was watching Chris Matthews on "Hardball" and he listed 8-seats that are favored to go GOP in November. I don't recall all of them but some of them are:
NV- Reid's seat
ND- Dorgan's seat
IN- Bayh's seat
DE- Gov Castle is favored to take Biden's seat
CT- Dodd's seat
PA- Specter's seat
WA- Patty Murry's seat
WI- Feingold's seat

The intent of this thread/poll is simply to show that the progressive message isn't working. Crazy spending, crazy borrowing, crazy policies (C+T, UHC, etc.) anti-national security policies (giving terrorists lawyers, prosecuting CIA & military personnel, etc.) are not popular. All the crazy MFs need to do now is pull the "nuclear option" to really set DC into crazy mode.
We need adults to be in-charge. I don't see any in DC yet.
I'd put forward that if 2010 is a complete turn around, as in the GOP takes the House and Senate by wide majorities, that would be a bad sign for our republic.

The voters turned on the GOP and threw them out after only 6 years of majority control. Tossing the DNC after only 4 shows a fundamental instability in the system. How long would the GOP keep control in the House and Senate? Until 2012?

I am seriously starting to suspect that the time for a third party has come. Voters have made it clear that they reject the GOP party as represented by DeLay/Frist/Bush, and they are not at all happy with the DNC as represented by Pelosi/Reid/Obama.

If the GOP hope to hold power, I hope they have something new to bring to the table.l

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