"Political philosophy quiz"...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It's might be outdated but I thought this," Political philosophy quiz" was at least interesting.

This is how it turned out for Lumpy...

+Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Hardcore Republican+..:talk2hand:

-------------------------Sample questions

1. Are our gun control laws too strict?
Yes No Maybe/Don't Care

2. Should gay marriage be legalized?
Yes No Maybe/Don't Care

3. Should we consider invading Iran?
Yes No Maybe/Don't Care

4. Should intelligent design be taught in public schools alongside evolution?
Yes No Maybe/Don't Care

( I didn't give my E-mail Address)
Political Quiz.net.<<<(Da Link.........:cheers2:
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Took the quiz and found out I was a 'moderate' which is ridiculous since I have convictions about almost everything and I've always thought of moderates as having convictions about almost nothing. I presume I am right of center though since I was told I would generally be Republican. There wasn't a question to communicate how angry I have been at the Republicans though. :)

It wasn't that bad a quiz as most questions weren't as loaded as you usually find in these things.

I am pretty libertarian and did score pretty high there.
It isn't a link. It's a url. You have to copy it and paste it into your browser and then it will take you right there.
the test is too ambiguous

the answers to those questions are far more complex than yes/no/maybe
Conservative/Progressive score: 12
You are a social progressive. You generally consider yourself a humanist first. You probably think that religion and patriotism go too far in society. You probably consider yourself to be a citizen of Earth first rather than a citizen of your country.

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 9
You're a Social Capitalist, you think that, left to its own, Capitalism leaves a lot of people behind. You think that Health Care should be free to all, that the minimum wage should be raised, and that the government should provide jobs to all that are capable of having them. You likely hated the Bush tax cuts, and believe that the middle class has gotten poorer, and the rich have gotten richer over the past several years. The far extreme of social capitalism is socialism.

Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 2
You are libertarian. You think that the government is making way too many unnecessary laws that are taking away our innate rights. You believe that the government's job is primarily to protect people from harming other people, but after that they should mind their own business, and if we give the government too much power in controlling our lives, it can lead to fascism.

Pacifist/Militarist score: 1
You're a Pacifist. You are angered that the United States thinks it should dominate the world through its military force. You think that the only time war is necessary is when we are in direct danger of being attacked. You also believe the US spends way too much of its money on defense, as we can practically cut it in half and still easily defend ourselves, and use that money to fix all our economic problems.

Pretty funny

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