Political Hacks

The ClayTaurus

Senior Member
Sep 19, 2005
Ready for some fun? I'd like you to list your top 3 liberal political hacks (yes, just 3), and your top 3 conservative political hacks, both as pertaining to journalists/tv pundits/radio hosts/writers. I'm not talking about actual politicians. A little blurb as to why they made it to your list would be nice as well. Damn, I'm demanding.

Ready, set, GO!
The ClayTaurus said:
Ready for some fun? I'd like you to list your top 3 liberal political hacks (yes, just 3), and your top 3 conservative political hacks, both as pertaining to journalists/tv pundits/radio hosts/writers. I'm not talking about actual politicians. A little blurb as to why they made it to your list would be nice as well. Damn, I'm demanding.

Ready, set, GO!

Libs: Jeannie Garafolo. A sort-of-funny actress gets her own radio show to screed about Bush? Please.

Al Franken: A sort-of-funny actor gets his own radio show to screed about Bush? Please.

Ken Schram: Seattle op-ed guy for KOMO-TV. Sometimes he pulls his head out and has something good to say. But 95% of the time, he parrots the NYT/DNC talking points.

Cons: Ann Coulter. I've never liked her ranting style, even though she has some decent points.

Michael Savage. Same deal: good points, terrible delivery methods.

James Dobson. I am not a big fan of the whole "follow our agenda or God will condemn you to hell" thing, which comes across underneath Dobson's messages about relevant political issues.
gop_jeff said:
Libs: Jeannie Garafolo. A sort-of-funny actress gets her own radio show to screed about Bush? Please.

Al Franken: A sort-of-funny actor gets his own radio show to screed about Bush? Please.

Ken Schram: Seattle op-ed guy for KOMO-TV. Sometimes he pulls his head out and has something good to say. But 95% of the time, he parrots the NYT/DNC talking points.

Cons: Ann Coulter. I've never liked her ranting style, even though she has some decent points.

Michael Savage. Same deal: good points, terrible delivery methods.

James Dobson. I am not a big fan of the whole "follow our agenda or God will condemn you to hell" thing, which comes across underneath Dobson's messages about relevant political issues.
I remember, during the last debates, Fox News had Garafalo as "the Democratic voice" one night. Yikes.
The ClayTaurus said:
Ready for some fun? I'd like you to list your top 3 liberal political hacks (yes, just 3), and your top 3 conservative political hacks, both as pertaining to journalists/tv pundits/radio hosts/writers. I'm not talking about actual politicians. A little blurb as to why they made it to your list would be nice as well. Damn, I'm demanding.

Ready, set, GO!

James Carville, outspoken dem, married to the other side Mary Matilin...... for putting up with each other
Fareed Zakaria, reporter, I think he demonstrates fairness and optimism and intelligence
Gore Vidal, writer, pragmatist, humorist.

Bill Bennett, judgemental henchman, gambling problem
Robert Novak, reporter, commentator, recently in news re/source disclosure
Rush Limbaugh, radio show host, hypocrite regarding personal drug use
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sagegirl said:
James Carville, outspoken dem, married to the other side Mary Matilin...... for putting up with each other
Fareed Zakaria, reporter, I think he demonstrates fairness and optimism and intelligence
Gore Vidal, writer, pragmatist, humorist.

Bill Bennett, judgemental henchman, gambling problem
Robert Novak, reporter, commentator, recently in news re/source disclosure
Rush Limbaugh, radio show host, hypocrite regarding personal drug use

Those are your hacks for both sides? That looks like your fav's for one side and your hacks for the other... no?
Originally Posted by The ClayTaurus
Ready for some fun? I'd like you to list your top 3 liberal political hacks (yes, just 3), and your top 3 conservative political hacks, both as pertaining to journalists/tv pundits/radio hosts/writers. I'm not talking about actual politicians. A little blurb as to why they made it to your list would be nice as well. Damn, I'm demanding.

Ready, set, GO!

Al Franken - Both him and Garofolo are just talking heads who spew vitriol for the other side no matter what issue they are talking about. But I kinda like Garofolo if only because I think she's kinda cute sometimes.
Sean Penn - His heart's in the right place, but c'mon. You're an actor dude! Stop taking yourself so seriously!
Cindy Sheehan - Her message got lost in Hurrican Katrina. Now she's just an attention whore.

Rush Limbaugh - He's a vitriolic, polarizing wind bag whose bigotry and insensitivity far outweigh whatever valid points he may make.
Bill O'Reilly - Somebody actually gave this psychopath a tv show? SHUTUP!
Pat Robertson - This guy's just plain nuts.(edit.)
The ClayTaurus said:
Those are your hacks for both sides? That looks like your fav's for one side and your hacks for the other... no?

I think Im fairly obvious.....I dont tolerate some things and I dont care which side it comes from, I consider myself a blend of what I think is the best from both or all sides. I am ready for new and better ideas.
sagegirl said:
I think Im fairly obvious.....I dont tolerate some things and I dont care which side it comes from, I consider myself a blend of what I think is the best from both or all sides. I am ready for new and better ideas.

Ok, here's the question: Do you think that the three liberal people you listed are hacks? You seem to give them endearing descriptions, which confused me.
sagegirl said:
I think Im fairly obvious.....I dont tolerate some things and I dont care which side it comes from, I consider myself a blend of what I think is the best from both or all sides. I am ready for new and better ideas.

So why didn't you follow the rules of the thread? The request was not for your favorites of the Dems and the Hacks list of the Reps, it was for a hacks list for both sides. Who are your three hacks from the Dems?
The ClayTaurus said:
Ok, here's the question: Do you think that the three liberal people you listed are hacks? You seem to give them endearing descriptions, which confused me.
Ahh, No, I misunderstood you .......my liberal hacks would be

Jesse Jackson, too self righteous, not a solution.
Ariana Huffington, reporter, commentator, would be politician maybe a hidden, or not so hidden agenda.
Jesse Ventura, ex gov, just wanted his way.
Ahh, No, I misunderstood you .......my liberal hacks would be

Jesse Jackson, too self righteous, not a solution.
Ariana Huffington, reporter, commentator, would be politician maybe a hidden, or not so hidden agenda.
Jesse Ventura, ex gov, just wanted his way.

Nice choices. But wasn't Jesse Ventura cool in Predator?
sagegirl said:
Ahh, No, I misunderstood you .......my liberal hacks would be

Jesse Jackson, too self righteous, not a solution.
Ariana Huffington, reporter, commentator, would be politician maybe a hidden, or not so hidden agenda.
Jesse Ventura, ex gov, just wanted his way.

Doesn't really fulfill what I was going after, but I guess it'll have to do.

M. Moore - It takes the economy of a third world country to feed the guy, yet he thinks I have excesses that need to be addressed. A shower or two might not hurt....

That lady on Fox who smokes about 60 packs of cigs a day and whose voice sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. They couldn't find somebody to represent that POV?

Randi Rhodes - I have never heard more hate spewed from one mouth in my life. The acidic attacks have no basis in decent conversation, let alone anybody who complains like she does about the division of the nation. Her nastiness has probably created even more of a divide, thankfully she is only on Air America so only 13 people listen at any one time. Her voice also reminds me of that liberal hack on Fox with the terrible voice.


Rush - Come on now! How long can people listen to the same thing over and over. Not only that but he is entirely too willing to abandon conservative points to praise the President.

Dobbs - Represents the religious portion of the party that seems to think that the government can somehow force people to act holy. Definitely not a libertarian Republican.

Savage - Much of the same points as I had about Rhodes, except his voice isn't as grating on the ears. He seems to actively work to create an even larger political divide.
The ClayTaurus said:
Doesn't really fulfill what I was going after, but I guess it'll have to do.

Maybe I should have stayed out of this one......My interest in hackers is very limited.
On the liberal side:

Michael Moore-obvious untruths blended with semi-truths are a dangerous combination, especially when the liar will not listen, no matter how obvious the truths put to him.

Paul Begala-some of the above would also pertain to him, yet he seems like he would be fun to have a beer with and talk.

Susan Estrich-she with the raspy voice that I think No1 was speaking about on FOX. Actually she is a constitutional law professor and Dem. hack.

On the conservative side:

Pat Buchanan-while brilliant he didn't mind trying to destroy his party, I think in retaliation for not being 'accepted.'

Michael Savage-the nastiest messages delivered without a bit of humor.

Ann Coulter-I probably agree with 90% of what she says, but cannot abide the self-importance and condescension she brings to the table.
Paul Krugman--NYT columnist and economics professor. Despite his doctorate, he does not know much of anything about economics.

Ralph Nader--If I want to drive a car which is only a danger to me, I should be able to. Gay sex is risky and dangerous, should we pass laws against that too? PS--Central planning and socialism in general is dead.

Bill O'Reiley--I've only seen his show a few times. He seems like a populist more than a conservative, but I guess that's close enough. His rants against big oil's supposed price gouging are proof that being "conservative" does not necessarily mean you support free markets.

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