Policies & People


Sep 23, 2010
By all accounts at least 50% of American women oppose abortion. That number skyrockets when you add in taxpayer-funded abortions on demand, yet the press tells us Hussein has the female vote sewed up. That is not possible. The best Hussein can get is 40% and that’s assuming 40% of American women are hardcore Democrats. Forty percent is generous based largely on this:

Obama administration chooses Planned Parenthood over women's health
By Kellie Fiedorek Published July 30, 2012

Obama administration chooses Planned Parenthood over women's health | Fox News

It’s safe to say most women do not vote on the abortion issue alone, but base their vote on how they and their sisters are doing overall. If women vote on a combination of Hussein’s economic policies he’ll play hell getting 40%. Throw in foreign policy and he will be lucky if he gets 5% of the private sector female vote.

NOTE: Women in the Democrat base, teachers, government employees, labor unions, and so on are part of Hussein’s solid vote. Definitive question in this race: Can those Americans living on tax dollars win without private sector votes? If your answer is “Yes” move the cursor to 2:30 and take Dennis Miller’s advice:


Now, let’s look at the media’s favorite subdivision; college-educated women. Do they base their vote on the women in Hussein’s administration because they agree with them? Once again Hussein comes up short. I will never believe that college-educated American women are pleased with Janet Napolitano. Ditto well-informed women without a college degree:

Republicans accuse Napolitano of hiding info on immigration enforcement
By Pete Kasperowicz - 09/26/12 11:19 AM ET

Republicans accuse Napolitano of hiding info on immigration enforcement - The Hill's Floor Action

It’s not only Janet Napolitano. Go down the list of women in Hussein’s Administration ——his cabinet, his czarinas, his advisers, his ambassadors and judges, and it’s hard conclude educated American woman want 4 more years of the same. Should they vote for Hussein’s POLICIES & PEOPLE a refund on their expensive educations is overdue.
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The O’Reilly link in the OP is not working. Here’s Miller’s advice:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zlJkXGA38w&feature=player_detailpage]Dennis Miller on O'reilly Factor 9-26-12 - YouTube[/ame]
At least one of Hussein’s people is in trouble or should be. Compare Rice to Todd Akin:

Rep. Peter King called for the resignation Friday of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice for initially saying that the deadly Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was spontaneous.

Peter King calls for Susan Rice’s resignation
By BOBBY CERVANTES | 9/28/12 6:44 PM EDT Updated: 9/28/12 11:09 PM EDT

Peter King calls for Susan Rice?s resignation - Bobby Cervantes - POLITICO.com

Rice deliberately lied about 4 murdered Americans, while Akin misspoke. He said “legitimate rape” instead of saying legally defined rape. Voters in Missouri will decide Akin’s political fate. The media will decide if Susan Rice stays in her job and in government. My guess is that she will land in a soft spot in the academy no matter what happens.

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