Police State: Media Characterizes Military Invasion Of Florida "Cool Tourist Story"


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
WTG American Media. Goebbels would be so proud. Big Brother knows what's best for us. This is so 'Cool.'

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1BhRNfY1lo]Military Black Helicopter Drills decend over Miami, Florida (May 08, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]

A joint drill between military and police in South Florida involving troops storming a building in the middle of the night was characterized by local media coverage not as a frightening example of how Americans are being acclimatized to accept a state of martial law but as a ‘cool tourist story’.

Panic-stricken residents in Coconut Grove were awoken at 1am to the sound of simulated gunfire and explosions as military helicopters hovered over buildings and dispatched troops to the ground.

The Department of Defense drills prompted a deluge of 911 calls, but instead of asking why the military is terrifying American citizens on U.S. soil with drills designed to acclimate the public to accept martial law, local news station WSVN-TV framed the incident as a ‘cool tourist story’.

“Miami police assisted in overseeing the exercises — but they were instructed to keep quiet about the exercises until late Monday, for security reasons. The police also blocked off roads around the Grand Bay during the exercise,” reports the Miami Herald.
I guess Black Helicopters aren't just a silly 'Conspiracy Theory' after all. Now they're just doing it out in the open. They now feel they have sufficiently scared and dumbed down the Sheople enough to just be out in the open with their Police State. They now have travesties like the NDAA and Patriot Act on their side after all.
Maybe it's just a coincidence but i work in a big bank building in columbus, oh and on that same day we had a helicopter circling over our building. We asked security what it was about and nobody knew. It def wasn't a helicopter that airlifted an injured person away because after it circled for about 15-30 minutes it just flew off.

Very weird.
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Maybe it's just a coincidence but i work in a big bank building in columbus, oh and on that same day we had a helicopter circling over our building. We asked security what it was about and nobody knew. It def wasn't a helicopter that airlifted an injured person away because after it circled for about 15-30 minutes it just flew off.

Very weird.

We had a helicopter fly over my work building the other day too.
Maybe it's just a coincidence but i work in a big bank building in columbus, oh and on that same day we had a helicopter circling over our building. We asked security what it was about and nobody knew. It def wasn't a helicopter that airlifted an injured person away because after it circled for about 15-30 minutes it just flew off.

Very weird.

We had a helicopter fly over my work building the other day too.

So many used to ridicule those who talked about 'Black Helicopters.' Well, here they are. Now they're just out in the open about things. They got the Sheople to go along with the NDAA and Patriot Act. So anything goes for them now. Their power is limitless.
Maybe it's just a coincidence but i work in a big bank building in columbus, oh and on that same day we had a helicopter circling over our building. We asked security what it was about and nobody knew. It def wasn't a helicopter that airlifted an injured person away because after it circled for about 15-30 minutes it just flew off.

Very weird.

We had a helicopter fly over my work building the other day too.

So many used to ridicule those who talked about 'Black Helicopters.' Well, here they are. Now they're just out in the open about things. They got the Sheople to go along with the NDAA and Patriot Act. So anything goes for them now. Their power is limitless.

The American people are so compliant, so their probably saying why not? lets see how far we can go.
We had a helicopter fly over my work building the other day too.

So many used to ridicule those who talked about 'Black Helicopters.' Well, here they are. Now they're just out in the open about things. They got the Sheople to go along with the NDAA and Patriot Act. So anything goes for them now. Their power is limitless.

The American people are so compliant, so their probably saying why not? lets see how far we can go.

Oh yeah, just seeing how much oppression & humiliation the People are willing to accept. And unfortunately, they like what they see at this point.
So many used to ridicule those who talked about 'Black Helicopters.' Well, here they are. Now they're just out in the open about things. They got the Sheople to go along with the NDAA and Patriot Act. So anything goes for them now. Their power is limitless.

The American people are so compliant, so their probably saying why not? lets see how far we can go.

Oh yeah, just seeing how much oppression & humiliation the People are willing to accept. And unfortunately, they like what they see at this point.

I think eventually they are going to tip it over, but by than it will be too late.
So many used to ridicule those who talked about 'Black Helicopters.' Well, here they are. Now they're just out in the open about things. They got the Sheople to go along with the NDAA and Patriot Act. So anything goes for them now. Their power is limitless.

The American people are so compliant, so their probably saying why not? lets see how far we can go.

Oh yeah, just seeing how much oppression & humiliation the People are willing to accept. And unfortunately, they like what they see at this point.

Hyperbole much?

There was no "oppression &/or humiliation" to anyone.
This is very interesting.

If it was the Miami SWAT team doing this drill, the cop haters would blast them, people would say they are overzealous military wannabes, they are over playing their power, etc, etc, etc.

But since it was the military, it's cool.

The reality is, imo, that global threats will eventually become domestic threats as the world becomes more integrated. The stuff that once ONLY the military encoutered, like suicide bombers, or the India hotel massacres by terrorists with machine guns, will eventually be here, and probably already are, just waiting for the right time.

Military and cops protect us from "foreign and domestic" threats. Military has usually been for foreign threats, cops only for domestic. Well, when a foreign threat lands or originates here, it becomes domestic. The lines between the two are vanishing, and thus, the lines between military and police will slowly erode.

Like it or not, thats the reality.

Mainstream society now mostly loves and celebrates the military, while they are about 50/50 love/hate with cops, for simple logic: Most people didn't grow up loving the people who enforce rules on them, but they always love the people who go beat up the bully from another school.

Well, we'll see how much the public's love affair with the military continues if, one day, the Marines or Army are doing highway traffic enforcement instead of local cops.
The military conducts drills all the time. I live not too far from Ft. Campbell and military helicopters frequently are doing drills over the highways here.
The bad part of thsi story is that they were noisy and disruptive and didnt bother to explain to the affected populace what they were going to do in advance.
As for "accepting anything", 911 was deluged with calls. What else would you like people to do? Shoot the copters out of the sky?
Loyal Government Goose Steppers will defend anything i guess. How sad.
Joint drills between the Military and Police? I have never heard of those before.

It's a very disturbing trend.

Not sure if you have this link. Now we have Florida and Chicago to add to the list. People are most definitely tracking these operations. Florida really seems to have more than its share of "training" going on.

Los Angeles Added to Disturbing Trend of Joint Military, Police-Homeland Security Exercise List
January 25, 2012

Joint military exercises in Boston, LA, Little Rock in past six months

“LOS ANGELES (CBS) — If you notice a heavy military presence around downtown Los Angeles this week, don’t be alarmed — it’s only a drill.”
CBS Los Angeles, January 24, 2012

If we were conspiracy theorists we would ask how many downtown urban areas does the military need for ‘joint military exercises’ with the local police? Exercises ignored by the mainstream news media which the public is given scant or no notice? The joint military exercises were part of a disturbing trend of joint military and police-Homeland Security military-type operations.

In the past six months, three joint military exercises in Boston, Little Rock, and Los Angeles. The Little Rock joint military exercise: 80-100 Special Operation ground forces, 7-9 rotary wing aircraft and 2-3 fixed wing airframes.

The Los Angeles military exercise carried out while President Barack Obama gave his January 24, 2012, State of the Union speech. In April, 2011, the Miami-Dade police’s SE Regional Domestic Security Task Force ‘military’ multiple ‘Blackhawk-type’ helicopters exercise.

In early January, a Homeland Security ‘training exercise’ at a Leesburg, FL, social security office. The training exercise involved Federal Protective Service officers in SWAT gear who carried AK-47′s.

Los Angeles Added to Disturbing Trend of Joint Military, Police-Homeland Security Exercise List | DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP
Joint drills between the Military and Police? I have never heard of those before.
They got away with Waco and now are expanding on the theme. And if they get away with it they soon will ratchet it up a notch. Today, helicopters. Tomorrow, tanks. What we are seeing is incremental evolution of the American Police State, sponsored by the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex, aka "Homeland Security."

Did the Mayor of that town and the Citizens' Council approve the exercise? How about Florida's Governor?
Joint drills between the Military and Police? I have never heard of those before.
They got away with Waco and now are expanding on the theme. And if they get away with it they soon will ratchet it up a notch. Today, helicopters. Tomorrow, tanks. What we are seeing is incremental evolution of the American Police State, sponsored by the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex, aka "Homeland Security."

Did the Mayor of that town and the Citizens' Council approve the exercise? How about Florida's Governor?

Police agencies with drones. As of right here right now.
Joint drills between the Military and Police? I have never heard of those before.
They got away with Waco and now are expanding on the theme. And if they get away with it they soon will ratchet it up a notch. Today, helicopters. Tomorrow, tanks. What we are seeing is incremental evolution of the American Police State, sponsored by the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex, aka "Homeland Security."

Did the Mayor of that town and the Citizens' Council approve the exercise? How about Florida's Governor?

Police agencies with drones. As of right here right now.

Be afraid. Even the known (by the public) capabilities of drone aircraft goes way above, and beyond what should be in the hands of Police to use as they see fit. Some drones are even capable of facial recognition. The Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of Police surveillance on ANY individuals from public airspace (see Florida vs. Riley) WITHOUT Police requiring a Warrant. Translation... If there is a drone above you, someone probably knows who you are, and what you're doing -regardless if you are in your own backyard, and have committed no crime. The fine point is that it doesn't even matter if you are a Law abiding citizen, or not. Do you think there is a slight chance this technology IS, or will be abused by a Police agency? Absolutely! Privacy issue? Definitely!!!! But our Courts have spoken, and they have spoken against the Rights of individuals who have committed no crime.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Pub dupes!! Funny how Romney wants to raise military spending, Dems want to cut. Must spend more than the rest of the world!!! NOT. And cut taxes on the bloated rich, and destroy Medicare LOL. Change the channel, wingnuts....

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