Poison Ivy: Se7en


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an eco-conscious vignette involving Poison Ivy (the fictional DC Comics female eco-terrorist) inspired by the modernism ethics-paranoia film Se7en (a treatise on the complications of unpredictable policework).

What do you make of gender-intelligence in our traffic-hypnotized 'TrumpUSA'?

When I see countless photos of anti-TrumpUSA female protesters in the streets, I start to remember stories about Nixon, Clinton, and Enron...

How will President Trump negotiate the chauvinism of capitalism with modern-day 'pro-humanism intrigue' (e.g., chemical warfare, eco-pollution, etc.)?


Pamela Isley was a respected botanist working in Washington, D.C and had a special consultancy-lab group stationed at the Salk Institute in San Diego, California. Pamela was happy with her work and was developing a special organic-friendly fertilizer for the Trump Administration which was suddenly invested in eco-initiatives prompted by the EPA. However, Pamela soon discovered that the eco-assignment given to her was a cover for a terrible chemical weapons development project by Trump's pro-military government.

Pamela grew insane. She devoted her entire life to plants and vegetation and was truly excited about the prospect that her eco-project involving her 'organic-friendly fertilizer' would translate to refreshing White House gardens, but now she considered the possibility that her entire career was in vain and that American consumerism had created an attitude of 'infotainment complacency.' Pamela decided to become an eco-terrorist. She fashioned herself a leotard and skin-tights and nylons (all green-colored) and wrapped herself in vines and colored her entire body with green paint. She now called herself Poison Ivy.

Poison Ivy broke into the Salk Institute botany lab one summer evening and stole the secret U.S. government project-files regarding its development of chemical weapons. Poison Ivy discovered that the U.S. military intended to drop chemical bombs that created skin burns and poison-ivy-like itching all over Syria and Iran to force Sunni and Shia Muslims to come to some accord to facilitate free-market trade domineered by America. Poison Ivy then broke into the White House and kidnapped First Lady Melania Trump!

The stunned First Lady soon discovered that Poison Ivy intended to retaliate against the Trump government's chemical-warfare agenda by dropping hallucinogens into the drinking water of U.S. government offices in Washington, D.C. and then douse the walls of the Pentagon with corrosive hydrochloric acid. The First Lady urged Poison Ivy not to resort to eco-terrorism to deter America's plans for chemical warfare. Mrs. Trump explained to Poison Ivy (Pamela) that President Trump was simply concerned that the Middle East's potentially unchecked development of chemical weapons needed to be 'matched.'

Poison Ivy remained unconvinced and believed that this new 'retaliation-agenda' was nothing more than a modernized form of Mutually Assured Destruction! The FBI had a special operative named Death-Hand kidnap Poison Ivy and bring her to a warehouse for a terrible 'inquisition.'

POISON IVY: Why have you brought me here, 'Death-Hand'?
DEATH-HAND: I intend to detangle your 'feminine poison.'
POISON IVY: Wow! I suppose President Trump is 'ultra-concerned' about 'ethical warfare.'
DEATH-HAND: Do you think women have the right to become terrorists?
POISON IVY: I think a woman has the right to take control of politics, when men prove to be too cruel...
DEATH-HAND: Chemical warfare is a reality of the modern age.
POISON IVY: American voters (and their women and children) hope their government is not 'reactionary.'
DEATH-HAND: That's what 'hippies' said about nuclear warfare (i.e., Hiroshima)!
POISON IVY: Chemical weapons are an anathema to humanity and are subject to war-crimes prosecution.
DEATH-HAND: How should we respond to the fact that fundamentalists are secretly making chemical bombs?
POISON IVY: You can't destroy evil with a methodology of 'covert devastation.'
DEATH-HAND: Do you want your daughter to face 'acidic terrorists' if she joined the U.S. army?
POISON IVY: I want my daughter to be proud of our government and know that it doesn't invest in terror!
DEATH-HAND: Yet you yourself resort to eco-terrorism...
POISON IVY: Sometimes the real government is 'constructed' by those willing to initiate revolution.
DEATH-HAND: Oh, so what's the difference then between terrorism and revolution?
POISON IVY: Terrorism is an act of chauvinism...
DEATH-HAND: We'll see what the FBI has in store for you!



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