Please union supporters:ONE good reason if


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
a union is providing good services for members that members MUST be forced to pay dues to keep their jobs?

Let's put it into perspective.
What kind of innovations, new products would Apple come up with if EVERYONE was forced to buy from Apple?

What keeps a union in existence if they don't have enough confidence they are providing a valued service if their members are forced to pay dues?

Another perspective.
How would any of you as tax payers feel if out of the property taxes you pay it was a municipal law that 10% of your taxes had to go to the GOP party?

Another way of looking at it...
If when you were a kid the neighborhood bully said you had to pay a quarter every time you got on the swing?

All these perspectives have one thing in common.. extortion.
As I understand it, whether working or not Union members must keep paying dues. Doesn't matter if they can afford it. If the dues lapses they lose everything. Even after 30 years.

BTW- I paid 50 cents to get on the swing.
Let's bottom-line this. Unions are parasites masquerading as protectors and defenders. If they didn't pay off crooked politicians, they would all be in jail.
a union is providing good services for members that members MUST be forced to pay dues to keep their jobs?

Let's put it into perspective.
What kind of innovations, new products would Apple come up with if EVERYONE was forced to buy from Apple?

What keeps a union in existence if they don't have enough confidence they are providing a valued service if their members are forced to pay dues?

Another perspective.
How would any of you as tax payers feel if out of the property taxes you pay it was a municipal law that 10% of your taxes had to go to the GOP party?

Another way of looking at it...
If when you were a kid the neighborhood bully said you had to pay a quarter every time you got on the swing?

All these perspectives have one thing in common.. extortion.

Do you think unions have any value, past or present?
To have to pay some one or some organization to be able to work is "pay to play" at its finest.

I see no difference between paying union dues or paying the mob for protection dues.
Not all unions shops are closed shops. Some make union membership optional.
I'll say this- when you got the work the work is good and so is the pay and bennies.

But when the job is done, you're on your own. Until the next "job" comes available.

It's feast or famine in the Union world.
a union is providing good services for members that members MUST be forced to pay dues to keep their jobs?

Let's put it into perspective.
What kind of innovations, new products would Apple come up with if EVERYONE was forced to buy from Apple?

What keeps a union in existence if they don't have enough confidence they are providing a valued service if their members are forced to pay dues?

Another perspective.
How would any of you as tax payers feel if out of the property taxes you pay it was a municipal law that 10% of your taxes had to go to the GOP party?

Another way of looking at it...
If when you were a kid the neighborhood bully said you had to pay a quarter every time you got on the swing?

All these perspectives have one thing in common.. extortion.

Do you think unions have any value, past or present?

40 years ago when I was a union worker, the start of the "extortion" era began and then when I became "management" after college I worked with our union stewards and one of them a grizzled missing finger WWII vet told me "Management doesn't stand up and we'll keep asking for everything and they give it"..
and so the era began of higher and higher wages instead of really "helping" management improve productivity.
As a result the factory where I worked as a union worker and later in "management" has shut down and jobs are now overseas!

What has been missing is Unions are protecting and grabbing at every piece instead of working with management to figure how both parties can win.
Now there are some unions that understand and are now more cooperative.. less protective of workers at the sake of productivity.
Case in point. When as a union college kid I was working on some new lumber repairing skids. Not a problem there but when some New lumber came in to be attached to some new skids... whoa... that's a "carpenter's job..i.e. working on new lumber" the foreman was told by the steward!
Productivity was secondary to protecting the member's status and then job!
Union control over the work force is nothing short of legalized extortion. Love the ABC (Aanything But Correct) coverage.
a union is providing good services for members that members MUST be forced to pay dues to keep their jobs?

Let's put it into perspective.
What kind of innovations, new products would Apple come up with if EVERYONE was forced to buy from Apple?

What keeps a union in existence if they don't have enough confidence they are providing a valued service if their members are forced to pay dues?

Another perspective.
How would any of you as tax payers feel if out of the property taxes you pay it was a municipal law that 10% of your taxes had to go to the GOP party?

Another way of looking at it...
If when you were a kid the neighborhood bully said you had to pay a quarter every time you got on the swing?

All these perspectives have one thing in common.. extortion.

No one has to pay union dues unless they take a union job.

btw, it's the employer who collects union dues. It's the employer who's agreed by contract to bargain with the union, as representative of the employees.
a union is providing good services for members that members MUST be forced to pay dues to keep their jobs?

Let's put it into perspective.
What kind of innovations, new products would Apple come up with if EVERYONE was forced to buy from Apple?

What keeps a union in existence if they don't have enough confidence they are providing a valued service if their members are forced to pay dues?

Another perspective.
How would any of you as tax payers feel if out of the property taxes you pay it was a municipal law that 10% of your taxes had to go to the GOP party?

Another way of looking at it...
If when you were a kid the neighborhood bully said you had to pay a quarter every time you got on the swing?

All these perspectives have one thing in common.. extortion.

No one has to pay union dues unless they take a union job.

btw, it's the employer who collects union dues. It's the employer who's agreed by contract to bargain with the union, as representative of the employees.

They have to agree to the extortion payment if they want a job!
If it quacks like a duck ,walks like a duck... geez just maybe a duck!
If you want the job you have to agree to UNION dues being deducted!

OH and 90% of the UNION political contributions go to Democrats and ANY GOP union worker has NO SAY!!!
SEIU has been Obama's funnel for funds for years now!
Is that fair???
I vote for a GOP but my union dues get Democrats elected? Is that fair? That's extortion!

OH and one other thing... those "BENEFITS" NOT paid by the UNION DUES but by employer!!!

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