Please post all findings from respected scientific bodies

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Liberal Socialist Paradise
Request to the USMB flat earth society.

Please post any and all recent statements from a major, established and respected scientific organization, or national science academy, with expertise in climate science, that supports your position that humans have nothing to do with climate change
Pending more research, Orjan Gustafsson shares Lawrence’s caution. When asked how close Earth may be to a tipping point of irreversible climate change, he replies: “Everyone would like to know the answer to that. I don’t think anyone can say.”

Irreversible ? Pretty damn egomaniacal don't you think ?
I just got my National Wildlife Magazine in the mail today. I found this article very interesting:

Environment - National Wildlife Magazine

that was a great article.

bet ya a nickle that climate warning can always be reversed.

you might be right, but you don't believe humans are affecting climate, so if your wrong and we follow your position, your kids and grandkids will be paying for your ignorance.
that was a great article.

bet ya a nickle that climate warning can always be reversed.

you might be right, but you don't believe humans are affecting climate, so if your wrong and we follow your position, your kids and grandkids will be paying for your ignorance.

As they will if YOU are wrong and we implement policies that assume we are the main cause of the warming cycle (that appears to have ended a little over ten years ago).

A piece of advice about your vaunted scientific bodies.; follow the money. Considering the FACT that THE 'scientific body' (the IPCC) spear heading AGW has a now established record of blatant omissions, fudging, misrepresenting you might not want to put quite so much stock in that.

I love how this debate has progressed. First it was provide peer reviewed material as counter evidence to AGW. That was done. As those of knew who provided such research knew, ridiculous excuses were made as to why whatever was presented didn't count. Even funnier was that some on this board who by no stretch could be called scientists attempted to spin what was provided as not saying what it actually said. Now we've moved to only statements from scientific bodies countering AGW count.

This makes one thing fairly clear. There is little point in debating further unless you religious zealots can say yes to the following; Could you be convinced by a good counter argument? the answer to that is clearly no. I personally provided peer reveiwed research that deomonstrated the previous predictions of warming were overstated which was never meat with any real scientific counter (thought plenty of ridiculous excuses as to why it didn't count were given) You are more interested in being a right fighter than the truth.
Bern80, if we implement policies to fight global warming by switching to clean energy, America will be energy independent.

We should be doing it for this reason and this reason alone!
Request to the USMB flat earth society.

Please post any and all recent statements from a major, established and respected scientific organization, or national science academy, with expertise in climate science, that supports your position that humans have nothing to do with climate change

In other words, if YOU don't think it important, then your white smocked God is intact, hey thanks for playing though.
Bern80, if we implement policies to fight global warming by switching to clean energy, America will be energy independent.

We should be doing it for this reason and this reason alone!

What clean energy? There is none. And do not start harking wind again. It damages the environment it is built in. What you mean is we should only use energy YOU happen to like.
Request to the USMB flat earth society.

Please post any and all recent statements from a major, established and respected scientific organization, or national science academy, with expertise in climate science, that supports your position that humans have nothing to do with climate change

In other words, if YOU don't think it important, then your white smocked God is intact, hey thanks for playing though.

Guess what, my "white smocked God" has prevented polio from being the scourge of childhood for a couple of generations now. Your heartless God just let them be crippled and die. So whose God is more worthy?
Bern80, if we implement policies to fight global warming by switching to clean energy, America will be energy independent.

We should be doing it for this reason and this reason alone!

What clean energy? There is none. And do not start harking wind again. It damages the environment it is built in. What you mean is we should only use energy YOU happen to like.

You have made the statement, back it up. But you cannot, can you.
Its been at least 24 hours, and still not one single, solitary recent statement from an established, major professional scientific organization or a national science academy with expertise in climate science, which supports the assertation that humans aren't affecting climate change.


still waiting........
Its been at least 24 hours, and still not one single, solitary recent statement from an established, major professional scientific organization or a national science academy with expertise in climate science, which supports the assertation that humans aren't affecting climate change.


still waiting........

Well, Dawn, it's not possible to prove a negative. However, again, the IPCC itself stated in its 2007 Physical Science basis report that unequivocal attribution of climate change to anything...human effect or otherwise...would require controlled experiments that are not possible to conduct. I think I've posted that inconvenient reality a number of times in different threads. If you insist, I will again link the 2007 IPCC Physical Science Basis report and again quote the language.
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Its been at least 24 hours, and still not one single, solitary recent statement from an established, major professional scientific organization or a national science academy with expertise in climate science, which supports the assertation that humans aren't affecting climate change.

Underline added for emphasis. I think it's very important to note that there are principles that transcend any particular discipline. The idea that one has to be involved in climate science to make valid comments on the processes being employed in climate science is a fallacy.
Who ever said follow the money was so right. There is so much bullshit involved with this subject it is incredible. There is billions spent every year on cleaning the environment and most is just a waste of money and time I know as my company was paid several hundred thousands of taxpayer monies to (Quote) clean up pollutants.

What a joke, oh most of the monies went to government fee's,employee compensation, insurance coverage,overhead expenses,special equipment,and 20% profit.

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