Pleading the 5th! Fusion GPS co founder trying to get out of testifying


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth
A few months ago:

McCain released his own new defense budget: five years – five trillion dollar defense budget; a lot of that is aimed at Russia. It is great for the American military-industrial complex, which is what keeps John McCain in office. So that is one of the reasons he does this. One of the reasons why he cannot stand Donald Trump and he could not stand to have any change in Washington’s anti-Russia policies… If anyone is hurting American democracy, it’s people like John McCain

Most people will remember the salacious details of this dossier; they won’t remember all the finer points about how it came about, McCain’s role in it. They don’t remember this; they remember the headlines. So I would say as a propaganda ploy this will probably be very successful.

‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth

If Comey were running THE FBI, he'd give this douche Immunity, then seal his testimony, and then tell us there was NO INTENT and therefore NO CRIME!
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth
Huh. Wonder what he thinks he did that was illegal.
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth
Russian Conspiracy Theory Implosion.....
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth
Russian Conspiracy Theory Implosion.....

You can only hold a puff of gossamer in the air for so long.
You can only hold a puff of gossamer in the air for so long.
Which is why it is falling to the ground now for the Democrats...
As yet another 'Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory accusation attempt crashes and burns, it seem the Democrats...or at least suddenly blaming HILLARY for starting the whole Russian Conspiracy Theory Bullshit:

DEMOCRATS: 'It's not working - what do we do now?


Schumer tells Clinton 'blame yourself'; Trump echoes criticism

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had choice words for Hillary Clinton in an interview over the weekend, blasting the Democratic presidential nominee for blaming Russia for her loss to now-President Trump"

“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”

You can only hold a puff of gossamer in the air for so long.
Which is why it is falling to the ground now for the Democrats...
As yet another 'Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory accusation attempt crashes and burns, it seem the Democrats...or at least suddenly blaming HILLARY for starting the whole Russian Conspiracy Theory Bullshit:

DEMOCRATS: 'It's not working - what do we do now?


Schumer tells Clinton 'blame yourself'; Trump echoes criticism

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had choice words for Hillary Clinton in an interview over the weekend, blasting the Democratic presidential nominee for blaming Russia for her loss to now-President Trump"

“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”

Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM. Indeed, when the whole investigation actually began with alerts from GCHQ and other allies' intelligence agencies notifying us back in 2016 that Manafort's name was being discussed as someone Russian agents were talking to, and then the Wikileaks and then all the intelligence agencies tracing the hacks to Russia, were we supposed to ignore all that? Yes, say the Republicans. I don't think so. Maybe the Trump team just got played and had nothing to do with it, but if that's true, what in hell is he doing so much squawking about, and why do all his people seem to have amnesia when it comes to putting down their contacts with Russians? Too many things to be coincidence. Let's let them take a look; ignore all the media chatter and just wait.
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM. Indeed, when the whole investigation actually began with alerts from GCHQ and other allies' intelligence agencies notifying us back in 2016 that Manafort's name was being discussed as someone Russian agents were talking to, and then the Wikileaks and then all the intelligence agencies tracing the hacks to Russia, were we supposed to ignore all that? Yes, say the Republicans. I don't think so. Maybe the Trump team just got played and had nothing to do with it, but if that's true, what in hell is he doing so much squawking about, and why do all his people seem to have amnesia when it comes to putting down their contacts with Russians? Too many things to be coincidence. Let's let them take a look; ignore all the media chatter and just wait.
If people actually give a shit, why doesnt anyone say ANYTHING about the left? They had just as much shit going on, if not more... Losing shouldnt matter, should it?
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM. Indeed, when the whole investigation actually began with alerts from GCHQ and other allies' intelligence agencies notifying us back in 2016 that Manafort's name was being discussed as someone Russian agents were talking to, and then the Wikileaks and then all the intelligence agencies tracing the hacks to Russia, were we supposed to ignore all that? Yes, say the Republicans. I don't think so. Maybe the Trump team just got played and had nothing to do with it, but if that's true, what in hell is he doing so much squawking about, and why do all his people seem to have amnesia when it comes to putting down their contacts with Russians? Too many things to be coincidence. Let's let them take a look; ignore all the media chatter and just wait.
you don't care at all about russia russia. you only want trump gone. just admit it. you'd take any lie or any corruption to end trump's presidency to silence me and my vote. right? come on old lady admit something once in your existence.
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM. Indeed, when the whole investigation actually began with alerts from GCHQ and other allies' intelligence agencies notifying us back in 2016 that Manafort's name was being discussed as someone Russian agents were talking to, and then the Wikileaks and then all the intelligence agencies tracing the hacks to Russia, were we supposed to ignore all that? Yes, say the Republicans. I don't think so. Maybe the Trump team just got played and had nothing to do with it, but if that's true, what in hell is he doing so much squawking about, and why do all his people seem to have amnesia when it comes to putting down their contacts with Russians? Too many things to be coincidence. Let's let them take a look; ignore all the media chatter and just wait.
If people actually give a shit, why doesnt anyone say ANYTHING about the left? They had just as much shit going on, if not more... Losing shouldnt matter, should it?
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

Maybe Senator Chuck would be better served by "seriously hunting down" ways for the Republican Idiots in Congress to fulfill some of their campaign promises instead of wasting time chasing the ghosts of a elections past.

Pick one Chuck.
Obamacare Repeal & Replace?
Tax Reform ?
Border Security ?
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM.
He called it BULLSH!TE!

He stated that attempting to blame the Russians for an ass-whooping by a candidate who has a 40% approval rating was / is RIDICULOUS!

He pointed out that the entire premise that the Russians cost Hillary the election is BS because there is no way they or anyone else could cause that much of a political swing.

He pointed out that 2016 was a SECOND referendum of Hillary Clinton, and she was REJECTED a 2nd (SECOND) time!

"...blame yourself".

So now that Schumer has declared the Russians did not cost Hillary the election and the Democrats have FAILED in their bogus attempts to prove ANY collusion, having them all backfire on them time and again, can we PLEASE end the snowflake subversion, sedition, and conspiracy theories and get back to working for the country?

Oh wait, never mind...the Democrats made it clear that the ONLY thing they stand for ('100% committed') the next 4 years is shutting down the government and not letting anything the GOP and/or President seeks to do does not get done...unless it benefits the Democratic Party. ('F* the nation - it's all about the DNC!')
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM. Indeed, when the whole investigation actually began with alerts from GCHQ and other allies' intelligence agencies notifying us back in 2016 that Manafort's name was being discussed as someone Russian agents were talking to, and then the Wikileaks and then all the intelligence agencies tracing the hacks to Russia, were we supposed to ignore all that? Yes, say the Republicans. I don't think so. Maybe the Trump team just got played and had nothing to do with it, but if that's true, what in hell is he doing so much squawking about, and why do all his people seem to have amnesia when it comes to putting down their contacts with Russians? Too many things to be coincidence. Let's let them take a look; ignore all the media chatter and just wait.
If people actually give a shit, why doesnt anyone say ANYTHING about the left? They had just as much shit going on, if not more... Losing shouldnt matter, should it?

Your logical fallacy is tu quoque

I got nothin against talking about what the left did wrong, but start a different thread about it. This is about the Russia investigation, which for once does not involve Hillary.
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM.
He called it BULLSH!TE!

He stated that attempting to blame the Russians for an ass-whooping by a candidate who has a 40% approval rating was / is RIDICULOUS!

He pointed out that the entire premise that the Russians cost Hillary the election is BS because there is no way they or anyone else could cause that much of a political swing.

He pointed out that 2016 was a SECOND referendum of Hillary Clinton, and she was REJECTED a 2nd (SECOND) time!

"...blame yourself".

So now that Schumer has declared the Russians did not cost Hillary the election and the Democrats have FAILED in their bogus attempts to prove ANY collusion, having them all backfire on them time and again, can we PLEASE end the snowflake subversion, sedition, and conspiracy theories and get back to working for the country?

Oh wait, never mind...the Democrats made it clear that the ONLY thing they stand for ('100% committed') the next 4 years is shutting down the government and not letting anything the GOP and/or President seeks to do does not get done...unless it benefits the Democratic Party. ('F* the nation - it's all about the DNC!')
This investigation is not because Hillary lost. I realize you will continue to console yourself with that misapprehension, but it's not. It's because the fuckin Russians tried to influence the vote by stealing shit from the DNC and Hillary's campaign chairman AND sending a bazillion trolls, fake news and etc. to influence people like you on social media.
A few months ago:

McCain released his own new defense budget: five years – five trillion dollar defense budget; a lot of that is aimed at Russia. It is great for the American military-industrial complex, which is what keeps John McCain in office. So that is one of the reasons he does this. One of the reasons why he cannot stand Donald Trump and he could not stand to have any change in Washington’s anti-Russia policies… If anyone is hurting American democracy, it’s people like John McCain

Most people will remember the salacious details of this dossier; they won’t remember all the finer points about how it came about, McCain’s role in it. They don’t remember this; they remember the headlines. So I would say as a propaganda ploy this will probably be very successful.

‘John McCain passed dossier to make Trump look bad; now he’s trying to save his hide’

russian times is every trumpswab traitor's favorite source for honest journalism :thup:

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