Photos: Anti Trump protesters displays isis flag beheading video


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Photos: Anti-Trump Protester Displays ISIS Flag, Beheading Video
Uses jihadist propaganda to intimidate Trump supporters

Images taken during the violent unrest in Washington DC this week show an anti-Trump Antifa protester displaying a photo of an ISIS flag and an ISIS beheading video on his phone to intimidate Trump supporters.

The individual who took the photos of the protester sent them to Infowars. He said he was inside the Proper 21 sports bar in northwest Washington when the protester approached the glass window.


“A man outside in a partial black mask held up an ISIS flag on his phone he was showing people inside through the glass (mainly Trump supporters),” the source tells us.


“He pointed both fingers to his eyes and then to those watching him,” said the eyewitness, adding, “We alerted security at the bar but do not think anything was done. He returned to show a video of an ISIS beheading as if to taunt those inside.”


The individual said that he had also filed an online FBI report about the incident.

The photos clearly show that the protester is displaying an ISIS flag on his phone as well as what appears to be an ISIS propaganda video.


The fact that social justice warriors are now using ISIS propaganda in an effort to intimidate their political adversaries is interesting given that ISIS has written in its own manifesto of plans to recruit members of the far-left since both groups broadly share the same goals.

Entitled Black Flags from Rome, the December 2015 manifesto includes a ............................

Photos: Anti-Trump Protester Displays ISIS Flag, Beheading Video

Social Justice warriors are about as looney as the rest of the Trump haters, It would be a great day in America if these losers could be rounded up and sent to a true communist Country only then would these assholes learn what living in a real communist Country would be like.

These brainwashed idiots have been fully lead to believe what they believe by the propaganda pushed out by MSM, which in turn is controlled by the Elites and pushed by Obama................Thank God we have that SOB out of office.

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