Photo ID for voting


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
I don't see why requiring photo ID for voting is a big deal. But apparently these logical dems think so, enough so to pull a kindergarden move by up and quitting (falling on the floor and crying, I don wanna do it).

Legislative Walkout

Democratic lawmakers in Georgia and Indiana walked off the job this week to protest a bill that would require voters to show photo ID at the polls, saying the proposal represents a return to the days of Jim Crow (search). Republicans argue that the bill would restore voter confidence and eliminate fraud without burdening voters, most of whom already have photo IDs. But Indiana Democrat Gregory Porter says is designed to "break the spirit of the homeless. It's to break the spirit of the have-nots."

Story at bottom

First off, how in the world does requiring voter ID amount to Jim Crow days? I mean, you "see" the person when they vote. The photo ID is not going to change the way they look. "Hey Bill, see that white coming, let's check his ID to make sure he's not black." I mean, what in the hell could possess one to come up with that logic?

Second, how does it break the spirit of those less fortunate? Photo IDs are FREE! If they are not in all states, then the cost has to be very minimal.
Yurt said:
I don't see why requiring photo ID for voting is a big deal. But apparently these logical dems think so, enough so to pull a kindergarden move by up and quitting (falling on the floor and crying, I don wanna do it).

Story at bottom

First off, how in the world does requiring voter ID amount to Jim Crow days? I mean, you "see" the person when they vote. The photo ID is not going to change the way they look. "Hey Bill, see that white coming, let's check his ID to make sure he's not black." I mean, what in the hell could possess one to come up with that logic?

Second, how does it break the spirit of those less fortunate? Photo IDs are FREE! If they are not in all states, then the cost has to be very minimal.

i am confused .... i thought us righties were the cheaters ..... wouldn't having photo ids cut down on cheating?........unless it would catch the lefty cheaters.............hey wait just a minute here.... :eek2:
In CO it actually is the law that you have to carry ID on you. Requiring somebody to show an ID is not an undue burden on them.

They don't want this because traditionally the D Party is the group that work the system on the voter side of things. They register people that do not exist in order to vote often. (Remember lefties I said traditionally, all you have to look at is Chitown to see what happens when the dead rise to vote).

They also believe that every homeless person alive would vote for them if they could but think that they cannot get IDs. Both of which are garbage.
Maybe it ruins their plans for '08?
Surely with everything else the government spends money on, it could afford to supply those less fortunate with photo IDs.
Yurt said:
I don't see why requiring photo ID for voting is a big deal. But apparently these logical dems think so, enough so to pull a kindergarden move by up and quitting (falling on the floor and crying, I don wanna do it).

First off, how in the world does requiring voter ID amount to Jim Crow days? I mean, you "see" the person when they vote. The photo ID is not going to change the way they look. "Hey Bill, see that white coming, let's check his ID to make sure he's not black." I mean, what in the hell could possess one to come up with that logic?

Second, how does it break the spirit of those less fortunate? Photo IDs are FREE! If they are not in all states, then the cost has to be very minimal.

Yurt, you have to ignore the protestations of the liberals because they're lying through their teeth. Libs have habitually fought all attempts at purging voter lists and any pursuit of voter identification. They come up with all kinds of lofty and noble sounding reasons for their opposition.

But the simple truth is that cleaning up the voter rolls and requiring voter identification would deprive leftists of a substantial portion of their constituency which is comprised of dead people, criminals, illegal aliens and voters who are registered in multiple districts.
Merlin1047 said:
Yurt, you have to ignore the protestations of the liberals because they're lying through their teeth. Libs have habitually fought all attempts at purging voter lists and any pursuit of voter identification. They come up with all kinds of lofty and noble sounding reasons for their opposition.

But the simple truth is that cleaning up the voter rolls and requiring voter identification would deprive leftists of a substantial portion of their constituency which is comprised of dead people, criminals, illegal aliens and voters who are registered in multiple districts.

Agreed. Naturally, any attempt to Democrat-proof the election process is going to meet with stiff resistance. After all, we're messing with TRADITION here!
Merlin1047 said:
But the simple truth is that cleaning up the voter rolls and requiring voter identification would deprive leftists of a substantial portion of their constituency which is comprised of dead people, criminals, illegal aliens and voters who are registered in multiple districts.

Exactly. Funny, not one lib on this site has refuted anything about this thread. Hmmm, maybe I should have put in BIG FONT for Bully et al.

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