Phocahontas has predicted a market crash....Oh no...


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Warren warns of ‘coming economic crash’
“I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble,” she wrote.
An idiot can be right once in a while. Unless it is AOC predicting the end of the Earth in 11 1/2 years now. I remember when Paul Krugman predicted the market crashing when President Trump took office, and the DOW was at 17K. What is the DOW today? 27,116, boy was Paul wrong. So there is a correction coming, maybe this year, maybe next, maybe in 10 years. We will find out when it happens. If other idiots listen to the fake Indian, they might miss out on the DOW, that could hit 30K.
The only thing propping up the market right now is hope of a rate cut. You can tell whether it will be an up or down day just by listening to the last comments from the fed. Under pressure from tRump they may get it, even though it would be a stupid move on their part. Hopefully wiser heads will prevail.
Warren warns of ‘coming economic crash’
“I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble,” she wrote.
An idiot can be right once in a while. Unless it is AOC predicting the end of the Earth in 11 1/2 years now. I remember when Paul Krugman predicted the market crashing when President Trump took office, and the DOW was at 17K. What is the DOW today? 27,116, boy was Paul wrong. So there is a correction coming, maybe this year, maybe next, maybe in 10 years. We will find out when it happens. If other idiots listen to the fake Indian, they might miss out on the DOW, that could hit 30K.

The one thing in that statement that always bugs the crap out of me, is the statement about an economy built on debt.

Can anyone tell me when Warren, or any other democrat was supporting tightening lending standards, reducing student loans, and reducing mortgage loans? When was that? Never.

They run around trying to make loans easier, reducing standards, increasing student loans, then they turn right around and start screaming about the debt crisis.

And you people on the left-wing.... how come you can't see this hypocrisy? How come you guys can't see that your party is pushing debt at every single level, and then turning around and warning you about the coming debt crisis? How is this not as clear manipulation of the Democrap base, as it gets? How can you not see you are being played for fools?
If Trump is in charge when the market corrects, I expect him to do the right thing, or at least better things than the democrooks would do, which ALWAYS amounts to confiscating wealth, wasting it on commie programs, and then blaming industry and banks so they can pass regressive regulations that hamstring recovery.

That's the bottom line. When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly. When it shit the bed briefly during that liberal globalist Bush41 regime, it was because he allowed democrooks to raise taxes and they used the damage they caused to get Clinton in.

Keep the moonbats out of power, and the greater our prosperity will be.

That means ALL MOONBATS, democrook and republicrat.

Warren warns of ‘coming economic crash’
“I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble,” she wrote.
An idiot can be right once in a while. Unless it is AOC predicting the end of the Earth in 11 1/2 years now. I remember when Paul Krugman predicted the market crashing when President Trump took office, and the DOW was at 17K. What is the DOW today? 27,116, boy was Paul wrong. So there is a correction coming, maybe this year, maybe next, maybe in 10 years. We will find out when it happens. If other idiots listen to the fake Indian, they might miss out on the DOW, that could hit 30K.

I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks.

That's weird, no mention of government debt.
Phocahontas has predicted a market crash

It's spelled Fauxcahontas.

As stupid as she is, if she "predicted the sun will rise tomorrow", I'd be worried about the apocalypse and final day of judgement. No matter what she says, I would expect the opposite to be true or actually come true.

Warren warns of ‘coming economic crash’
“I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble,” she wrote.
An idiot can be right once in a while. Unless it is AOC predicting the end of the Earth in 11 1/2 years now. I remember when Paul Krugman predicted the market crashing when President Trump took office, and the DOW was at 17K. What is the DOW today? 27,116, boy was Paul wrong. So there is a correction coming, maybe this year, maybe next, maybe in 10 years. We will find out when it happens. If other idiots listen to the fake Indian, they might miss out on the DOW, that could hit 30K.

I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks.

That's weird, no mention of government debt.
Not that 600,000 manufacturing jobs have returned to the US. Or that more blacks, Hispanics and women are working. Or that the US isnt being held hostage to foreign oil. Nope, an idiot with his head up his ass, wouldn't see any of that...
If Trump is in charge when the market corrects, I expect him to do the right thing, or at least better things than the democrooks would do, which ALWAYS amounts to confiscating wealth, wasting it on commie programs, and then blaming industry and banks so they can pass regressive regulations that hamstring recovery.

That's the bottom line. When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly. When it shit the bed briefly during that liberal globalist Bush41 regime, it was because he allowed democrooks to raise taxes and they used the damage they caused to get Clinton in.

Keep the moonbats out of power, and the greater our prosperity will be.

That means ALL MOONBATS, democrook and republicrat.


When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly.

The October 1987 market crash was not followed by a recession.
I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks.

That's weird, no mention of government debt.

True, now that the meat puppet faggot is gone suddenly the debt isn't an issue???

I'm hoping it's on Trump's Post 2020 agenda. Then again I suspect the powers behind the curtain don't want it addressed.

Of course I don't understand how all the Keynesian Economics works. I'm just inclined to believe we shouldn't be practicing it.

Phocahontas has predicted a market crash

It's spelled Fauxcahontas.

As stupid as she is, if she "predicted the sun will rise tomorrow", I'd be worried about the apocalypse and final day of judgement. No matter what she says, I would expect the opposite to be true or actually come true.


She was worried that the government was making too much profit when they took over the student loan business.

When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly.

The October 1987 market crash was not followed by a recession.

I was 13, but I certainly do not recall eating Ramen noodles for 8 years until shit was fixed.


Real Gross Domestic Product | FRED | St. Louis Fed
She was worried that the government was making too much profit when they took over the student loan business.

Not herself of course, charging how many thousands of dollars to "teach" a course, or the universities that charge 6 figures for tuition?

Then I'm not supposed to point out how leftists are sociopaths.

Warren warns of ‘coming economic crash’
“I see a manufacturing sector in recession. I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks. And I see a number of serious shocks on the horizon that could cause our economy’s shaky foundation to crumble,” she wrote.
An idiot can be right once in a while. Unless it is AOC predicting the end of the Earth in 11 1/2 years now. I remember when Paul Krugman predicted the market crashing when President Trump took office, and the DOW was at 17K. What is the DOW today? 27,116, boy was Paul wrong. So there is a correction coming, maybe this year, maybe next, maybe in 10 years. We will find out when it happens. If other idiots listen to the fake Indian, they might miss out on the DOW, that could hit 30K.

I see a precarious economy that is built on debt — both household debt and corporate debt — and that is vulnerable to shocks.

That's weird, no mention of government debt.
Want to talk about debt?

The federal government takes in over 3 trillion dollars, do you know how much 3 trillion dollars is?

How long would it take you to spend 1 trillion dollars, if you could spend 1 dollar a second?

$1 x 60 seconds = $60
$60 x 60 minutes = $360
$360 x 24 hours = $8,640
$8,640 x 365.25 days = $3,155,760 year (not even close to 1 trillion dollars)
$3,155,760 x 1000 years = $3,155,760,000 (nope still not close)
$3,155,760,000 x 330 = just over 1 trillion dollars. So it would take you or me 330,000 years just to spend 1 trillion dollars.

The government takes in 3 trillion, spend over 4 trillion, something is really wrong when there cant be 1 trillion dollars cut from the budget. See signature again..

n January 1964, Lyndon Baines Johnson declared "unconditional war on poverty in America." Since then, the taxpayers have spent $1 trillion a year, up to $22 trillion on Johnson's war. Adjusted for inflation, that's three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution.
Stop spending the trillion dollars to keep people sitting on their liberal lazy asses, eliminate the welfare program and those working in that agency and in 15 years, the budget would be balanced.
If Trump is in charge when the market corrects, I expect him to do the right thing, or at least better things than the democrooks would do, which ALWAYS amounts to confiscating wealth, wasting it on commie programs, and then blaming industry and banks so they can pass regressive regulations that hamstring recovery.

That's the bottom line. When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly. When it shit the bed briefly during that liberal globalist Bush41 regime, it was because he allowed democrooks to raise taxes and they used the damage they caused to get Clinton in.

Keep the moonbats out of power, and the greater our prosperity will be.

That means ALL MOONBATS, democrook and republicrat.


When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly.

The October 1987 market crash was not followed by a recession.
So what you are saying is that Republican George Bush 41 did the right thing and kept the crash from going into a recession, got it.
The only thing propping up the market right now is hope of a rate cut. You can tell whether it will be an up or down day just by listening to the last comments from the fed. Under pressure from tRump they may get it, even though it would be a stupid move on their part. Hopefully wiser heads will prevail.

I totally agree with you on that. I have been listening to him for awhile and in my opinion, Powell is hinting another rate cut will happen before the end of the year.

Why so many rate cuts? You can't make money out of thin air. Lol
If Trump is in charge when the market corrects, I expect him to do the right thing, or at least better things than the democrooks would do, which ALWAYS amounts to confiscating wealth, wasting it on commie programs, and then blaming industry and banks so they can pass regressive regulations that hamstring recovery.

That's the bottom line. When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly. When it shit the bed briefly during that liberal globalist Bush41 regime, it was because he allowed democrooks to raise taxes and they used the damage they caused to get Clinton in.

Keep the moonbats out of power, and the greater our prosperity will be.

That means ALL MOONBATS, democrook and republicrat.


When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly.

The October 1987 market crash was not followed by a recession.
So what you are saying is that Republican George Bush 41 did the right thing and kept the crash from going into a recession, got it.

No, I'm saying the market crashed in October 1987 and there was no recession in 1987 or 1988 or 1989.
If Trump is in charge when the market corrects, I expect him to do the right thing, or at least better things than the democrooks would do, which ALWAYS amounts to confiscating wealth, wasting it on commie programs, and then blaming industry and banks so they can pass regressive regulations that hamstring recovery.

That's the bottom line. When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly. When it shit the bed briefly during that liberal globalist Bush41 regime, it was because he allowed democrooks to raise taxes and they used the damage they caused to get Clinton in.

Keep the moonbats out of power, and the greater our prosperity will be.

That means ALL MOONBATS, democrook and republicrat.


When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly.

The October 1987 market crash was not followed by a recession.
So what you are saying is that Republican George Bush 41 did the right thing and kept the crash from going into a recession, got it.

No, I'm saying the market crashed in October 1987 and there was no recession in 1987 or 1988 or 1989.
Did you know that the market crashed in 2000? That in 2001, 2002 or 2003 there was no recession because George Bush 43 got hold of the economy and didnt allow it to go into a recession. Why is it that in 2007 when the market crashed Obama couldn't stop the recession in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012....
If Trump is in charge when the market corrects, I expect him to do the right thing, or at least better things than the democrooks would do, which ALWAYS amounts to confiscating wealth, wasting it on commie programs, and then blaming industry and banks so they can pass regressive regulations that hamstring recovery.

That's the bottom line. When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly. When it shit the bed briefly during that liberal globalist Bush41 regime, it was because he allowed democrooks to raise taxes and they used the damage they caused to get Clinton in.

Keep the moonbats out of power, and the greater our prosperity will be.

That means ALL MOONBATS, democrook and republicrat.


When the economy crashed towards the end of the Reagan Era, it recovered quickly.

The October 1987 market crash was not followed by a recession.
So what you are saying is that Republican George Bush 41 did the right thing and kept the crash from going into a recession, got it.

No, I'm saying the market crashed in October 1987 and there was no recession in 1987 or 1988 or 1989.
Did you know that the market crashed in 2000? That in 2001, 2002 or 2003 there was no recession because George Bush 43 got hold of the economy and didnt allow it to go into a recession. Why is it that in 2007 when the market crashed Obama couldn't stop the recession in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012....

Did you know that the market crashed in 2000?

Yes, the tech bubble peaked in March 2000.

That in 2001, 2002 or 2003 there was no recession because George Bush 43 got hold of the economy and didnt allow it to go into a recession.

Dude, we had a recession from March 2001-November 2001.

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