Philly Mayor : 'You've damaged your own race'

Just what I thought. Blame whitey! You're very predictable. Perhaps one day you'll learn to think for yourself.

It's not my fault that you and your devil ancestors are responsible for all the evil we see taking place in the world today. The blame must be laid where it belongs, and if it belongs to "whitey" as you so eloquently put it, then let the chips fall where they may.

You spewing this nonsense doesn't make it a fact. Where is your evidence?

It's a known fact that civilization began in Mesopotamia and Egypt in the 4th millenium BC. The first recorded instance of whites is the Gutian hordes, the destroyers of Mesopotamian civilization who don't apear until the 3rd millenium BC. This proves that whites could not have created civilization. It was already in full swing when they wandered out of the mountains. The first indo european (white) work of literature was the Rig Veda circa 8th century BC. The oldest written manuscript was composed by Ptahhotep of Egypt in the 25th century BC. Proof that whites did not invent writing. These are facts. What can you offer in refutation.
Sadly that does seem to be the case.:doubt:

Speaking of mixed races, I am black, Native American and Chinese. Your "mixed race" theory is warrantless.

If you are mixed race why are you calling for segregation?:confused:

Because history has shown that the white race and the world's non-white peoples cannot get along in peace. Everywhere they have gone over the face of the earth only bloodshed, barbarity, rape, and debauchery has followed. Nowhere on the face of the earth can we point to and say he's made a postive impact. His colonialism has destroyed the civilizations and institutions of the world's non-white peoples. His nuclear war and testing and his godless nihilistic capitalism and rapacious industrialism has destroyed the atmosphere and threatens to destabilize the world's weather system which has been stable since the last ice age. "Cast out the scourner and contention shall go out, ye strife and reproach shall cease:
It's not my fault that you and your devil ancestors are responsible for all the evil we see taking place in the world today. The blame must be laid where it belongs, and if it belongs to "whitey" as you so eloquently put it, then let the chips fall where they may.

You spewing this nonsense doesn't make it a fact. Where is your evidence?

It's a known fact that civilization began in Mesopotamia and Egypt in the 4th millenium BC. The first recorded instance of whites is the Gutian hordes, the destroyers of Mesopotamian civilization who don't apear until the 3rd millenium BC. This proves that whites could not have created civilization. It was already in full swing when they wandered out of the mountains. The first indo european (white) work of literature was the Rig Veda circa 8th century BC. The oldest written manuscript was composed by Ptahhotep of Egypt in the 25th century BC. Proof that whites did not invent writing. These are facts. What can you offer in refutation.

Show some links to these so-called facts or stop calling them facts.
Speaking of mixed races, I am black, Native American and Chinese. Your "mixed race" theory is warrantless.

If you are mixed race why are you calling for segregation?:confused:

Because history has shown that the white race and the world's non-white peoples cannot get along in peace. Everywhere they have gone over the face of the earth only bloodshed, barbarity, rape, and debauchery has followed. Nowhere on the face of the earth can we point to and say he's made a postive impact. His colonialism has destroyed the civilizations and institutions of the world's non-white peoples. His nuclear war and testing and his godless nihilistic capitalism and rapacious industrialism has destroyed the atmosphere and threatens to destabilize the world's weather system which has been stable since the last ice age. "Cast out the scourner and contention shall go out, ye strife and reproach shall cease:

So you want segregation between whites and non whites, but yet you expect all non whites to get all right? it will be all peaches and cream without whitey?
Huh? 52nd street is a racist piece of shit so I don't care what people say about him, and quite frankly "brother" you are the one coming off as cookoo.:cuckoo:

Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Learn some history. Or keep looking like an idiot. I don't care.

This is something that guilty whites like to throw into the discussion in an attempt to diminish the wickedness they have committed upon blacks and soothe their guilty collective white conscious. Africans didn't sell other Africans to europeans until the 17th century. The Atlantic slave trade was well over a century old before this began. Furthermore, the African concept of slavery was nowhere near as inhumane as the practices of your devil ancestor slave masters. Slaves had rights, could own property, could attain education, and could purchase their freedom. A different animal from the one your devil ancestors practiced in the so-called western world. This is a small time trick from lightweight devils such as yourself who attempt to justify their wickedness through an insidious application of "designer history". I wish you had the sense to be ashamed of yourself...
Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Learn some history. Or keep looking like an idiot. I don't care.

This is something that guilty whites like to throw into the discussion in an attempt to diminish the wickedness they have committed upon blacks and soothe their guilty collective white conscious. Africans didn't sell other Africans to europeans until the 17th century. The Atlantic slave trade was well over a century old before this began. Furthermore, the African concept of slavery was nowhere near as inhumane as the practices of your devil ancestor slave masters. Slaves had rights, could own property, could attain education, and could purchase their freedom. A different animal from the one your devil ancestors practiced in the so-called western world. This is a small time trick from lightweight devils such as yourself who attempt to justify their wickedness through an insidious application of "designer history". I wish you had the sense to be ashamed of yourself...

Slavery is still practiced in Africa today, and I don't believe those slaves can own anything and don't have a chance to purchase their freedom.
If you are mixed race why are you calling for segregation?:confused:

Because history has shown that the white race and the world's non-white peoples cannot get along in peace. Everywhere they have gone over the face of the earth only bloodshed, barbarity, rape, and debauchery has followed. Nowhere on the face of the earth can we point to and say he's made a postive impact. His colonialism has destroyed the civilizations and institutions of the world's non-white peoples. His nuclear war and testing and his godless nihilistic capitalism and rapacious industrialism has destroyed the atmosphere and threatens to destabilize the world's weather system which has been stable since the last ice age. "Cast out the scourner and contention shall go out, ye strife and reproach shall cease:

So you want segregation between whites and non whites, but yet you expect all non whites to get all right? it will be all peaches and cream without whitey?

Anyone who believes that the human condition would ever allow for it to be all "peaches and cream" is delusional. It is human nature that disagreements arise. Our people had disagreements before the devil slithered out of the Caucasus. Our disagreements, and even our wars, were no where near as destructive in scale as the devil's are, and it has nothing to do with knowledge of science. Western Science is just now beginning to catch up with facts our ancestors new about millenia ago. There were no holes in the Ozone layer or adverse man made climate change. No Crusades, Inquisitions or witchhunts. No Hiroshima's or Nagasakis. This is all fact, accet it or let it alone.
To all of those who accuse me of hatred or ignorance, how come you never attempt to refute my facts with facts? You only offer insults in response. Could it be that none of you really know what your talking about? If this is not the case, then show me where I've been wrong with factual info. I promise you, if you attempt to challenge me on this front, I will make you look like a dead duck in a frozen pond. History does not agree with any of you in your ill-informed assertions. Ask yourselves this, how can the only person presenting facts in a discussion be ignorant?
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Learn some history. Or keep looking like an idiot. I don't care.

This is something that guilty whites like to throw into the discussion in an attempt to diminish the wickedness they have committed upon blacks and soothe their guilty collective white conscious. Africans didn't sell other Africans to europeans until the 17th century. The Atlantic slave trade was well over a century old before this began. Furthermore, the African concept of slavery was nowhere near as inhumane as the practices of your devil ancestor slave masters. Slaves had rights, could own property, could attain education, and could purchase their freedom. A different animal from the one your devil ancestors practiced in the so-called western world. This is a small time trick from lightweight devils such as yourself who attempt to justify their wickedness through an insidious application of "designer history". I wish you had the sense to be ashamed of yourself...

Slavery is still practiced in Africa today, and I don't believe those slaves can own anything and don't have a chance to purchase their freedom.

The slavery you speak of is being practiced on our indigenous African brothers and sisters by the rapacious imperialistic Turkish Arab. The turk is another branch of the devil family. Making slaves out of others is what the devil does. As we speak the 2nd biggest black market industry next to illicit drugs in America is slavery. This time the slaves are white women. The devil even makes slaves out of his own women.
Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Learn some history. Or keep looking like an idiot. I don't care.

This is something that guilty whites like to throw into the discussion in an attempt to diminish the wickedness they have committed upon blacks and soothe their guilty collective white conscious. Africans didn't sell other Africans to europeans until the 17th century.
Really? "They did it first, so that makes it okay when we did it!!"?
The Atlantic slave trade was well over a century old before this began. Furthermore, the African concept of slavery was nowhere near as inhumane as the practices of your devil ancestor slave masters. Slaves had rights, could own property, could attain education, and could purchase their freedom. A different animal from the one your devil ancestors practiced in the so-called western world. This is a small time trick from lightweight devils such as yourself who attempt to justify their wickedness through an insidious application of "designer history". I wish you had the sense to be ashamed of yourself...
I am responsible for no one's actions but my own. I have never owned a slave. I have never oppressed anyone. If you feel oppressed by someone's skin color, you're a weak-minded fool who wants to blame his own failures in life on someone else.

Man up and take responsibility for yourself.
Racism is the legacy of the whiteman. 52nd street did not learn his racism from the motherland, and is only responding to a set of imposed conditions. So if I'm such a cuckoo then tell me brother, what have I stated that's been wrong? Did the world's non-white people not live in relative peace for epochs before there was a white face on the planet? Did the whiteman not invent and implement racism? Did our people not discover civilization, science, religion, art, mathematics, archithecture, and music? Were we not made slaves and subjected to psychological tampering of which modern scientists have discovered there to be a carry over from? For which of these facts do you call me cuckoo?
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Learn some history. Or keep looking like an idiot. I don't care.

This is something that guilty whites like to throw into the discussion in an attempt to diminish the wickedness they have committed upon blacks and soothe their guilty collective white conscious. Africans didn't sell other Africans to europeans until the 17th century. The Atlantic slave trade was well over a century old before this began. Furthermore, the African concept of slavery was nowhere near as inhumane as the practices of your devil ancestor slave masters. Slaves had rights, could own property, could attain education, and could purchase their freedom. A different animal from the one your devil ancestors practiced in the so-called western world. This is a small time trick from lightweight devils such as yourself who attempt to justify their wickedness through an insidious application of "designer history". I wish you had the sense to be ashamed of yourself...

Well shit, no reason to debate you... No matter how many historical facts one would give you to prove your bullshit is just that, bullshit! You'll just deny and say it's not true... I'm done, you're one of those fools who would rather blame others for your or your race's problems on others rather than look for ways to fix or at least question those problems...
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The guy's 100% correct. Thus, he'll likely be attacked as an Uncle Tom and whatnot. Oh, well. He can always ask Bill Cosby for some advice once that stuff starts up.

The vast vast majority of the black community, present and to come, is doomed unless they make significant changes, but I don't see it ever happening.

The black community is doomed alright, but only because America is doomed. The only way to prevent the impending doom of America is to seperate the races. Whites are the cause of all of the racism and racial discrimination we see in the world. It is your legacy so stop complaining. I'm sure your devil ancestors didn't complain about all the expense free labor they got for 300 years, and your rich devil brothers in Washington and on Wall Street aren't complaining now as they reap all the benefits from the forced disenfranchisement of my people. The growing divide between the rich and poor attests to this. These posts show that modern whites are as devilish in their thinking today as they have ever been. I will be glad beyond words, on the day when almighty God in his own good time removes the devil from our planet. The people of the world will only have peace once the peace breaker has been removed...

I support your right to be a fucking racist asshole.

The pot calling the kettle black.
The black community is doomed alright, but only because America is doomed. The only way to prevent the impending doom of America is to seperate the races. Whites are the cause of all of the racism and racial discrimination we see in the world. It is your legacy so stop complaining. I'm sure your devil ancestors didn't complain about all the expense free labor they got for 300 years, and your rich devil brothers in Washington and on Wall Street aren't complaining now as they reap all the benefits from the forced disenfranchisement of my people. The growing divide between the rich and poor attests to this. These posts show that modern whites are as devilish in their thinking today as they have ever been. I will be glad beyond words, on the day when almighty God in his own good time removes the devil from our planet. The people of the world will only have peace once the peace breaker has been removed...

I support your right to be a fucking racist asshole.

The pot calling the kettle black.

^^^ Irony troll is ironic ^^^
Because history has shown that the white race and the world's non-white peoples cannot get along in peace. Everywhere they have gone over the face of the earth only bloodshed, barbarity, rape, and debauchery has followed. Nowhere on the face of the earth can we point to and say he's made a postive impact. His colonialism has destroyed the civilizations and institutions of the world's non-white peoples. His nuclear war and testing and his godless nihilistic capitalism and rapacious industrialism has destroyed the atmosphere and threatens to destabilize the world's weather system which has been stable since the last ice age. "Cast out the scourner and contention shall go out, ye strife and reproach shall cease:

So you want segregation between whites and non whites, but yet you expect all non whites to get all right? it will be all peaches and cream without whitey?

Anyone who believes that the human condition would ever allow for it to be all "peaches and cream" is delusional. It is human nature that disagreements arise. Our people had disagreements before the devil slithered out of the Caucasus. Our disagreements, and even our wars, were no where near as destructive in scale as the devil's are, and it has nothing to do with knowledge of science. Western Science is just now beginning to catch up with facts our ancestors new about millenia ago. There were no holes in the Ozone layer or adverse man made climate change. No Crusades, Inquisitions or witchhunts. No Hiroshima's or Nagasakis. This is all fact, accet it or let it alone.

You are talking about the past though, look at the present, there are all kinds of problems in non white nations, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Burma, Somalia, Darfur, Congo, Haiti, Nigeria etc etc you seem to think if whites were not around the whole world would be in peace and harmony but that is very misleading and disillusional.
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Learn some history. Or keep looking like an idiot. I don't care.

This is something that guilty whites like to throw into the discussion in an attempt to diminish the wickedness they have committed upon blacks and soothe their guilty collective white conscious. Africans didn't sell other Africans to europeans until the 17th century. The Atlantic slave trade was well over a century old before this began. Furthermore, the African concept of slavery was nowhere near as inhumane as the practices of your devil ancestor slave masters. Slaves had rights, could own property, could attain education, and could purchase their freedom. A different animal from the one your devil ancestors practiced in the so-called western world. This is a small time trick from lightweight devils such as yourself who attempt to justify their wickedness through an insidious application of "designer history". I wish you had the sense to be ashamed of yourself...

Well shit, no reason to debate you... No matter how many historical facts one would give you to prove your bullshit is just that, bullshit! You'll just deny and say it's not true... I'm done, you're one of those fools who would rather blame others for your or your race's problems on others rather than look for ways to fix or at least question those problems...

What does Africans selling other other Africans have to do with the inhumane treatment of black people in America by whites? Those whites who bought those blacks sure as hell were not buying them nobly to give them a better life in America. If we're ever going to past racism in America there has to be some acknowledgement of the fact that whites did treat blacks like dirt in America instead of evading the obvious out of guilt.
So you want segregation between whites and non whites, but yet you expect all non whites to get all right? it will be all peaches and cream without whitey?

Anyone who believes that the human condition would ever allow for it to be all "peaches and cream" is delusional. It is human nature that disagreements arise. Our people had disagreements before the devil slithered out of the Caucasus. Our disagreements, and even our wars, were no where near as destructive in scale as the devil's are, and it has nothing to do with knowledge of science. Western Science is just now beginning to catch up with facts our ancestors new about millenia ago. There were no holes in the Ozone layer or adverse man made climate change. No Crusades, Inquisitions or witchhunts. No Hiroshima's or Nagasakis. This is all fact, accet it or let it alone.

You are talking about the past though, look at the present, there are all kinds of problems in non white nations, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Burma, Somalia, Darfur, Congo, Haiti, Nigeria etc etc you seem to think if whites were not around the whole world would be in peace and harmony but that is very misleading and disillusional.

Some how we made it all happen.

Who knew Bush actually was the son of the devil?

How else do you explain our power to get Chinese to kill each other in China and then make the population little more than slaves?
To all of those who accuse me of hatred or ignorance, how come you never attempt to refute my facts with facts? You only offer insults in response. Could it be that none of you really know what your talking about? If this is not the case, then show me where I've been wrong with factual info. I promise you, if you attempt to challenge me on this front, I will make you look like a dead duck in a frozen pond. History does not agree with any of you in your ill-informed assertions. Ask yourselves this, how can the only person presenting facts in a discussion be ignorant?
Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie)

This is racist psuedo science at best and is all refutable with facts. For starters, "fact" one is false. Everywhere your devil ancestors went they found that my ancestors were either already their (i.e. the case of the America or melanesia) or there was ample proof that we had been there (i.e. Easter Island) . All of your voyages of discovery had blacks who took part. The captain of Columbus' flag ship was a black moor. The first man to reach the north pole was a black man even though he went on an expedition carried out by your devil ancestors. The second "fact" is a lie. The world's oldest literature and languages originate with people of color. Farming was to be found in far Asia as early as 7000BCE and as early as 5000BCE in Africa. This would place the existence of farming in non-white locales at least a millenium before the devil was made. Pseudo science is the last bastion of the ignorant racist..
This is something that guilty whites like to throw into the discussion in an attempt to diminish the wickedness they have committed upon blacks and soothe their guilty collective white conscious. Africans didn't sell other Africans to europeans until the 17th century. The Atlantic slave trade was well over a century old before this began. Furthermore, the African concept of slavery was nowhere near as inhumane as the practices of your devil ancestor slave masters. Slaves had rights, could own property, could attain education, and could purchase their freedom. A different animal from the one your devil ancestors practiced in the so-called western world. This is a small time trick from lightweight devils such as yourself who attempt to justify their wickedness through an insidious application of "designer history". I wish you had the sense to be ashamed of yourself...

Well shit, no reason to debate you... No matter how many historical facts one would give you to prove your bullshit is just that, bullshit! You'll just deny and say it's not true... I'm done, you're one of those fools who would rather blame others for your or your race's problems on others rather than look for ways to fix or at least question those problems...

What does Africans selling other other Africans have to do with the inhumane treatment of black people in America by whites? Those whites who bought those blacks sure as hell were not buying them nobly to give them a better life in America. If we're ever going to past racism in America there has to be some acknowledgement of the fact that whites did treat blacks like dirt in America instead of evading the obvious out of guilt.

We have done that. Time and time again. The fact that you can't grow up and see it is your problem.
Malcom, is it your claim that blacks used to be smart?
So you want segregation between whites and non whites, but yet you expect all non whites to get all right? it will be all peaches and cream without whitey?

Anyone who believes that the human condition would ever allow for it to be all "peaches and cream" is delusional. It is human nature that disagreements arise. Our people had disagreements before the devil slithered out of the Caucasus. Our disagreements, and even our wars, were no where near as destructive in scale as the devil's are, and it has nothing to do with knowledge of science. Western Science is just now beginning to catch up with facts our ancestors new about millenia ago. There were no holes in the Ozone layer or adverse man made climate change. No Crusades, Inquisitions or witchhunts. No Hiroshima's or Nagasakis. This is all fact, accet it or let it alone.

You are talking about the past though, look at the present, there are all kinds of problems in non white nations, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Burma, Somalia, Darfur, Congo, Haiti, Nigeria etc etc you seem to think if whites were not around the whole world would be in peace and harmony but that is very misleading and disillusional.

True, but those countries don't pump themselves up as the greatest countries in the world where everyone can get ahead and come on man, the race problem in America is the cause of whites, maybe not all whites, but it was caused by whites. I'm not saying that if whites were taken away there would be no problems, but a lot of the problems in places like Nigeria and Zimbabwe are the product of what countries most controlled by whites have caused.

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