Pew Research Shows Obama's Claim That 99.9% of Muslims Peaceful is FALSE

Obama says 99.9% of Muslims want peace and are against violence.

Let's look at results from a Pew Survey.

Percentage of young Muslims who believe suicide bombings against infidels are justified:

American Muslims 26%

British Muslims 35%

French Muslims 42%

German Muslims 22%

Spanish Muslims 29%

At least half of Muslims in 17 out of 22 countries want sharia law. Some countries have high percentages of Muslims supporting sharia law, and not the peaceful interpretation of it.

Palestinian territories 76%

Egypt 70%

Jordan 57%

Lebanon 50%

Of those that want Sharia law, how many support the law in it's most radical meaning, as in stoning to death those who commit adultery and cutting the hands off thieves?

Currently, stoning is commonplace in South Asisa, Middle East-North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt.

There are 80 million Muslims in Egypt and 86% support a radical enforcement of sharia law. That alone shows that Obama's claim of 99.9% being peaceful and moderate is a lie. Add all the other Muslims around the world who support radicalism and the numbers are staggering. Obama is making up numbers (something he is good at) to hide the fact that there is a high percentage of Muslims who support draconian measures for those who disobey the laws of Islam.

There is a chart in link showing the percent of Muslims who support the death penalty for leaving Islam. The numbers are insanely high. When people want to leave Islam, too many find it normal to immediately turn to violence and murder. Not much different when someone merely insults them. This is a look at the ugly truth. No wonder the peaceful Muslims don't speak out. They are scared because they will be guilty of breaking sharia law if they support infidels. I guess they don't want to face the harsh penalty for free thinking.

God.....every 6 months or so, since this PEW report was done...a new crop of cherry pickers who haven't come close to reading, let alone understanding, the 200+ page report, come on here and regurgitate stupid shit.

Read the whole report, then let's talk
Don't you think those Muslims who have seen their fellow Muslims being slaughtered by these maniacs in much larger numbers than Westerners have been feel the same way toward them you do?

As soon as they form the front-line in a serious war to eliminate this threat-vector, they'll earn a modicum of credibility in The West.


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