Petition To Deport CNN Host For Gun Control Support Reaches 60,000 Signatures


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Aviva Shen

A petition to deport CNN host Piers Morgan over his heated comments on gun control has reached more than 62,000 signatures in just 4 days, far exceeding the threshold required for a White House response. A petition must get 25,000 signatures in 30 days in order to elicit a response.

In the wake of the elementary school shooting in Connecticut that left 27 dead, Morgan has become a vocal advocate for tighter gun regulations. Specifically, he is calling for a ban on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons, as well as strict background checks on gun sales. According to the petition, Morgan’s comments are no less than “a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution”:

British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.​

Of course, Morgan is protected by another constitutional amendment: the First. The CNN host has continued to exercise his rights by openly mocking the petition on Twitter.

More: Petition To Deport CNN Host For Gun Control Support Reaches 60,000 Signatures | ThinkProgress
I always thought Piers Morgan was a puke, but now he's starting to look like a great American patriot compared to the radical NaziCon gun nuts. Go Piers!
Of course he drove up the numbers on his own site, now bitching about them. How telling.
By Aviva Shen

A petition to deport CNN host Piers Morgan over his heated comments on gun control has reached more than 62,000 signatures in just 4 days, far exceeding the threshold required for a White House response. A petition must get 25,000 signatures in 30 days in order to elicit a response.

In the wake of the elementary school shooting in Connecticut that left 27 dead, Morgan has become a vocal advocate for tighter gun regulations. Specifically, he is calling for a ban on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons, as well as strict background checks on gun sales. According to the petition, Morgan’s comments are no less than “a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution”:

British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.​

Of course, Morgan is protected by another constitutional amendment: the First. The CNN host has continued to exercise his rights by openly mocking the petition on Twitter.

More: Petition To Deport CNN Host For Gun Control Support Reaches 60,000 Signatures | ThinkProgress

Oh for God sake. How stupid can people be? The man has a bloody opinion, is not afraid to voice that opinion, and some nutbags want to silence his RIGHT to free speech and send him home?

Do they want to send home every tourist who shares his views?
Piers ain't takin' no shit from the dumb fat cracker guns nuts.

You are referring to those that support the Constitution, including the second amendment.

The 2nd Amendment is no longer applicable. Do you belong to a militia?

The 2nd Ammendment is always applicable you idiot. Just because you think no one should own a gun doesn't mean everyone thinks that way.

The 2nd ammendment is the second item put up. That should tell you how important it is.

If you don't want a gun then don't have one. When someone breaks into your house to rape, rob or kill you. Dial 911 and see how long it takes the cops to come save your sorry ass.

Your a fucking idiot.
By Aviva Shen

A petition to deport CNN host Piers Morgan over his heated comments on gun control has reached more than 62,000 signatures in just 4 days, far exceeding the threshold required for a White House response. A petition must get 25,000 signatures in 30 days in order to elicit a response.

In the wake of the elementary school shooting in Connecticut that left 27 dead, Morgan has become a vocal advocate for tighter gun regulations. Specifically, he is calling for a ban on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons, as well as strict background checks on gun sales. According to the petition, Morgan’s comments are no less than “a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution”:

British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.​

Of course, Morgan is protected by another constitutional amendment: the First. The CNN host has continued to exercise his rights by openly mocking the petition on Twitter.

More: Petition To Deport CNN Host For Gun Control Support Reaches 60,000 Signatures | ThinkProgress

Oh for God sake. How stupid can people be? The man has a bloody opinion, is not afraid to voice that opinion, and some nutbags want to silence his RIGHT to free speech and send him home?

Do they want to send home every tourist who shares his views?

I agree, turn the channel if you don't like what he's saying. This petition is as goofy as the nutters going off the rails against conservative commentators they don't agree with.

Of course it is rather ironic that the same people squawking about his first amendment right are the same nuts wanting to stomp on the 2nd.

I'm glad it's not very many people signing on, of the untold millions of gun owners 60K isn't many that don't understand the constitution.
By Aviva Shen

A petition to deport CNN host Piers Morgan over his heated comments on gun control has reached more than 62,000 signatures in just 4 days, far exceeding the threshold required for a White House response. A petition must get 25,000 signatures in 30 days in order to elicit a response.

In the wake of the elementary school shooting in Connecticut that left 27 dead, Morgan has become a vocal advocate for tighter gun regulations. Specifically, he is calling for a ban on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons, as well as strict background checks on gun sales. According to the petition, Morgan’s comments are no less than “a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution”:
British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.​
Of course, Morgan is protected by another constitutional amendment: the First. The CNN host has continued to exercise his rights by openly mocking the petition on Twitter.
More: Petition To Deport CNN Host For Gun Control Support Reaches 60,000 Signatures | ThinkProgress
Well, they will have to deport the president first, Lakota. lol

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