Petition to Ban Conservative Websites


Jul 14, 2009
After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |
After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |

Saw this. Now that Obama has appointed another 'Mouth to feed' in the Gubmint...

After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech

So DC Liberals want to put the kabosh on free speech for everybody except themselves?

May I remind them of Bush Derangement Syndrome and how many of their Dan Rathers got fired for unsubstantiated published lies written to get rid of someone everybody else loved?

If I could play the trumpet, I'd use the wah-wah sound expander. :rolleyes:
After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |

Absolutely NOT!! This is a BAD idea.

This country needs access to ALL viewpoints and besides, who would judge?

Bad idea... keep speech free the internet.
yeah ok, let me know when this actually happens. I might give a shit.

yep, because I'm positive that if someone were passing around a petition to outlaw gays, and people were signing it you would be on here posting no big deal until it actually happens.


Another dumb ass who is only concerned about the their own rights.
You're taking this all out of context. Liberals love free speech. No, really. And if you disagree, the government should silence you.

You are so right Dave. We are always free to agree with them, and when we forget to, it is under the bus for us. ;) Remember 4+1=5 only for as long as we are told it does.
Speaking of hate on the internet, I HATE it when a bunch of Socialists run around DC calling themselves "Liberal" as they seek to infringe on other peoples "Liberty".

Bastards! :evil:
You know I always found it interesting how one gives up their first ammendment right when they volunteer to defend our country.

Not a major point, just interesting.
After hearing news the other day that the Obama administration had appointed a new position to monitor and push back against negative online press we thought some liberals in DC might think it wasn't enough. So we sent Joe Schoffstall out to see just how far liberals would go to silence conservative speech. Joe went around Georgetown in DC with a petition to "Ban Conservative Hate Sites" that said this:

"The undersigned hereby adamantly demand that the United States government shut down right wing hate sites. The hate speech propagated by sites like the Drudge Report, Hot Air, Instapundit, Big Government, and others must not be allowed to corrupt our political discourse any longer. These sites are dangerous not only to truth and freedom but also to our society as a whole. BAN THEM NOW!"
That is pretty radical rhetoric that no reasonable, freedom-loving, red-blooded American could possibly agree with, right? Well, see for yourself:

video of these patriots

Read more: Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |

and the board is flooded with posts saying if the repblicans get in control again it will be like nazi germany, amazing.
First, this isn’t a legitimate news source, it’s some weird rightwing blog or the like.

Second, what evidence do you have that there will be any effort to pass laws to preempt the First Amendment?

Third, there’s no evidence provided that the quoted text is indeed the text of the petition. Indeed, all the supporting links take you to more weird rightwing blogs or the like.

Fourth, there’s no evidence those signing the petition are ‘liberals’ or representative of ‘liberals’ as a whole.

Fifth, this is a tedious non-issue.
First, this isn’t a legitimate news source, it’s some weird rightwing blog or the like.

Second, what evidence do you have that there will be any effort to pass laws to preempt the First Amendment?

Third, there’s no evidence provided that the quoted text is indeed the text of the petition. Indeed, all the supporting links take you to more weird rightwing blogs or the like.

Fourth, there’s no evidence those signing the petition are ‘liberals’ or representative of ‘liberals’ as a whole.

Fifth, this is a tedious non-issue.

  1. It was a test to see if anyone would take the bait, they did.
  2. Flag burning, doctors being told they cannot talk about some procedures with their patients, and laws that prohibit teachers from talking about anything but heterosexual sexual relationships. Should I go on?
  3. There is no evidence you have a brain wither, yet I try to assume that you do.
  4. Why would a conservative sign a petition banning conservatives?
  5. I plan on passing around a petition banning liberal sites like HuffPo that talk about homosexuality in any way, shape, or form, would that also be a tedious non issue?
Second, what evidence do you have that there will be any effort to pass laws to preempt the First Amendment?
The hundreds of laws that are already on the books destroying the first is a good start. Then there is the &#8216;fairness doctrine&#8217; that is pretty close to the same thing as stated here for the radio but don&#8217;t let that get in your way. We don&#8217;t actally need to stand up for our rights, they protect themselves&#8230;
You know I always found it interesting how one gives up their first ammendment right when they volunteer to defend our country.

Not a major point, just interesting.
A point that is actually not true though. I have a right to speak but I do not have a right to associate my speech with that of an official viewpoint or do so in uniform. The rules can and do change according to position and rank but the average military man has little restriction on their activities.
Second, what evidence do you have that there will be any effort to pass laws to preempt the First Amendment?
The hundreds of laws that are already on the books destroying the first is a good start. Then there is the ‘fairness doctrine’ that is pretty close to the same thing as stated here for the radio but don’t let that get in your way. We don’t actally need to stand up for our rights, they protect themselves…
You know I always found it interesting how one gives up their first ammendment right when they volunteer to defend our country.

Not a major point, just interesting.
A point that is actually not true though. I have a right to speak but I do not have a right to associate my speech with that of an official viewpoint or do so in uniform. The rules can and do change according to position and rank but the average military man has little restriction on their activities.

Oh, too a certain point military members have less rights than the average citizen, but each has volunteered to live by those standards.
Second, what evidence do you have that there will be any effort to pass laws to preempt the First Amendment?
The hundreds of laws that are already on the books destroying the first is a good start. Then there is the ‘fairness doctrine’ that is pretty close to the same thing as stated here for the radio but don’t let that get in your way. We don’t actally need to stand up for our rights, they protect themselves…
You know I always found it interesting how one gives up their first ammendment right when they volunteer to defend our country.

Not a major point, just interesting.
A point that is actually not true though. I have a right to speak but I do not have a right to associate my speech with that of an official viewpoint or do so in uniform. The rules can and do change according to position and rank but the average military man has little restriction on their activities.

Oh, too a certain point military members have less rights than the average citizen, but each has volunteered to live by those standards.

Civilians too. Contracts are binding. ;)

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