Peter Thiel 2024: why Trump should endorse him, and why this ruthless joyless contrarian who only cares about power should be the 1st gay president


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
just days after the release of the Access Hollywood tape, Thiel donated 1 million dollars to Trump's campaign. the move helped turn a tide of negative press and added to the coffers of a campaign that would buy a barrage of targeted facebook ads as part of a voter suppression effort to discourage Clinton voters. it worked! After the election, Thiel was feted by Trump's inner circle and given an office in Trump Tower, along with latitude to install his allies in the Trump administration. "he is something unique", Steve Bannon bellowed.

like one Mark Zuckerberg, Thiel is ruthlessly competitive and awkward in social situations. Thiel had been Zuckerberg's mentor at one point, the first outside investor in facebook and the first person in authority to grasp that Zuckerberg actually knew what he was doing: after investing in facebook, Thiel set up Zuck with absolute control over it, helping transform the kid with the words "I'm CEO...bitch" on his business cards into the polished capitalist he would become

I think we've already had gay presidents- Mr. Thiel wouldn't be the first rump ranger in any event.

Newsweek proclaimed Obama as the "First Homosexual President" on its cover, and B. Hussein has never refuted Larry Sinclair's sworn testimony of their encounters.
just days after the release of the Access Hollywood tape, Thiel donated 1 million dollars to Trump's campaign. the move helped turn a tide of negative press and added to the coffers of a campaign that would buy a barrage of targeted facebook ads as part of a voter suppression effort to discourage Clinton voters. it worked! After the election, Thiel was feted by Trump's inner circle and given an office in Trump Tower, along with latitude to install his allies in the Trump administration. "he is something unique", Steve Bannon bellowed.

like one Mark Zuckerberg, Thiel is ruthlessly competitive and awkward in social situations. Thiel had been Zuckerberg's mentor at one point, the first outside investor in facebook and the first person in authority to grasp that Zuckerberg actually knew what he was doing: after investing in facebook, Thiel set up Zuck with absolute control over it, helping transform the kid with the words "I'm CEO...bitch" on his business cards into the polished capitalist he would become


And his tranny partner..
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i missed that...i didn't follow politics closely in Obama's 2nd term
I don't want a GAY President.
I don't want an LGBQRSTUV President.
I don't want a Black President.
I don't want a Latino President.
I don't want an Asian President.

I want a President who is intelligent, ethical, moral, patriotic, honest, NOT a criminal, NOT a sell-out, who puts Americans and this country 1st, who respects, defends, and upholds the Constitution and our laws, who does not surrender our sovereignty, national security, energy independence, and freedom,who does not want to transform this nation into a Socialist / Marxist 3rd world shit-hole where they are part of a ruling class of civil and Constitutional rights-denying elitist assholes...

...which pretty much rules out every Democrat poliitician .
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it may seem hard to remember, but there was a time when the world seemed ready to put Silicon Valley in charge of everything. it was 2016, "the Age Of Unicorns", as business mags called it, referring to tech companies that were growing so quickly, and had become so valuable, they seemed almost mystical

even Obama, as his 2nd term was winding down, was musing about relocating to California and becoming a tech investor as his next act. Venture capital sounded like it could be "very satisfying", Obama bellowed

even as he cultivates Obama and others on the left, Zuckerberg continues to rely on Thiel as his liason to the alt-right

for years, activist groups have been warning of this exact thing: of the power Silicon Valley as it accumulated and of the nationalist undercurrents swelling just bellow a sheen of left-of-center idealism. The far-right ideas had existed for as long as the tech industry existed...but it had taken Peter Thiel to bring those ideas above the surface, and to weaponize them

Thiel is responsible for creating the ideology that has come to define Silicon Valley: technological progress should be pursued relentlessly, with no regard for potential dangers to society

Thiel's short book "Zero To One" is a libertarian success manual that argues that monopolies are good, monarchies are the most efficient form of government, and that tech founders are godlike. it had sold 1.5 million copies worldwide

for the young people who admire him, watch and rewatch his talks, write social media odes to his genius, Thiel is like Ayn Rand crossed with one of her fictional characters. he is both a libertarian philosopher and a builder...Howard Roark with a Youtube following. the most avid acolytes among these fanboys become Thiel Fellows, his foundation pays them 100 thousand dollars each to drop out of college and start companies. they talk about a "Thielverse", a world with its own laws and morality. As Thiel has become more powerful, those laws have become the laws of Silicon Valley itself. they increasingly seem to have purchase well beyond it

Thiel built a network that gave him access to the best entrepreneurs and wealthiest investors in the history of the world, and he was idolized by a generation of aspiring startup founders. But Thiel wanted more than sway in Silicon Valley...he wanted real power, political power. let's give him that power by electing him president, my friends!
Who the fuck cares if he is gay? Why even mention it?

Why this focus on people's skin color and sexuality? Does him being gay mean he will have super gay powers that would make him a better president?

All I care about is wanting a president who can get the job done and not fuck over the country or it's citizens.
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as president, Peter Thiel would not send our troops to war unless there was a plan for victory with a capital V!
just days after the release of the Access Hollywood tape, Thiel donated 1 million dollars to Trump's campaign. the move helped turn a tide of negative press and added to the coffers of a campaign that would buy a barrage of targeted facebook ads as part of a voter suppression effort to discourage Clinton voters. it worked! After the election, Thiel was feted by Trump's inner circle and given an office in Trump Tower, along with latitude to install his allies in the Trump administration. "he is something unique", Steve Bannon bellowed.

like one Mark Zuckerberg, Thiel is ruthlessly competitive and awkward in social situations. Thiel had been Zuckerberg's mentor at one point, the first outside investor in facebook and the first person in authority to grasp that Zuckerberg actually knew what he was doing: after investing in facebook, Thiel set up Zuck with absolute control over it, helping transform the kid with the words "I'm CEO...bitch" on his business cards into the polished capitalist he would become

We don't want a hairy man butt lover for a president. We already got a hair sniffing Pedo in illegitimate Faux Joe who lusts for kids, and plays Mr. Gropey whenever he gets the chance between his diaper changes.
Thiel doesn't look like a mad scientist intent on changing the world, he has a quietness about him and the bland look of a midwestern frat boy, inside, he has a gnawing desire to do more than just join a bureaucracy of a Boeing or GM. He wants to change everything, he wants to chase a dream: the US presidency.

my friends, let's help Peter Thiel realize that dream!
the consensus view on Thiel is that he is a consummate freethinker, constitutionally incapable of following the herd

in 2011, years before progressives started screaming and yelling about free college, Thiel was warning about the rising cost of tuition, calling the higher education industry a bubble more troubling than real estate. he helped to jumpstart the backlash against big tech in 2014 when called google a monopoly, years before Pocahontas Warren and Crazy Bernie started screaming and yelling about it.

Thiel's role in the rise of Trump stunned members of the tech press as well as Thiel's friends. they wondered how could a bookish gay immigrant from the most liberal part of liberal California, who'd gotten rich in the world's most globalized industry, who seemed so profoundly committed to the promise of a better future, come to support a dangerous reactionary authoritarian? how had Thiel, who'd arrived in Silicon Valley in the mid-90's as an unknown failed financier, come to wield so much power? he is a contrarian yes, but contrarianism is a methodology, not an ideology. What exactly, did Thiel actually believe? And how deeply embedded were those beliefs in Silicon Valley itself? i will answer those questions here!
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Thiel was the best at chess, the best on the math team, and a National Merit Scholar with a near-perfect score on his SAT. He was not confident as much as disdainful, walking around with an expression on the Stanford campus that said: "Fuck you, world!"

on his application to Stanford, Thiel was asked to chose one word to describe himself. he chose "intelligent"
"the internet is a libertarian oasis that offers people an alternative to the establishment mainstream BS" - Peter Thiel
Thiel's speech is a howl straight from the white nationalist gut

and that was a great speech by Ted Cruz at the same conference. history will remember it

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