"Person of color"+ government tool=


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
A charge of "physical control while under the influence of alcohol and drugs" rather than a straight OVI after having been caught cruising and boozing a few days ago.

Ohio Rep. Sedrick Denson pleads guilty to charges stemming from traffic stop

What a piece of shit, I know most people would like to have the lesser charge of "physical control while under the influence", but most people aren't in the protected class. Most people are the "white majority population in America" according to the "news" and the government, and can expect full charges always, and examples made too, we ARE a nation of laws, after all.

Protected class people though, they can expect something different.

It's like the overlay pages that were used on overhead projectors and as the cop starts off , there are charges a regular person would get, then the cop starts removing the pages as he goes through the victim class checklist, leaving you Jessie Smollet, and no charges or chargeable offenses.

"Person of color", check, gotta remove page 1. Government employee, check, gotta remove page 2. Gay, check, gotta remove page 3 of potential charges (this would be the Jessie Smollet example).

As "people of color", and other flotsam of humanity from various shitholes wash ashore and start demanding welfare and living expenses from the white oppressive, "big meany" majority, they learn quick from the "news" and how to pull out thier get out of jail free card (always with the sympathetic help of the "news" of course).

Somehow this nations minorities are always somehow both fragile, at risk, helpless victim OF and IN America, while also being an "in your face", "you must respect my cultural differences" pieces of shit (even if that is female genital mutilation or dog fighting).

"Justice is lost, justice is raped, justice is gone"


Whites have been THE protected class for 242 years.


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