Perry's Texas Miracle Of Poverty--Back To East Africa It Is!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Texas ranks sixth in U. S. Poverty stats, with an in-state population increase of about one percent.

Poverty grows in Rick Perry's Texas - Sep. 18, 2011

More telling about the Perry concept of Laissez Faire is the "Southern Swath" of the state devoid of utilities or indoor plumbing. Bad enough that the state has virtually no safety net to speak of, or write about: Much less discuss. Texas doesn't even have the concept of a Rural Electrification Act of 1936!

A decade ago, the United Nations concluded from available data that 2/3 of the planet had no safe drinking water, or any concept of public sanitation. Socialist, advanced kinds of nation-states were not in that count at all.

Texas may have been in that count, after all! There are Third World Nations and Laissez Faire East Africa, and also Haiti. Governor Perry famously goes jogging, armed and loaded. Even residents of Harlem or Watts might suggest that he find another neighborhood, to run around in.

Anyone guesses that he already knows about the "Southern Swath," of his own state! Maybe those people are regarded fair game in Texas?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations have life expectancies less than 55 years of age. Sumo is like that, and with all the blessings of the z"civilized" Sumo lifestyle!)
Penn Quakers famously made peace with the local Indigenous Tribes, and traded in commerce with the locals. Tejanos are Anglos of origin, famously, but of a cultural mix from South of the Border.

So having descent from horse breeding peoples, and light cavalry kinds of folks, then even in California an oldstyle ranch house was built around a central patio. The Hearst Castle, on the next ranch north, came after that.

What anyone learned of the original Republicans is that a cemetery actually makes good business sense! The Whitter Ranch is now one of those, last working Cattle Ranch in Los Angeles County, mainly famous for Sunday Rodeo.

"Back To Mexico" is not what Perry is about, quite clearly.

Millions actually guessed this, even way before Perry Republicans were around!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations: Now Learn New Business Sense, also fitting in with White Eyes Values! Texas values now even turning around!)

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