Perry, Paul Now Join Numerous Other GOP'ers Calling For Willard To Release His Taxes


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
The numbers keep piling up by the day from Willard's own party going after him to release his tax returns. The latest to join in calling for Willard to release his tax returns are former presidential candidates Rick Perry and Ron Paul.

This is now starting to show the clear implosion of the GOP with many predominate republicans going after their own presidential candidate.

If Willard doesn't release his tax returns soon, I wonder if there will be a surprise at the convention where the GOP asks Willard to step down,...:D

Ron Paul, Rick Perry call on Mitt Romney to release more tax returns - Nation - The Boston Globe
He should release them when Obama releases his College Transcripts..

until then I'd tell him to take a flying leap

people, Romney HAS RELEASED his tax returns..don't let this administration and his lackeys distract you from the important things..

like voting out Obama
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Congress is calling on Obama to release Fast and Furious records.

How is that working?

in fact, Congress ORDERED Holder to release the records
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Congress is calling on Obama to release Fast and Furious records.

How is that working?

They released 7600 documents and 5 federal agencies are investigating.

So it's working just fine.

We might even come to the conclusion that when you let any asshole buy a gun with no restrictions- some of those guns might actually end up in the hands of unsavory people!

Oh Noes... what would the Founding Slaveholders Think about that!
Congress is calling on Obama to release Fast and Furious records.

How is that working?

They released 7600 documents and 5 federal agencies are investigating.

So it's working just fine.

We might even come to the conclusion that when you let any asshole buy a gun with no restrictions- some of those guns might actually end up in the hands of unsavory people!

Oh Noes... what would the Founding Slaveholders Think about that!

He send redcated, blacked out documents.

What is Holder hiding?
He should release them when Obama releases his College Transcripts..

until then I'd tell him to take a flying leap

people, Romney HAS RELEASED his tax returns..don't let this administration and his lackeys distract you from the important things..

like voting out Obama

He released one year...

Every other presidential contender has released all of theirs.

But try to think WHY Republicans are calling on him to do it.

Because the last thing they want is an October Surprise. They don't want something to come out in October and find out that Romney got a 1 million dollar payment from the Chinese Plant that turns kittens into gloves or something like that.
Congress is calling on Obama to release Fast and Furious records.

How is that working?

They released 7600 documents and 5 federal agencies are investigating.

So it's working just fine.

We might even come to the conclusion that when you let any asshole buy a gun with no restrictions- some of those guns might actually end up in the hands of unsavory people!

Oh Noes... what would the Founding Slaveholders Think about that!

He send redcated, blacked out documents.

What is Holder hiding?

Names of informants, agents, critical information to prosecutions....

And he offered to let the Congress see those documents UNREDACTED in private.

Again, though, as long as you let ANYONE have a gun, why are you whining when someone you don't like gets them?
He should release them when Obama releases his College Transcripts..

until then I'd tell him to take a flying leap

people, Romney HAS RELEASED his tax returns..don't let this administration and his lackeys distract you from the important things..

like voting out Obama

He released one year...

Every other presidential contender has released all of theirs.

But try to think WHY Republicans are calling on him to do it.

Because the last thing they want is an October Surprise. They don't want something to come out in October and find out that Romney got a 1 million dollar payment from the Chinese Plant that turns kittens into gloves or something like that.

he released the same that many other Presidential candidates did..

Now, we want to see obama's college transcripts to see if he "defrauded" our country
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If you believe the weirdos like steph and frank, then Obamas college transcripts will show that he was an illegal student that flunked out of college and then was elected POTUS. OK. But he is still POTUS.

Now Mittens in the other hand has been wanting to be POTUS for a long time. And to do so, he needs to show his tax returns. If he doens't, he may not realize the "dream". And if he does release them, he may not realize the dream. Tough position.

See the difference? Obama has what Mittens wants. Not the other way around. Obama IS the Pres.
Mittens want to be the Pres.

Big Difference.

SHOW US THE MONEY WILLIARD. We already know (according to vetted sources from the GOP) Obama was a Muslim born in Kenya that was a drug dealer before he flunked out of college. And we don't care.

But we do want to see Mitts money.
If you believe the weirdos like steph and frank, then Obamas college transcripts will show that he was an illegal student that flunked out of college and then was elected POTUS. OK. But he is still POTUS.

Now Mittens in the other hand has been wanting to be POTUS for a long time. And to do so, he needs to show his tax returns. If he doens't, he may not realize the "dream". And if he does release them, he may not realize the dream. Tough position.

See the difference? Obama has what Mittens wants. Not the other way around. Obama IS the Pres.
Mittens want to be the Pres.

Big Difference.

SHOW US THE MONEY WILLIARD. We already know (according to vetted sources from the GOP) Obama was a Muslim born in Kenya that was a drug dealer before he flunked out of college. And we don't care.

But we do want to see Mitts money.

so defrauding us and our country is no big deal for you people eh?
figures you'd be more worried about someone's MONEY than the other
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He should release them when Obama releases his College Transcripts..

until then I'd tell him to take a flying leap

people, Romney HAS RELEASED his tax returns..don't let this administration and his lackeys distract you from the important things..

like voting out Obama

He released one year...

Every other presidential contender has released all of theirs.

But try to think WHY Republicans are calling on him to do it.

Because the last thing they want is an October Surprise. They don't want something to come out in October and find out that Romney got a 1 million dollar payment from the Chinese Plant that turns kittens into gloves or something like that.

he released the same that many other Presidential candidates did..

Now, we want to see obama's college transcripts to see if he "defrauded" our country

Go play in traffic.
What Stephanie said when Obama shows his papers lol how come white boys always have to show their papers? (To vote lol). I see your chasing your tail here because Mitt has been prepping for this since he went to Cranbrook (private HS) . No way does he have bad tax returns your side is just scummy- fishing for class warfare material.
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Now, we want to see obama's college transcripts to see if he "defrauded" our country

What is the big deal. You already know he is a muslim born in Kenya that was a drug dealer that defrauded the country and was illegally elected.

If only you could prove it.

Lets move on to Williard.
he released the same that many other Presidential candidates did..

No, every other presidental candidate released ALL of their tax records, not just the least incriminating year they could find. (And the year he did release was pretty bad. 13.9% tax rate on 43 million? really? Cayman Island Accounts.)

Now, we want to see obama's college transcripts to see if he "defrauded" our country

Actually, colleges were tag-teaming each other to get black students with Obama's qualifications in the late 70's, early 80's. That's what the whole "Affirmative Action" thing was about back then.

The man had a 3.7 GPA. not sure what you think is in there.
Now, we want to see obama's college transcripts to see if he "defrauded" our country

What is the big deal. You already know he is a muslim born in Kenya that was a drug dealer that defrauded the country and was illegally elected.

If only you could prove it.

Lets move on to Williard.

How can we prove it when he WON'T release his transcripts?
you don't find that curious? never mind, of course you ObamaBots don't
you are more worried about other peoples money
All we know for sure is that Obama is a liar who told his publisher that he was born in Kenya

Did he defraud his colleges with the same lie?
All we know for sure is that Obama is a liar who told his publisher that he was born in Kenya

Did he defraud his colleges with the same lie?

No, what we know is that his publisher hired a research assistant who made a mistake and admitted as much.

Frankly, where his mother's vagina was when he was born isn't really relevent to anything.

Whether Romney got rich screwing over working people is.
so defrauding us and our country is no big deal for you people eh?
figures you'd be more worried about someone's MONEY than the other

You people?? I can only speak for myself. However.

Having never made the kind of money that Mitt has made, and having read many different books about ultra rich people commiting tax theft by keeping vast wealth in off shore accounts, I have to admit that I am more curious about how mitt screwed the USA than I am about Obama and his college records.

I can understand how you wouldn't care about that becasue for some reason you seem to think that just because you have vast wealth, that somehow makes you above the law and that ultra wealthy people are somehow better than you. Maybe. You seem to like kissing the ass of the ultra wealthy. Why?

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