Perry Declares Sky Is Blue, Media Shocked


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
If anything... Perry has guts......calling Socialism Security for what it is...

We can say one thing of the new GOP front-runner: Governor Rick Perry knows how to fire up a crowd. The leftist media blew up this week when Perry reiterated a point from his book Fed Up! that Social Security and Medicare are Ponzi schemes.

The growing shortfalls of our public Ponzi schemes makes Perry's candor not only refreshing, but necessary. Retreating from the substance of those comments would be an ominous sign for America. Neck-deep in debt and with almost no economic growth, we have too little time to let popularity overrule the truth -- on Social Security, Medicare, or a host of other federal programs. If the front-running candidate for the limited-government party, who campaigns on the heels of 2010's historic conservative victory, can't be honest about problems as obvious and important as Social Security and Medicare, we have scant hope for an America revival.

So let Mr. Perry speak his mind. He might end up saying that unemployment payments incentivize joblessness. He could point out that government spending isn't truly stimulative because government can't put dollars into the economy without first taking those dollars out of the economy. He may declare that individuals spend their own money wiser than governments spend other people's money. Maybe he'll tell us the sky is blue or that Texas is hot in July. The liberal media will go crazy, but straight talk from our political officials is something we desperately need right now.

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