Perhaps another way to look at the GOP contest.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
It's been pretty vicious all along, and now Romney is being attacked on Bain Capitol so much that many conservatives are complaining.

The thing I remember is that none of these GOP candidates are going to hit the eventual GOP choice as hard as obama. Whoever it is, and it looks like it's inevitable at this point, he is going to have to take an assault like nothing he's experienced so far. Obama can't run on his own accomplishments so his whole war chest will be used in attacks.

IMO, this attack on Romney's time at Bain is a good thing. I would like to see them keep the Bain Capitol name in the spotlight until the general. By that time, obama and the DNC won't have anything to say about that that hasn't already been said, and hopefully the limited tolerance and attention span of the low-forhead nose-picking voter will tune it out and forget it come November.
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I don't disagree. If he can't answer hard questions, he shouldn't run. However, it does not help the GOPs reputation with independents to watch them eating their own.
I don't disagree. If he can't answer hard questions, he shouldn't run. However, it does not help the GOPs reputation with independents to watch them eating their own.

Point taken but you KNOW that obama was going to hit this very hard in the run off to the general. Hopefully people will see Bain Capitol as old news by then.
I don't disagree. If he can't answer hard questions, he shouldn't run. However, it does not help the GOPs reputation with independents to watch them eating their own.

And Obama and his merry band of Statists are licking thier chops.

That's for sure. They probably kick back and laugh their asses off at potential nominees slamming each other. Also, they have minions everywhere: Stephen Colbert Announces Run In South Carolina Presidential Primary, Hands PAC Off To Jon Stewart | Fox News

I guess the Presidency is officially a joke now.
It's been pretty vicious all along, and now Romney is being attacked on Bain Capitol so much that many conservatives are complaining.

The thing I remember is that none of these GOP candidates are going to hit the eventual GOP choice as hard as obama. Whoever it is, and it looks like it's inevitable at this point, he is going to have to take an assault like nothing he's experienced so far. Obama can't run on his own accomplishments so his whole war chest will be used in attacks.

IMO, this attack on Romney's time at Bain is a good thing. I would like to see them keep the Bain Capitol name in the spotlight until the general. By that time, obama and the DNC won't have anything to say about that that hasn't already been said, and hopefully the limited tolerance and attention span of the low-forhead nose-picking voter will tune it out and forget it come November.

They won't have to say anything, just play clips of Gingrich, Perry and McCain from '08. :2up:
I don't disagree. If he can't answer hard questions, he shouldn't run. However, it does not help the GOPs reputation with independents to watch them eating their own.

And Obama and his merry band of Statists are licking thier chops.

That's for sure. They probably kick back and laugh their asses off at potential nominees slamming each other. Also, they have minions everywhere: Stephen Colbert Announces Run In South Carolina Presidential Primary, Hands PAC Off To Jon Stewart | Fox News

I guess the Presidency is officially a joke now.
Yeah...damned shame. Supposed Conservatives not staying on message...and attacking capitalism to boot.


I'm almost ready to say screw them and vote for this guy:


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