Percentage of academic women in several countries


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Country --- Year --- (Full)--- (Assoc)---- (Assist)

Turkey --- 1996/7 --- 21.5 --- 30.7 --- 28.0
Finland --- 1998 --- 18.4
Portugal--- 1997 --- 17.0 --- 36.0 ------ 44.0
France --- 1997/8 --- 13.8 --- 34.2
Spain --- 1995/6 --- 13.2 --- 34.9 ------ 30.9
Norway --- 1997 --- 11.7 --- 27.7 ------ 37.6
Sweden --1997/8 --- 11.0 --- 22.0 ------ 45.0
Italy --- 1997 ------- 11.0 --- 27.0 ----- 40.0
Greece --- 1997/8 ----- 9.5 ----- 20.3 ------ 30.6
UK --- 1996/7 ------ 8.5 ----- 18.4 ------ 33.3
Iceland --- 1996 -------- 8.0 ------ 22.0 ------ 45.0
Israel --- 1996 --------- 7.8 ------ 16.0 ------ 30.8
Belgium --- 1997 -------- 7.0 ------- 7.0 ------- 18.0
Denmark ---1997 -------- 7.0 ------ 19.0 ------ 32.0
Ireland --- 1997/8 ------- 6.8 ------- 7.5 ------ 16.3
Austria --- 1999 ----- 6.0 ------ 7.0 ------- 12.0
Germany --- 1998 ------- 5.9 -------- 11.3 ------ 23.8
Switzerland 1996 --------- 5.7 ------- 19.2 ------ 25.6
Belgium (Fl) 1998 --------- 5.1 ------ 10.0 ------- 13.1
Netherlands 1998 --------- 5.0 ----- 7.0 --------- 20.0
Australia ---1997 -------- 14.0 ------ 23.0 ------- 40.7
USA --- 1998 ----------13.8 ----- 30.0 ------ 43.1
Canada --- 1998 -------- 12.0
New Zealand 1998 10.4 10.2/23.5 45.5

source: European Commission - Helsinki Report

Page 24
Canavar, would those numbers speak to Turkish openess or lack of males being admitted to universities? Are women a greater percentage of population?
Hello, yesterday evening in american time the link did not work.

now in american time 7 o'clock in the morning it works.
try it:

If it does not work at your time then
I uploaded the document elsewhere if on 7 o'clock you are not sitting at the computer.

Canavar, would those numbers speak to Turkish openess or lack of males being admitted to universities? Are women a greater percentage of population?

Perhaps i did not said t clear what i meant. This percentages are not Students which go to University. This percentages are the Staff (Doctors, Professors ....) who run the university.
Yes, it is based on openess.

At present we have a female Supreme Court Judge being at the highest judicative position. Tülay Tugcu being HeadJudge at the Supreme Court
--> so highest judicial positions are open for women

In Turkey we have even our own female Imams in the mosques.
----> So the highest position within a mosque is open for women:

From 1993-1995 we had our first Female Prime-Minister Tansu Ciller
----> so the highest state positions are open for women

In 1930s the world's first female aircraft combat pilot was Sabiha Gökcen with over 500 flying hours and who flew missions into Iraq.
Today one of our most experienced F-16 Fighter Pilots who is at the same time Trainer for ongoing pilots is Hürriyet Munanoglu. We call her Turkish Topgun.
Here is a video of her:,4070,2223483-7,00.html
-----> so our army is open for women

Turkish Economy is open for Women. Guler Sabanci (Rank 20) and Imre Barmanbek (Rank 22) are according to "Fortune 50 Most Powerful Women in Business 2005" on Rank 20 and 22
--> so highest economy positions are open for women


But we have a problem in the Turkish Southeast.
Because of Terror over 15 Years in 6 Provinces there was laws by "State of emergency" and not normal civilian laws.
The GDP of turkish Southeast is more than 10 times smaller then other regions.
The biggest problem was, that in Southeast Parents did not send her female children in school.
But turkish Government passed last year a law to punish such Parents even up to jail.
Turkey is now doing everything to break up those Traditions in the southeast.
These areas are mainly kurdish dominated and there are tribal laws, honour killings and soon.
But we will bring civilization into those regions as there are now civilan laws there and not laws by "state of emergencey"

In one sentence: Turkish women rights and status in turkish southeast is catastrophical. Turkish Southeast are 6 Provinces. Whole Turkey has 80 Provinces.

and to your question: yes turkish women are more then turkish men. Statiscally.
But in employment rates there are 16 mio Turkish men who can work and only 6 mio Women. But it is the same level as in Italy for example. <----- this site is really really good for international comprehnsive in labour force.
canavar said:
Hello, yesterday evening in american time the link did not work.

now in american time 7 o'clock in the morning it works.
try it:

If it does not work at your time then
I uploaded the document elsewhere if on 7 o'clock you are not sitting at the computer.

Perhaps i did not said t clear what i meant. This percentages are not Students which go to University. This percentages are the Staff (Doctors, Professors ....) who run the university.
Yes, it is based on openess.

At present we have a female Supreme Court Judge being at the highest judicative position. Tülay Tugcu being HeadJudge at the Supreme Court
--> so highest judicial positions are open for women

In Turkey we have even our own female Imams in the mosques.
----> So the highest position within a mosque is open for women:

From 1993-1995 we had our first Female Prime-Minister Tansu Ciller
----> so the highest state positions are open for women

In 1930s the world's first female aircraft combat pilot was Sabiha Gökcen with over 500 flying hours and who flew missions into Iraq.
Today one of our most experienced F-16 Fighter Pilots who is at the same time Trainer for ongoing pilots is Hürriyet Munanoglu. We call her Turkish Topgun.
Here is a video of her:,4070,2223483-7,00.html
-----> so our army is open for women

Turkish Economy is open for Women. Guler Sabanci (Rank 20) and Imre Barmanbek (Rank 22) are according to "Fortune 50 Most Powerful Women in Business 2005" on Rank 20 and 22
--> so highest economy positions are open for women


But we have a problem in the Turkish Southeast.
Because of Terror over 15 Years in 6 Provinces there was laws by "State of emergency" and not normal civilian laws.
The GDP of turkish Southeast is more than 10 times smaller then other regions.
The biggest problem was, that in Southeast Parents did not send her female children in school.
But turkish Government passed last year a law to punish such Parents even up to jail.
Turkey is now doing everything to break up those Traditions in the southeast.
These areas are mainly kurdish dominated and there are tribal laws, honour killings and soon.
But we will bring civilization into those regions as there are now civilan laws there and not laws by "state of emergencey"

In one sentence: Turkish women rights and status in turkish southeast is catastrophical. Turkish Southeast are 6 Provinces. Whole Turkey has 80 Provinces.

and to your question: yes turkish women are more then turkish men. Statiscally.
But in employment rates there are 16 mio Turkish men who can work and only 6 mio Women. But it is the same level as in Italy for example. <----- this site is really really good for international comprehnsive in labour force.

Thanks for that link, I'll try to look at some of this stuff!

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