People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about the Black Panthers from the 1960s, and the subject of gun control laws came up. He mentioned several things about the connection between gun control and blacks of which I was not aware. Intrigued, I decided to do a bit of research on my own.

The thread title is an excerpt of a quote from Detroit resident General Laney, the founder and prime mover behind a little publicized organization known as the National Black Sportsman's Association, often referred to as "the black gun lobby." Here's the full quote:

"Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

==> More about General Laney

Eldridge Cleaver, a member of the Black Panther Party, had this to say in 1968:

"Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the *******. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."

==> Fascinating information from William R. Tonso, professor of sociology at the University of Evansville

I'll leave the rest for you to read.

How's that for discussion?

Was it a black man that made the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, thus spurring the Brady Bill?
How is that racist?

The only race connection is purely circumstantial in that, percentage-wise, blacks have a higher felony conviction rate.
But I'm sure these same felons still have just as many (if not more) firearms.
Hence the saying, "When you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".

How's that for discussion?

Was it a black man that made the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, thus spurring the Brady Bill?
How is that racist?

The only race connection is purely circumstantial in that, percentage-wise, blacks have a higher felony conviction rate.
But I'm sure these same felons still have just as many (if not more) firearms.
Hence the saying, "When you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".


:lol: Next time, try reading the post before commenting on it. :lol:
How's that for discussion?

Was it a black man that made the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, thus spurring the Brady Bill?
How is that racist?

The only race connection is purely circumstantial in that, percentage-wise, blacks have a higher felony conviction rate.
But I'm sure these same felons still have just as many (if not more) firearms.
Hence the saying, "When you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".


:lol: Next time, try reading the post before commenting on it. :lol:
I admit to being a 'skimmer'..... too many tabs going at once.
While there may have been some factions, at certain times in the past, that had that desire I can't agree that it's *all* about race.

The reason for gun control lies within it's own name.
How's that for discussion?

Was it a black man that made the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, thus spurring the Brady Bill?
How is that racist?

The only race connection is purely circumstantial in that, percentage-wise, blacks have a higher felony conviction rate.
But I'm sure these same felons still have just as many (if not more) firearms.
Hence the saying, "When you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".


:lol: Next time, try reading the post before commenting on it. :lol:
I admit to being a 'skimmer'..... too many tabs going at once.
While there may have been some factions, at certain times in the past, that had that desire I can't agree that it's *all* about race.

The reason for gun control lies within it's own name.

Of course it's not all about race. I posted two quotes which made that immediately obvious. However, as my friend pointed out, there is a racial element to it as he explained to me and as my research demonstrated.
Historically, there were racial elements to voter registration laws. That doesn't mean that modern day laws are racist, or that anyone supporting such laws does so for racist reasons.
Xsited1, ah come on, I give you more credit than believing that nonsense.

Ask a stupid person a question and you get a stupid answer. Next question could be around any topic that is more complex than the completely obvious. And sometimes the completely obvious is debated.

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?" Scott Adams
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about the Black Panthers from the 1960s, and the subject of gun control laws came up. He mentioned several things about the connection between gun control and blacks of which I was not aware. Intrigued, I decided to do a bit of research on my own.

The thread title is an excerpt of a quote from Detroit resident General Laney, the founder and prime mover behind a little publicized organization known as the National Black Sportsman's Association, often referred to as "the black gun lobby." Here's the full quote:

"Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

==> More about General Laney

Eldridge Cleaver, a member of the Black Panther Party, had this to say in 1968:

"Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the *******. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."

==> Fascinating information from William R. Tonso, professor of sociology at the University of Evansville

I'll leave the rest for you to read.


Only those duped hook, line and stinker by political correctness think that. The author of this particular thread is a real k00k however............
Im used to seeing University of Mars stuff on this forum but this is the absurd of the absurd.
The original problem the Black Panhthers had was OPENLY ARMING THEMSELVES.

That's when they police startedf targeting them, folks.

It all went pretty much downhill from that point.

So to some extent Laney is spot on.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about the Black Panthers from the 1960s, and the subject of gun control laws came up. He mentioned several things about the connection between gun control and blacks of which I was not aware. Intrigued, I decided to do a bit of research on my own.

The thread title is an excerpt of a quote from Detroit resident General Laney, the founder and prime mover behind a little publicized organization known as the National Black Sportsman's Association, often referred to as "the black gun lobby." Here's the full quote:

"Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

==> More about General Laney

Eldridge Cleaver, a member of the Black Panther Party, had this to say in 1968:

"Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the *******. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."

==> Fascinating information from William R. Tonso, professor of sociology at the University of Evansville

I'll leave the rest for you to read.


if gun control were race control, the rightwingnuts would love it.

is it more of an urban issue than a rural one? absolutely. but that's because there isn't much opportunity to hunt deer with a glock in new york city.
hmm i remember when the police in philly attacked and burned out 'move'

wonder what scares a white man the most....

blacks with guns or blacks with white women?
hmm i remember when the police in philly attacked and burned out 'move'

wonder what scares a white man the most....

blacks with guns or blacks with white women?

It really depends on the White Man, Stroll.

In my case my worst interracial nightmare is a society where all personal merit is based on one's proformance on the basketball court.

I mean if that was how our society decided who was naughty and who was nice, I'd INSIST that we all need to be armed, too.
Xsited1, ah come on, I give you more credit than believing that nonsense.

Ask a stupid person a question and you get a stupid answer. Next question could be around any topic that is more complex than the completely obvious. And sometimes the completely obvious is debated.

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?" Scott Adams

I didn't ask any questions. I just put it out there for people to discuss. But I will ask you a question: Are you a member of the black community? This is evidently a very important topic for many of them including my friend and the evidence is there to link gun control with racism.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about the Black Panthers from the 1960s, and the subject of gun control laws came up. He mentioned several things about the connection between gun control and blacks of which I was not aware. Intrigued, I decided to do a bit of research on my own.

The thread title is an excerpt of a quote from Detroit resident General Laney, the founder and prime mover behind a little publicized organization known as the National Black Sportsman's Association, often referred to as "the black gun lobby." Here's the full quote:

"Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

==> More about General Laney

Eldridge Cleaver, a member of the Black Panther Party, had this to say in 1968:

"Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the *******. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."

==> Fascinating information from William R. Tonso, professor of sociology at the University of Evansville

I'll leave the rest for you to read.


Only those duped hook, line and stinker by political correctness think that. The author of this particular thread is a real k00k however............
Im used to seeing University of Mars stuff on this forum but this is the absurd of the absurd.

Yet another person who didn't read the original post. What is wrong with you people?

Here's an interesting piece from one of the links:

...the state passed stringent gun-control laws, known as Public Act 372 of 1927. Laney sees those laws aimed squarely at blacks, a reaction to the verdict. "After the Sweet case, the Michigan Legislature said we couldn't allow black people to have guns, and that's how Michigan gun laws come about. Gun control is race control. It has been that way to keep blacks in servitude."

Now learn to read, dammit! Otherwise, you look like a complete idiot.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about the Black Panthers from the 1960s, and the subject of gun control laws came up. He mentioned several things about the connection between gun control and blacks of which I was not aware. Intrigued, I decided to do a bit of research on my own.

The thread title is an excerpt of a quote from Detroit resident General Laney, the founder and prime mover behind a little publicized organization known as the National Black Sportsman's Association, often referred to as "the black gun lobby." Here's the full quote:

"Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

==> More about General Laney

Eldridge Cleaver, a member of the Black Panther Party, had this to say in 1968:

"Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the *******. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."

==> Fascinating information from William R. Tonso, professor of sociology at the University of Evansville

I'll leave the rest for you to read.


if gun control were race control, the rightwingnuts would love it.

is it more of an urban issue than a rural one? absolutely. but that's because there isn't much opportunity to hunt deer with a glock in new york city.

Some rightwingnuts do love it as well as the gun-control crowd. (Yet another person who didn't read the OP. Jeez.)

So read the links and get back with me. You took the time to respond to the OP, surely you'll take the time to read it.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about the Black Panthers from the 1960s, and the subject of gun control laws came up. He mentioned several things about the connection between gun control and blacks of which I was not aware. Intrigued, I decided to do a bit of research on my own.

The thread title is an excerpt of a quote from Detroit resident General Laney, the founder and prime mover behind a little publicized organization known as the National Black Sportsman's Association, often referred to as "the black gun lobby." Here's the full quote:

"Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well."

==> More about General Laney

Eldridge Cleaver, a member of the Black Panther Party, had this to say in 1968:

"Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the *******. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."

==> Fascinating information from William R. Tonso, professor of sociology at the University of Evansville

I'll leave the rest for you to read.


What can I say,
"From back here I've been hit with some of these," Martin says, standing at the shooting line, reminiscing about ricocheting bullets. He unconsciously shields his groin with his hand as he talks. "A woman was shooting, and I got hit right on the head of my dick!" he says. "But it didn't hurt. It just come and fell. So about two, three months later a lady's down here shooting, the damn bullet ricocheted, hit my damn dick. I said 'What the hell's going on here!'
I don't agree that favoring gun control automatically makes one a racist.

But to deny the role race has played in the crafting and passing of gun laws is decidedly naive.

True story :thup:

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