People that Abandon their Pets

I caught this discussion through another thread and wanted to say that it isn't always cruel to shoot strays, unfortunately sometimes it is the kindest thing to do.
I have lived in areas that have a 'feral cat society'. These folks are great, they loaned me traps and when I caught the feral cats they provided vaccinations and sterilization, after which I released the cats. That kept them more healthy and stopped the cat population from growing. I caught over 70 cats in less than a year that I treated this way.
In the area i live now, there are feral cats, there is no 'feral cat society' to provide this service. In this area the cats carry disease and it is common to find dead cats and kittens, dead from the conditions-not killed.
The kindest thing to do here is to put them down. Since feral cats are generally not the affectionate little kitties we all love, the only way is to shoot them or poison them. Both methods are legal here, but the poison method is much more cruel than shooting them.
These cats would not be here if some irresponsible person had not released an unwanted pet into the wild. The domestic house cat is not native to North America, so this is the only way they got here.
I believe that to allow the sickness and starvation to continue is much more cruel than to kill them.
Gotta side with UScitizen on this one.
I caught this discussion through another thread and wanted to say that it isn't always cruel to shoot strays, unfortunately sometimes it is the kindest thing to do.
I have lived in areas that have a 'feral cat society'. These folks are great, they loaned me traps and when I caught the feral cats they provided vaccinations and sterilization, after which I released the cats. That kept them more healthy and stopped the cat population from growing. I caught over 70 cats in less than a year that I treated this way.
In the area i live now, there are feral cats, there is no 'feral cat society' to provide this service. In this area the cats carry disease and it is common to find dead cats and kittens, dead from the conditions-not killed.
The kindest thing to do here is to put them down. Since feral cats are generally not the affectionate little kitties we all love, the only way is to shoot them or poison them. Both methods are legal here, but the poison method is much more cruel than shooting them.
These cats would not be here if some irresponsible person had not released an unwanted pet into the wild. The domestic house cat is not native to North America, so this is the only way they got here.
I believe that to allow the sickness and starvation to continue is much more cruel than to kill them.
Gotta side with UScitizen on this one.

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