People have the nerve to say Parkland kids' comments at the FL town hall were scripted....

You have to be a true believer or freaking dense to think kids who were traumatized by the deaths of other kids could be rallied into a political demonstration a couple of days after the tragedy. I bet if the media was honest and polled the kids as to which federal law they thought was appropriate and which federal law should be amended they would be met with a blank (unscripted) stare.
Fear and anger are very powerful emotions, ones capable of catalyzing both inaction and action in individuals of all ages. Combine either or both emotion with the inveterate optimism of youth, and it's not at all implausible that the MSD teens were impelled to action, particularly when bolstered by their peers and in post hoc defense of their fallen peers.
The above notwithstanding, student activism need not be impelled or cowered by fear or anger. Modern history is replete with students being to action moved for myriad reasons. Fear and anger are but two of the stronger motivators.
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You know why right wing conspiracists are attacking these kids?
Because they are E-F-F-E-C-T-I-V-E.
Not political hacks. Not paid shills. Not indoctrinated. Not character actors.
They are young people of character compelled into action by a horrible crime that cost 17 lives.

That would be a complete lie.

Where were all the questions about the school completely failing, even the FBI failing to catch the deadly shooter?

Oh, but why assign the responsibility, when you can just blame guns... which is what the crazed leftists want to do anyway. They are not Americans and do not believe in the constitution.
So, in summary. The stupid left is now admitting that the Town hall was scripted and nothing more than a bunch of left wing scumbags using the deaths of kids to perpetuate their marxist agenda.

Well, it is about time.
You know why right wing conspiracists are attacking these kids?
Because they are E-F-F-E-C-T-I-V-E.
Not political hacks. Not paid shills. Not indoctrinated. Not character actors.
They are young people of character compelled into action by a horrible crime that cost 17 lives.

That would be a complete lie.

Where were all the questions about the school completely failing, even the FBI failing to catch the deadly shooter?

Oh, but why assign the responsibility, when you can just blame guns... which is what the crazed leftists want to do anyway. They are not Americans and do not believe in the constitution.
Always remember. Everything they blame are white capitalist Christians. Everything that is wrong in the world is their fault. Everything they claim is just code for blaming the free market. The destruction of the world, melting of the ice caps, "oil", guns, all of it.

Remember, does not matter one bit how much oil THEY USE. Does not matter what their CARBON FOOTPRINT is. Makes no difference if they live behind walls and protected by guns, or take tax breaks.

YOU CAN'T. They can, but YOU CAN'T.

They are unreal scumbags, and they are pure simpletons. Too stupid to see their own fucking blatant double talking hypocrisy.

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