Pentagon Art: $600,000 Gurgling Toad Sculpture

No wonder I don't understand art if that is an example of it.

Shit like this and that cowboy poets fuckin society should illustrate to even the most liberal that there is a whole lot of waste that can be purged from the budgets.
Yeah.....we wouldn't want to trouble those military-mechanics....who're legendary for participating in throwing-OUT new/barely-used JUSTIFY maintaining their present-budget.

There are a LOT o' people.....INCLUDING BRASS....who KNOW where all the waste is!!!!
I have no doubt this bit of Government brilliance will reduce our Massive Debt,Massive Unemployment,and Record Poverty. Thank You Government.
Wasting money on so called art for public buildings is a flat out crime.

Personally I think ALL government buildings should be strictly utilitarian structures. All furniture should be plain Jane function over form and should cost the taxpayer the absolute bare minimum.

Agreed, they just need to do their job, not do it in luxury. Too many of these politicians act like they are royalty.
.....And, why shouldn't they expect to get-away-with-it......when the only heat they get, is:

"Whoever made that purchasing decision is a complete moron."


"Too many of these politicians act like they are royalty."


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