Pelosi's Delay Was Because They Needed To Get Their Fake Stories Lined Up


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The problem with every one of the Democrat Party's scams is that they seem too well timed. On the surface they appear difficult to believe....but they always seem to have someone ready to make a public announcement in the press that supports whatever fraudulent issue they're pushing at the moment. You have to assume the worst of Donald J. Trump to believe that he is guilty of these horrible crimes....but that's been the plan all along. That is why they've been trashing the president in the press to such an extent. To create hatred in the public. That way...anything they make up could be believable. Classic brainwashing 101.

Everyone was shocked that Nancy Pelosi withheld turning over the articles of impeachment for roughly a month. Some people thought she was going to use it to hang over the head of the president forever and never turn them over to the Senate and not have her shoddy work exposed. Well, in part, that's what she eventually admitted to. She bragged on news programs and HBO that Donald Trump was now impeached "FOREVER"....fulfilling predictions that most on the right had been making since the left started making accusations of their so-called impeachable offenses. The impeachment was admittedly purely political. The impeachment is, according to Pelosi, "sad and tragic, and follows the constitution.....but TRUMP IS NOW IMPEACHED FOREVER!!!" This appears to be the only promise that Pelosi has delivered to her voters....a clown-show impeachment using fake evidence that is pure hearsay and based on nothing but opinion.

Pelosi claimed that she wanted fairness when she hung onto the articles. Everyone laughed at her weak attempts to bully the Senate. Now we discover that the delay was for several other reasons....but the primary reason was so they could plan media releases that supported their positions.

They had to get their phony Ducks in a row first.

Some people even claim it was because her custom made gold pens hadn't arrived from Amazon yet. But what they really wanted to do was get a witness who wasn't even at the trial to drop a bombshell. So right on cue, the very day they announced they would be turning over the articles, one miraculously drops.

Fake news story #1 - So-called Trump insider Lev Parnas claimed to the press that he knew Trump knew everything.....but what we have discovered is Lev Parnas has never met Trump and is currently under indictment for criminal activity. This is their bombshell witness. Someone who never had to be put under oath. Only an idiot with TSP would buy this load of crap. Not only did the Dems use someone who was never under oath as an outside witness...but this guy is a Russian born operative.

The Democrats have some balls. I bet their supporters on the left think this is brilliant. The primary difference between Lev Parnas and Michael Cohen is he's Russian Soviet. Democrats can always find a felon that's willing to spill the beans for a few inducements....maybe a lighter sentence. But now they're importing them.

Fake news story #2 - The GAO claims that Trump broke the law when he withheld funds to Ukraine. Problem with this story is they had to cherry pick the law to be able to make this claim. Who cares that Public Law 116-6 supports the president's right to hold onto funds for any reason he deems necessary. A law signed by Trump in 2019. Text - H.J.Res.31 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019

The law does not state deadlines for releasing some or all of the funds. It says only that the funds must be disbursed before the end of the fiscal year. Trump released them in September 2019, long before the fiscal year ended.​


Who is Lev Parnas? Soviet-born operator thrust into Trump impeachment scandal

Text - H.J.Res.31 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019
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The Lev Parnas bombshell in a nutshell:

January 18, 2020
Pelosi's Pen not Mightier than Trump's Sword
By Daniel John Sobieski

One hates to think that the reason Nancy Pelosi delayed delivery of the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial was that her order for commemorative pens hadn’t come in yet. What’s a somber occasion like an impeachment without a commemorative pen? Don’t forget to pose for pictures with a smiling Pelosi on the way to the after party, And for a mere $19.99 donation to the DNC you can get a framed copy of the gibberish convicted Lev Parnas scribbled on a hotel notepad, part of the “additional evidence” in the smoke-and-mirrors drama Democrats hope to make into a mini-series.

Lev Parnas is the latest in a series of lying felons used by Democrats to slime President Trump in vain and follows in the proud tradition of Michael Cohen and Michael Avenatti. Each time one of these clowns is introduced, we are told that this is Trump’s swan song, that the walls are closing in. Parnas is a lawbreaker like Cohen and Avenatti who hopes to get a better deal in exchange for more lies.

The Democrats want to call him as a witness in the Senate even though they could have and didn’t in the House. Maybe they already had too many hearsay witnesses with no direct knowledge of the Ukraine phone call to use one that could have testified in his orange jumpsuit.

Pelosi was “sad” at the signing, we are told, as she and a grinning-from-ear-to-ear Rep. Carolyn Maloney, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chair, held up their celebratory pens in this somber photo-op. Even Rep. Maxine Waters, who didn’t seem to be mourning for our democracy, got a pen. 45 has been impeached and will be forever impeached, according to Pelosi.

The Articles of Impeachment could have been written and signed in crayon, since they were written by people dumber than a fifth grader, or perhaps an etch-a-sketch, since they constantly are changing and may change yet again. The overwhelming and iron-clad case against Trump requires more witnesses, witnesses that weren’t called when the House had the chance. Pelosi could have contested things like executive privilege in court early on but were told we had no time for courts, just as we had no time for things like due process and the right to confront one’s accuser.
The Lev Parnas bombshell in a nutshell:

January 18, 2020
Pelosi's Pen not Mightier than Trump's Sword
By Daniel John Sobieski

One hates to think that the reason Nancy Pelosi delayed delivery of the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial was that her order for commemorative pens hadn’t come in yet. What’s a somber occasion like an impeachment without a commemorative pen? Don’t forget to pose for pictures with a smiling Pelosi on the way to the after party, And for a mere $19.99 donation to the DNC you can get a framed copy of the gibberish convicted Lev Parnas scribbled on a hotel notepad, part of the “additional evidence” in the smoke-and-mirrors drama Democrats hope to make into a mini-series.

Lev Parnas is the latest in a series of lying felons used by Democrats to slime President Trump in vain and follows in the proud tradition of Michael Cohen and Michael Avenatti. Each time one of these clowns is introduced, we are told that this is Trump’s swan song, that the walls are closing in. Parnas is a lawbreaker like Cohen and Avenatti who hopes to get a better deal in exchange for more lies.

The Democrats want to call him as a witness in the Senate even though they could have and didn’t in the House. Maybe they already had too many hearsay witnesses with no direct knowledge of the Ukraine phone call to use one that could have testified in his orange jumpsuit.

Pelosi was “sad” at the signing, we are told, as she and a grinning-from-ear-to-ear Rep. Carolyn Maloney, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chair, held up their celebratory pens in this somber photo-op. Even Rep. Maxine Waters, who didn’t seem to be mourning for our democracy, got a pen. 45 has been impeached and will be forever impeached, according to Pelosi.

The Articles of Impeachment could have been written and signed in crayon, since they were written by people dumber than a fifth grader, or perhaps an etch-a-sketch, since they constantly are changing and may change yet again. The overwhelming and iron-clad case against Trump requires more witnesses, witnesses that weren’t called when the House had the chance. Pelosi could have contested things like executive privilege in court early on but were told we had no time for courts, just as we had no time for things like due process and the right to confront one’s accuser.

Do the people from the Left on this board know what is going to happen if witnesses are called, lol.

We know EXACTLY what the Left has. They have hearsay and innuendo. Does the Left know what the Presidents team has? Nope! And I betcha a buck 3.80 they have fact witnesses.

Let us all understand that---------------->All they have to do is prove ANY quid-pro-quo from the Biden family to justify what went on for morality's sake, and it wasn't even illegal. Not only will it vindicate Trump, but destroy Biden in the process. The Left is taking a huge gamble, and I believe it is not worth the risk; but then again-------------->they know they have little choice as of this writing.
Concerning the fake opinion of the GAO:

January 18, 2020
Deep Statism behind the GAO’s decision about Trump’s Ukraine funding
By Andrea Widburg

Democrats adored the Government Accountability Office press release reporting that Trump broke the law when he failed immediately to disburse the funds Congress had allocated to Ukraine. It didn’t matter that the GAO was in such a hurry to get the word out that it didn’t have an opinion prepared. What mattered was to smear Trump as quickly as possible. Here, said Democrats in Congress and the media, was more proof that Trump must be impeached.

Fortunately, sensible conservatives have learned to wait before panicking. Within hours, Joel Pollak was able to detail the seven times the GAO tagged President Obama for breaking federal laws without any repercussions:

Nevertheless, if a mere GAO finding is sufficient to justify impeachment, then President Barack Obama ought to have been impeached at least seven times over for each of the following cases in which the GAO found that the Obama administration had violated federal law.

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and United States Secret Service (USSS) were found to have violated section 503 of the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, and the Antideficiency Act, in 2009 after the Secret Service reported that it had overspent on candidate protection in 2008 by $5,100,000, and used money from another program to cover the shortfall. DHS failed to notify Congress 15 days in advance of the “reprogramming.”
  • The Department of the Treasury was found to have violated the Antideficiency Act in 2014 when it used the voluntary services of four individuals. “Treasury did not appoint any of the individuals to federal employment, nor did any individual qualify as a student who may, under certain circumstances, perform voluntary service,” the GAO found, adding that there was no emergency that might have justified using the individuals to perform several months of work without receiving pay.
  • The Department of Defense was found to have violated the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 and the Antideficiency Act in the infamous Bowe Bergdahl swap, when President Barack Obama traded five high-level Taliban detainees for a U.S. Army deserter. The administration transferred the five Taliban from Guantanamo Bay without notifying relevant congressional committees 30 days in advance, as required by law. Republicans complained; Democrats were silent.
(You can see the other four violations here.)

It’s also entirely possible that the GAO’s anti-Trump animus led it into making a legal error.

The money for Ukraine was part of Public Law 116-6, which Trump signed in February 2019. The law does not state deadlines for releasing some or all of the funds. It says only that the funds must be disbursed before the end of the fiscal year. Trump released them in September 2019, long before the fiscal year ended.

The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (“ICA”), which the GAO cites to support its eventual decision, states a procedure if the President will hold onto the funds after the fiscal year ends. However, the ICA's language does not require the President to release the funds on a specific point before the fiscal year ends. Nor is their any language stating that the President must notify Congress if he merely considers taking advantage of the procedure to delay disbursing funds until after the fiscal year ends.

The GAO also errs when it claims that the ICA does not allow temporary holds on funds during the fiscal year for “policy reasons.” That’s not in the ICA, and 2 U.S.C. § 683 states the opposite:

Whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons. . . . (Emphasis added.)

In other words, it appears that the GAO cherry-picked legislative history to add restrictions that are not in the statute’s plain text, which is a no-no in statutory interpretation. Moreover, David Rivkin points out that presidents have often used foreign policy decisions (which are part of their constitutional purview) to determine how to disburse foreign aid..................
Pelosi's delay was to keep the crackpot in the White House occupied through the holidays.
The problem with every one of the Democrat Party's scams is that they seem too well timed. On the surface they appear difficult to believe....but they always seem to have someone ready to make a public announcement in the press that supports whatever fraudulent issue they're pushing at the moment. You have to assume the worst of Donald J. Trump to believe that he is guilty of these horrible crimes....but that's been the plan all along. That is why they've been trashing the president in the press to such an extent. To create hatred in the public. That way...anything they make up could be believable. Classic brainwashing 101.

Everyone was shocked that Nancy Pelosi withheld turning over the articles of impeachment for roughly a month. Some people thought she was going to use it to hang over the head of the president forever and never turn them over to the Senate and not have her shoddy work exposed. Well, in part, that's what she eventually admitted to. She bragged on news programs and HBO that Donald Trump was now impeached "FOREVER"....fulfilling predictions that most on the right had been making since the left started making accusations of their so-called impeachable offenses. The impeachment was admittedly purely political. The impeachment is, according to Pelosi, "sad and tragic, and follows the constitution.....but TRUMP IS NOW IMPEACHED FOREVER!!!" This appears to be the only promise that Pelosi has delivered to her voters....a clown-show impeachment using fake evidence that is pure hearsay and based on nothing but opinion.

Pelosi claimed that she wanted fairness when she hung onto the articles. Everyone laughed at her weak attempts to bully the Senate. Now we discover that the delay was for several other reasons....but the primary reason was so they could plan media releases that supported their positions.

They had to get their phony Ducks in a row first.

Some people even claim it was because her custom made gold pens hadn't arrived from Amazon yet. But what they really wanted to do was get a witness who wasn't even at the trial to drop a bombshell. So right on cue, the very day they announced they would be turning over the articles, one miraculously drops. So-called Trump insider Lev Parnas claimed to the press that he knew Trump knew everything.....but what we have discovered is Lev Parnas has never met Trump and is currently under indictment for criminal activity. This is their bombshell witness. Someone who never had to be put under oath. Only an idiot with TSP would buy this load of crap. Not only did the Dems use someone who was never under oath as an outside witness...but this guy is a Russian born operative. GOOD GOD!!!! The Democrats have some balls. I bet their supporters on the left think this is brilliant. The primary difference between Lev Parnas and Michael Cohen is he's Russian Soviet. Democrats can always find a felon that's willing to spill the beans for a few inducements....maybe a lighter sentence. But now they're importing them.


Who is Lev Parnas? Soviet-born operator thrust into Trump impeachment scandal

How can you say that Lev Parnas has never met Trump when there are pictures of them together?
I wonder how many go fund me accounts the Dems. started for old Lev. They usually give two of them for perjury alleging criminal behavior by any Republican target.
Do you honestly think that Donald Trump "knows" everyone who has had their picture taken with him?

I am willing to bet if Parnas had multiple pictures of him with Obama or Hillary -- you wouldn't say what you are saying now...stop being a hack.....

Parnas was brought into Trump's circle by Trump's own attorney.....blame him if you don't like the blowback from the people Trump associates himself with....Democrats didn't force Giuliani to buddy up with Lev and Igor..
Do you honestly think that Donald Trump "knows" everyone who has had their picture taken with him?


Way to move the goal post....the post I responded to said "never met" and now it is "know", you make such an excellent partisan drone!

Well done!
I wonder how many go fund me accounts the Dems. started for old Lev. They usually give two of them for perjury alleging criminal behavior by any Republican target.
I wonder why the only lawyers who first represented Lev and Igor were Trump lawyers like John Dowd, Giuliani, Victoria Toensing, Joe diGenova -- why are all of these people so connected to Lev??

Did Democrats make them do it??
Concerning the fake opinion of the GAO:

January 18, 2020
Deep Statism behind the GAO’s decision about Trump’s Ukraine funding
By Andrea Widburg

Democrats adored the Government Accountability Office press release reporting that Trump broke the law when he failed immediately to disburse the funds Congress had allocated to Ukraine. It didn’t matter that the GAO was in such a hurry to get the word out that it didn’t have an opinion prepared. What mattered was to smear Trump as quickly as possible. Here, said Democrats in Congress and the media, was more proof that Trump must be impeached.

Fortunately, sensible conservatives have learned to wait before panicking. Within hours, Joel Pollak was able to detail the seven times the GAO tagged President Obama for breaking federal laws without any repercussions:

Nevertheless, if a mere GAO finding is sufficient to justify impeachment, then President Barack Obama ought to have been impeached at least seven times over for each of the following cases in which the GAO found that the Obama administration had violated federal law.

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and United States Secret Service (USSS) were found to have violated section 503 of the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, and the Antideficiency Act, in 2009 after the Secret Service reported that it had overspent on candidate protection in 2008 by $5,100,000, and used money from another program to cover the shortfall. DHS failed to notify Congress 15 days in advance of the “reprogramming.”
  • The Department of the Treasury was found to have violated the Antideficiency Act in 2014 when it used the voluntary services of four individuals. “Treasury did not appoint any of the individuals to federal employment, nor did any individual qualify as a student who may, under certain circumstances, perform voluntary service,” the GAO found, adding that there was no emergency that might have justified using the individuals to perform several months of work without receiving pay.
  • The Department of Defense was found to have violated the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 and the Antideficiency Act in the infamous Bowe Bergdahl swap, when President Barack Obama traded five high-level Taliban detainees for a U.S. Army deserter. The administration transferred the five Taliban from Guantanamo Bay without notifying relevant congressional committees 30 days in advance, as required by law. Republicans complained; Democrats were silent.
(You can see the other four violations here.)

It’s also entirely possible that the GAO’s anti-Trump animus led it into making a legal error.

The money for Ukraine was part of Public Law 116-6, which Trump signed in February 2019. The law does not state deadlines for releasing some or all of the funds. It says only that the funds must be disbursed before the end of the fiscal year. Trump released them in September 2019, long before the fiscal year ended.

The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (“ICA”), which the GAO cites to support its eventual decision, states a procedure if the President will hold onto the funds after the fiscal year ends. However, the ICA's language does not require the President to release the funds on a specific point before the fiscal year ends. Nor is their any language stating that the President must notify Congress if he merely considers taking advantage of the procedure to delay disbursing funds until after the fiscal year ends.

The GAO also errs when it claims that the ICA does not allow temporary holds on funds during the fiscal year for “policy reasons.” That’s not in the ICA, and 2 U.S.C. § 683 states the opposite:

Whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons. . . . (Emphasis added.)

In other words, it appears that the GAO cherry-picked legislative history to add restrictions that are not in the statute’s plain text, which is a no-no in statutory interpretation. Moreover, David Rivkin points out that presidents have often used foreign policy decisions (which are part of their constitutional purview) to determine how to disburse foreign aid..................

What crap! The blogger says, "It didn’t matter that the GAO was in such a hurry to get the word out that it didn’t have an opinion prepared."

The GAO issued its opinion on Jan. 16, 2020. What won't you swallow?
Do you honestly think that Donald Trump "knows" everyone who has had their picture taken with him?

I am willing to bet if Parnas had multiple pictures of him with Obama or Hillary -- you wouldn't say what you are saying now...stop being a hack.....

Parnas was brought into Trump's circle by Trump's own attorney.....blame him if you don't like the blowback from the people Trump associates himself with....Democrats didn't force Giuliani to buddy up with Lev and Igor..

I read that Lev Parnas actually worked for Trump's dad back in the 80s. That is one hell of a coincidence
Do you honestly think that Donald Trump "knows" everyone who has had their picture taken with him?

I am willing to bet if Parnas had multiple pictures of him with Obama or Hillary -- you wouldn't say what you are saying now...stop being a hack.....

Parnas was brought into Trump's circle by Trump's own attorney.....blame him if you don't like the blowback from the people Trump associates himself with....Democrats didn't force Giuliani to buddy up with Lev and Igor..
Yeah....but the guy is under indictment...which makes him a classic target for bribery....which is one of Obama's specialties.
Do you honestly think that Donald Trump "knows" everyone who has had their picture taken with him?

I am willing to bet if Parnas had multiple pictures of him with Obama or Hillary -- you wouldn't say what you are saying now...stop being a hack.....

Parnas was brought into Trump's circle by Trump's own attorney.....blame him if you don't like the blowback from the people Trump associates himself with....Democrats didn't force Giuliani to buddy up with Lev and Igor..

I read that Lev Parnas actually worked for Trump's dad back in the 80s. That is one hell of a coincidence
and if there is so much as a story that Lev watched a movie at the same theater and same time that Obama's daughter's ex-boyfriend watched a movie -- Trumpers will say it is proof that Obama did something....Benghazi!!
Do you honestly think that Donald Trump "knows" everyone who has had their picture taken with him?

I am willing to bet if Parnas had multiple pictures of him with Obama or Hillary -- you wouldn't say what you are saying now...stop being a hack.....

Parnas was brought into Trump's circle by Trump's own attorney.....blame him if you don't like the blowback from the people Trump associates himself with....Democrats didn't force Giuliani to buddy up with Lev and Igor..
Yeah....but the guy is under indictment...which makes him a classic target for bribery....which is one of Obama's specialties.
What does Obama's specialties mean?? Do you allow this type of dumb shit to fly in other aspects of your life??

If you found texts of your wife that showed she was having an affair...and when you confront her, she says...."It's Obama and the Deep State" -- are you going to be like..."you might be right, that is one of his specialties"

Why do you people avoid the theory of Occam's razor when it relates to your cult leader??

If Obama's personal lawyer was indicted..and that lawyer began to give evidence against Obama -- none of you will be dismissing it like you are dismissing things for Trump now...
Concerning the fake opinion of the GAO:

January 18, 2020
Deep Statism behind the GAO’s decision about Trump’s Ukraine funding
By Andrea Widburg

Democrats adored the Government Accountability Office press release reporting that Trump broke the law when he failed immediately to disburse the funds Congress had allocated to Ukraine. It didn’t matter that the GAO was in such a hurry to get the word out that it didn’t have an opinion prepared. What mattered was to smear Trump as quickly as possible. Here, said Democrats in Congress and the media, was more proof that Trump must be impeached.

Fortunately, sensible conservatives have learned to wait before panicking. Within hours, Joel Pollak was able to detail the seven times the GAO tagged President Obama for breaking federal laws without any repercussions:

Nevertheless, if a mere GAO finding is sufficient to justify impeachment, then President Barack Obama ought to have been impeached at least seven times over for each of the following cases in which the GAO found that the Obama administration had violated federal law.

  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and United States Secret Service (USSS) were found to have violated section 503 of the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, and the Antideficiency Act, in 2009 after the Secret Service reported that it had overspent on candidate protection in 2008 by $5,100,000, and used money from another program to cover the shortfall. DHS failed to notify Congress 15 days in advance of the “reprogramming.”
  • The Department of the Treasury was found to have violated the Antideficiency Act in 2014 when it used the voluntary services of four individuals. “Treasury did not appoint any of the individuals to federal employment, nor did any individual qualify as a student who may, under certain circumstances, perform voluntary service,” the GAO found, adding that there was no emergency that might have justified using the individuals to perform several months of work without receiving pay.
  • The Department of Defense was found to have violated the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 and the Antideficiency Act in the infamous Bowe Bergdahl swap, when President Barack Obama traded five high-level Taliban detainees for a U.S. Army deserter. The administration transferred the five Taliban from Guantanamo Bay without notifying relevant congressional committees 30 days in advance, as required by law. Republicans complained; Democrats were silent.
(You can see the other four violations here.)

It’s also entirely possible that the GAO’s anti-Trump animus led it into making a legal error.

The money for Ukraine was part of Public Law 116-6, which Trump signed in February 2019. The law does not state deadlines for releasing some or all of the funds. It says only that the funds must be disbursed before the end of the fiscal year. Trump released them in September 2019, long before the fiscal year ended.

The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (“ICA”), which the GAO cites to support its eventual decision, states a procedure if the President will hold onto the funds after the fiscal year ends. However, the ICA's language does not require the President to release the funds on a specific point before the fiscal year ends. Nor is their any language stating that the President must notify Congress if he merely considers taking advantage of the procedure to delay disbursing funds until after the fiscal year ends.

The GAO also errs when it claims that the ICA does not allow temporary holds on funds during the fiscal year for “policy reasons.” That’s not in the ICA, and 2 U.S.C. § 683 states the opposite:

Whenever the President determines that all or part of any budget authority will not be required to carry out the full objectives or scope of programs for which it is provided or that such budget authority should be rescinded for fiscal policy or other reasons. . . . (Emphasis added.)

In other words, it appears that the GAO cherry-picked legislative history to add restrictions that are not in the statute’s plain text, which is a no-no in statutory interpretation. Moreover, David Rivkin points out that presidents have often used foreign policy decisions (which are part of their constitutional purview) to determine how to disburse foreign aid..................

What crap! The blogger says, "It didn’t matter that the GAO was in such a hurry to get the word out that it didn’t have an opinion prepared."

The GAO issued its opinion on Jan. 16, 2020. What won't you swallow?
Yep...thanks for the info.....issued it's opinion around the time Pelosi announced she was turning the articles of impeachment over.
Why didn't they issue this bullshit announcement before the impeachment hearings were voted on????
The so-called crime happened in September of 2019. What took them so long?

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