Pelosi's (D) tries to reason w/ Boehner (R)

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
She's right!!! :mad: Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill :eusa_doh: to score political points. :eusa_naughty: I know because I got her Tweet :)

Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Do Not Walk Away from the American People Again | The Gavel
In a letter to Speaker Boehner, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi reminded him that Republicans last year held hostage the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment benefits, demanding that the Bush upper-income tax cuts must be extended for two years, and have walked away from numerous bipartisan efforts this year.

Pelosi wrote that she is “hopeful that reason will prevail in your Conference” to pass the bipartisan Senate compromise to extend the payroll tax.
Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill to score political points.

How do you do the 1st, but get the second??
She's right!!! :mad: Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill :eusa_doh: to score political points. :eusa_naughty: I know because I got her Tweet :)

Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Do Not Walk Away from the American People Again | The Gavel
In a letter to Speaker Boehner, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi reminded him that Republicans last year held hostage the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment benefits, demanding that the Bush upper-income tax cuts must be extended for two years, and have walked away from numerous bipartisan efforts this year.

Pelosi wrote that she is “hopeful that reason will prevail in your Conference” to pass the bipartisan Senate compromise to extend the payroll tax.

Yeah, right. The do nothing Democrat Senate fails again and the failure is called a success and the success in the House is called a failure.

Charles Krauthammer suggests that the House pass the Senate bill with one change: Make the end date December 31, 2012.

Then send it back to the Senate for their approval.

The Senate won't pass anything, not a budget, no important bills and nothing to help anyone. Typical Dems. Talk like you care then screw the guys you say want to help.
Why shouldn't the Democrats PLAY their stupid games.

They know their dumb sheep will fall for it..and then pass it around..

man oh man...what a sad state when they post crap from Pelosi who should be kicked out of congress for all her shady dealings. yet they applaud her.
Tell me what good does a two month extension do?

The problem with the so called leaders in DC is that they have no vision, no plan and no fucking clue.

They're budgeting day to day and that is no way to run a country.

We have no long term economic strategy
We have no long term energy strategy
We have no long term immigration strategy

Do you see the problem yet?
I'm waiting for the day when Pelosis plastic face melts away and what little brain she has falls out through the opening.
She's right!!! :mad: Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill :eusa_doh: to score political points. :eusa_naughty: I know because I got her Tweet :)

Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Do Not Walk Away from the American People Again | The Gavel
In a letter to Speaker Boehner, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi reminded him that Republicans last year held hostage the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment benefits, demanding that the Bush upper-income tax cuts must be extended for two years, and have walked away from numerous bipartisan efforts this year.

Pelosi wrote that she is “hopeful that reason will prevail in your Conference” to pass the bipartisan Senate compromise to extend the payroll tax.

They will never listen to Pelosi, she makes too much sense for Teaparty butt kissers like Boehner and Cantor.
She's right!!! :mad: Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill :eusa_doh: to score political points. :eusa_naughty: I know because I got her Tweet :)

Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Do Not Walk Away from the American People Again | The Gavel
In a letter to Speaker Boehner, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi reminded him that Republicans last year held hostage the payroll tax cut and extension of unemployment benefits, demanding that the Bush upper-income tax cuts must be extended for two years, and have walked away from numerous bipartisan efforts this year.

Pelosi wrote that she is “hopeful that reason will prevail in your Conference” to pass the bipartisan Senate compromise to extend the payroll tax.

They will never listen to Pelosi, she makes too much sense for Teaparty butt kissers like Boehner and Cantor.

why should they listen to her. she is a nobody.
She's right!!! :mad: Don't walk away from millions of working people because you want to attach ANOTHER rider to a bill :eusa_doh: to score political points. :eusa_naughty: I know because I got her Tweet :)

Pelosi Letter to Boehner: Do Not Walk Away from the American People Again | The Gavel

They will never listen to Pelosi, she makes too much sense for Teaparty butt kissers like Boehner and Cantor.

why should they listen to her. she is a nobody.

Well, because they're stupid and she can help them make some sense of things.
Tell me what good does a two month extension do?

The problem with the so called leaders in DC is that they have no vision, no plan and no fucking clue.

They're budgeting day to day and that is no way to run a country.

We have no long term economic strategy
We have no long term energy strategy
We have no long term immigration strategy

Do you see the problem yet?

Keeps people's taxes from going up on January 1st.

You can keep talking beyond that, but no one is going to listen.

Good luck with trying to get all esotericy over the nuances of just raising someone's taxes.
Why shouldn't the Democrats PLAY their stupid games.

They know their dumb sheep will fall for it..and then pass it around..

man oh man...what a sad state when they post crap from Pelosi who should be kicked out of congress for all her shady dealings. yet they applaud her.

Ummm..... the Murdoch (Fox) owned Wall St Journal savaged Boehner over this :eusa_whistle:
WSJ: GOP a 'circular firing squad'
The GOP's Payroll Tax Fiasco
How did Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?
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Why shouldn't the Democrats PLAY their stupid games.

They know their dumb sheep will fall for it..and then pass it around..

man oh man...what a sad state when they post crap from Pelosi who should be kicked out of congress for all her shady dealings. yet they applaud her.

Ummm..... the Murdoch (Fox) owned Wall St Journal savaged Boehner over this :eusa_whistle:

WSJ: GOP a 'circular firing squad' - MJ Lee -
WSJ: GOP a 'circular firing squad'

Review & Outlook: The GOP's Payroll Tax Fiasco -
The GOP's Payroll Tax Fiasco
How did Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?

well, I hope it's one you liberals here who buy a home next year, ENJOY being the one to PAY FOR THIS. serves you right.
It is almost like no one knows that the payroll tax cut is only temporary, the increase next year of 2 1/2 percent has already been signed. Get rid of that increase, approve Keystone, do some good and the democrats have got deal.

Democrats intend only what is the most harmful.
It is almost like no one knows that the payroll tax cut is only temporary, the increase next year of 2 1/2 percent has already been signed. Get rid of that increase, approve Keystone, do some good and the democrats have got deal.

Democrats intend only what is the most harmful.

They don't care, they got their talking points from their masters and by golly they are going to stick with it.
It is almost like no one knows that the payroll tax cut is only temporary, the increase next year of 2 1/2 percent has already been signed. Get rid of that increase, approve Keystone, do some good and the democrats have got deal.

Democrats intend only what is the most harmful.

They don't care, they got their talking points from their masters and by golly they are going to stick with it.

Why wouldn't Boehner allow it to be voted on?
I'd love to see Boehner (R) slap the shit out of Pelosi (D) on national tv and then say he didn't do it. It would be a "visual" Pelosi kind of lie.

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